cago, April 2, and continues to April 9. This is the big garden and flower show of the year and its fame has *spread throughout the country. In order that the garden enthu- siasts and flower-loy.ers of Wil mette may have an opportinity to better view this ýmagnificenit show, the Eve- ning Garden Club of Wilmette bas *arranged to. attend in a group the evening of Wednesday, April 6. Its mûembers will, be accomùpanied by the mémibers of -the Wilmiette Garden club and they also cordially invite al other flower loyers- of Wilmette to join -thtbe. The group will gather at the pier at 5 o'clock and spend two.hours to-, gethe.r among the exhibits. Every opportunity will be afforded to. see the exhibits at t he ir. best. At 7 *o'clock al Will.gather at the entrance to the main dining room of the show and then havre dinner together. Res- ervations :are being taken by tele- plhone and those wishing to go are asked to notifv éitlier Paul Lang, of 933 -Ashland avenue, president, or W'ilfred Gillies, 1729 WVashingtonl avenue. The entriesl. of the. Evening Gar- den club this year are under the supervision of: Mrs. Gordon Wilson. This club last year won a silver miedal for the excellence. of the shadow box arranged by Mrs. Wilson. This was *onxe of the very few silver mnedals awarded 'and was esteenied a great honor~ by the club. The entries this year will he a scenic box, by request, * rranged byMrs. Wilson;,a Uit1ed Mrs. Ralph Jefnings, çolnpetilng ini the tables of natior s class; and a liv- ing r o om bouque,. arrangement b% Mirs. David Hall, competing ini the class for spécial occasion tables. NeëxtKenglwor-th Club E vent Suggests Sp.eing "In the spring a young ýman'.s f ancv ightly turns to thoughts of love an d gardening and sea side romances and - on 1" -qa. svs the, Kenil- Aprit,9, at 8 'clock. For those whô do nc't dance, card tables wilI be set up ini the lounge. Hosts and hostesses for the evc-. ning are to bec 11r. and Mrs. H. C. Toeppen, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Johnt Borncamp., Mr. and Mrs. Harry A., Barnbill, Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Crossley, and Mrs. Harvey A. Craig, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Clarke. Gapen, MIr. and Mrs. Charles W. Robb, Jr., Mr; and Mrs. William. A. Richard- son, Mr. and, Mrs. A. M. Anderson, and, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Steen. This season a departure f romr the usual admission priée bas been made and the admission for two is what it was for one last year. Garden Talks W1-1I Be- Given Dadly at State Floiver Show -A course of illustrated lectures, 011 garden ig by authorities of naetional réputation will be given at the Spring Flower show to be held by the Gar- den Club of Illinois on the N.avy pier. openiîÎg April 2. .The lectures will be open to al show vsitors.withlout charge. The opening se ssion in the lecture hall will be at 2 o'clock, Saturday, April 2.which will be Children's day at the. show. The junior garden clubs will present a gardeti symposium under the direction of Mrs. George J. Ar-, beiter, of Joliet, state chairnian of the junior clubs.' Meuiners of the junior clubs wlll1 present a prograin of songs and dramnatic sketches iii costume. Mrs. T. J. Knudson, of Springfield. Ill., will sh ow lanterti slides depicting the activities of 3,000) school gardeners of ýpringfie1d.- 11 An e veint which ail lovers of iris wvll~elcome, is the illustrated lecture. nnt "*Interesting Plants for the Car- den and Rock Garden," which w111 be given Sundav aftertnon at 3 cl~,by Iirs, Silas E. WVaters, oi Cincinnati, Ohio. 1r s. a t e r s is a wornan of wealth, whose garden contains one of the fine24, collec- *Miss Heleti Speer of Livausstoii i s a nieni ber of the comrittee i11 charge of the bridge tea and fasii shoïktihe rccentlv orpîaiiized Keen- ilwortlî Infant Wefare board is Oiiy t the,,Ketilwaorth club W'ed- îî.dvafterizooit, April 13. The * evcnit is tise board'sfirst leuefit for tise Secward Park Infant Welfarc stAtin1tehose suipport it has as- sssîîs'dý frorntihe Kepiilworth Neiqis - Mrs. Hamvilton Bonnet of Evanston and Miss Virgiinia Belt of Keinilworth are other meinhers of the committee which is headed by Mrs. John Leonard Fix of Evanston. Those who will be. mannequins dis- playing spring's newest modes are the Misses Virginia BeIt, Virginia Prus- sing, Hclene Seibold, H1elén Speer, Dorothy Darling, Charlotte Hamilton, jean Thackery, jean Marx, Elizabeth Alger, Elizabeth Freudenreich, and Mrsý. Helen Snyder, Mrs. Herbert Bartling, Mrs, Charles Driver, and Mrs. 1.E Mitteln. cateci comeuy Loiug( n Stewart, which they Will present Fri- day- and Saturday evenings, April 22 and 23. Dancing will follow both per- formlces-of this, their gala spning pérformance, and the season's finale. In . presenting '!Rebou nd," t:hese Shawnee actors 'and actresses wil give the Premier am ateur ,perform- ance of the. play on the north shore. Snmart and sophisticated dialogue,, at- tractive sets, and modish, modern cos- tumes give verve -to the play whiclh was.given*professionally at the Good- man theater last year, was given in motion pictures version not long ago withIna Claire as its star, and was included lin Burns Mantle's ten best playsfor '1930. The Shawnee Players came into existence three year ago, but only this season . organized as a definite little, theater group. with their. pur- pose the -Production, of worth .while. dramnatics within the club. *Their first year's plays were "Ricli Man, Poor Mani," by Bertha Butrrill of Wilmette; "You and 1" by Philip Barry, and "Haîf 'and. Hou,".. i james Barrie, which they entered iii the. Dramna leaguie contest- at the Goodman as' one ofý sixteeni group)s competing. Iii their second season, just one production waàs in-,their repertoire and th-at as "Cradlle Sniatchers."> 'Cock Robini," a farce .mvstery, opened this season's vork. a play whichi was directed, as is ,"Rebounid," *by Miss .Dorothy Proesclî. In Charge of Kenilworth Garden Club's ExJiibit Mrs. Frank Barrett, of Kenilworth, is -chairman of the decoration coin- mittee for the Kenilwortlî . Garde#i club's exhibit in. the annual Flower .and, Garden show sponsored by the, Garden Club of Illinois at the Navy pier. in Chicago, April 2-9. A special 'Ire-pening wth mnusic wiII be given Friday evening,. April 1, fromn 6 until 10 o'clock. Mrs. Sidniey Y. BaI[ and Ma-s. Percy Eckhart will a'rrange a Geor-, Alfred McDougal. Jens Jensenf. *_aai L %,bits& ,%_l. Thursdav. Avril 7, 2 p.m, Nature's Gar- *.. .. den. Thistrated. Mrs. Frederlck Moore. Shower Hostess Thursday'. April 7, 4 P.m. tTnusual Gar- Mothers' Club Hostes Miss jean Clagett, 425 Lake avenue, den Peature,«. Mys. Williami T. Church. Mrs.A.CYogbgHbadoa was hostess at a 'show er last Monday Frldny, Aoril S. 2:-30 p.m. Tliroughi the and Lake avenue, wîil entertain memn- evenîng in honor of Miss Madelon gýarm In the Dunes. Dr. Arthur bers of the Young Mothers club Mon' Beall of Eanston who- is -to be Mar- , Sa; rayp.. Apsrl5.2: .. TlnQday, eveling, Aprï1 4.1 The group will *rie April 2. Rnad-slde Slides. gré. J. E. Callender. have a. bridge party. The North Shore Musicians club will mieet Tuesday afternoon, April 5, at 2:15 o'clock, at the home. of Mrs. Charles W. Moody, 700 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette. Assisting hostesses wilI l)e Mrs. Charles N. Evans and Mrs. Aýlbert> F. Cordts, of Wilmnette and Mrs. William H.L Hamnond of Evans- toni.