cou,i 1June Orwig, MV ,Iett Jeromne Straus, Vtagiia 9, lai,. Bishee, D. Dea. *ra Clark~ TIIEIR.LOYALTY INSPIRES \Iany îleasant contacts witb the alunîni of New Trier have been re- newed the pastý week. The students, who have made a naine for theinselves at New Trier and have gone on to college, have corne back ith the con- stant Ioyalty to their.Aim a. Mater'. They are an -inspiration té the uudergrad- ,uates. The boys coming back with their football numerals are Iookced up to by the members of the squad Who dreamt oif the day wheu they, too, will returfi and display their sweaters, The. atinosphere changes when the high school studeutsof . yesterday, the college studentsof :today c ore back and tell of -their experiences' and. achieve- meuts at >college. It illumines the path of) the future. * The thoughts and fondness for New Trier do not cease witb graduation. The contacts, friendships, and inspira- tions continue on through c ilege days. The accomplishmnents in high school bielp form a background for outside activities in college. VarsitySotNw WVith the indoor track season going into its final stages, the turne cones for your scribe to summarize, so hiere goes. The season was very profitable for the New Trier tbinclads. To date, te have lost. only one dual, meet and. one triangular encounter, and have, corne out second to Oak Park's, state champs ini the league« meet.1 The other five meets were won 'by the Gray-Green by impressive, scores. Qne of the vic- tories was uiver Senti, wbo just two weeks, ,ago ,annexed its' third. straight illness atter the sec( corne back until the copped two firsts. Dnd meet and( didnt last meet where he 1 Next Saturday btings the Oak Park Relays, the last indoor meet-of. tbe 1932 track card, in which more. than fifty teamis are'entered., The prelirn- inaries are to be ý the afternoon with the, finals scheduledî for 7:30 oclock that evening. Bill (putting bis bauds over her' eyes) :Guess wbo it isi he guesses, or FL kiss yopu." I Marg: "Jack DeMpsey-J un 1.ondos -Pug:Rentner." Beth, Mcllraith: "Is that a dray horse over there ?!y Stan Schuman; "No, it's a brown horse, and stop .your baby talk." Fred Mitchell: "Nbeni do you grad- tinte ?" John Deruehl: "End of this semies- ter." Carol Murphy: "Surprised?$y John: "No, I've, been expecting it for vears." Jerry Sprague:,"You cati lead a borse to water, but a pencil nmust be lead." Jeanette Wright: 'Only the' best blades keep their temper. -This departinexît of the paper wisbes to extend its heartiest wishes for the quick recovirry of Coke Fiulayson.- AI- waysý remrem', Scotty, that the stu-. dent body of 'Newv Trier. is standing back of you-and that we. will1 neyer forget your courageous- battle. See yoti soon, ol' boy. *Paul Nétterstrom:1n "What idea of a clean sport ?" Bob Seiler: "Swimniing." is youir Eleanor Chichester, '33-"1 think that we can help by taking them candles, because many of these peo- ple have no ight in their homes whatsoever. We can also help by i contributing money to 'the boxes, placed around school." 1Bill Nordburg, '33-"We can'help 2 these people in the. Northwestern - settiement by* bringing, shoes whicb they desperately need. The' only shoes that they own are rnended at5 the Northwestern settiement «by a 6 shôemaker who vohinteers bis. serv-ý 'Ces.' Ann Linn, '32-"We can aid them by remembering to bring our. sand-, wiches-every Weédnesday -and b) bringing s 1nayas possible. If,c by any chance, we hap pen to forg et tbem, wve sbotuld.inake up for it by donating srnqh1 change." Harvey Whidden, .'32-"2We of New Trier are, on the Whole, a verY f ortunate grounp. Af ter ýseeinig the, conditions éxisting at Northwestern settlement, 1 tbink it is only fair that wve help, in every way' we can, those whose need is so great." Members of Lens Club. Are to Bring Pictures The next meeting of the Lens club %vill be held Wednesday afternoon. A picture (the third one) wîil be due at that session. Because of the size of the club, it bas been .impossible to take an indoor picture for the Echoes. This picture will be taken' as soon as thé weather permits. Two scenarios for the annuai niovie have beeu submitted and the offilcers expect to have, chosen o ne by the .end of the week. Work on the producing of. the movie will begin soon after spring vacation. SPRING FROLIC APRIL 8 Two hundred couples are expected to attend the aunual spring f rôlie ai New Trier Higb scbool Friday night, April 8. This dance, whicb is spon- sored by the foreusic departinent of the higb school, always is onie of the bé served in tne dning hall alter ua performnances. The prograin, which has been worked out almost entirely bythe girls theinselves, will consist of the following numbers: L. Thr-ee IValtz Moode Choral WAltz ..............DPebusOY caprice..........Wse Valse Tiste' ........Sibelius 2. icilienne ............. Schumann 3. In the Woods ............ ... Staub 4. clair de Lune ........DebasSy Ail Thru' beNiglit..... .......SIZOt Miss Hubsch 5. Wed ding Dayr at, Troldhaflgen. . Grieg 6. Three Blind Mice ........ Tradlitinal îThe Kin à Breakfast .......... Milne Rend by. Sally Roîpig 8. talanta............... Hllebraiidt Agnes Fraser is ,genieral chairman olf the programt; Florence. Carey bhas charge 'of -ostumües,. and .Géorgia, Vosburgh* is in charge of. the tea. The girls taking, part are L NQyes, F. Carey, L Humphreys, M . J. Kellog, L. Wagner. V. Grondai, A. Fraser, Lý. Cham7plin, C. Hçpburn, G. Vos- burgh, B. 'Behr, R,. King, C. Liniu, R. C ries, J. Balhatchet. J. Brownî, N. Mullen, C. Brandt, 341 Koza,' D. M. Thalman.. L. Moses, M. Huff, B. Lindstrom, C. WeIlbeloved, *C. Cal- loway, and M. Kresge. Music Teachers WÎil Attend Music Session Two nortb shore school leaders, lirs. Marian Cotton, head of the music de- partrnt at New Trier High school, and George Howerton supervisor of music in the Glencoe publîic ichools, will attend the National Music Supervisors' convention te be held et Cleveland dur- îug the week beginning Sunday, April 3. On Monday M4rs. Cotton wilI give a choral demonstration of glee club work before the conventiôn delegates, using a group of students f rom high schools in Cleveland, Mrs. .Cotton alsoî isone of a gru of music supervisors who bave be asked to assist -with'the. national stu-: dents' chort!s, which sings at *the coi-' vention each year. This chorus is made uip of students f rom high school id widely separated sections of the coun- try. feet in the broad jump. The high jump was strong again this year witb Thorsen and J3ollensen taking places in every meet. Thorsen tied, for the league champiouship with the bar at 5 f eet, 10 *inches. and Inter did 5 feet, Il inches in practice. Bollen- E te "Paulie" Williams : "My dad is - 1 - i -- --- M le: "When do the leaves begin )Rih: 'The day bef ore exains." Bob Miles : How inuch does it cost Jày-mihh- aet;M.adMs see hlm?" Miss Uurst: "Naine an island pOS-1 Peter J. Klapperich, 4i2 Central ave- Mr.Sinîl:"Wht d yu cnsier esson f he nitd Sate ? nue. lier brother, who is 'studying la the. clasarOin "Bugs" Haight: '"Huh I Why a-" at the University of Chic«gisas Miaidoss Hurst: "'Correct 1" home this week for t he holidays.