e A New BASEMENT Department! 5,00eIR. c.eA Lic NsED TUBES ARU VuyGamteed c Type,227 Regilarly $LOVA Type,245 Regularly $1.110 ait 39"' a9 210A, ?801, at6W MUA 44Sparton typeý 171, 224, 235, MZAI WDI2, V199 WDII. X,9. $1., 281 210 250 401 Kellogg type l25 Elumisbator *RING IN YOR 01,.D TU BES AND HAVE THEM TESTED FRt£EE 0F CHARGME IN OUR BASEMENT Il A. Typ)ical Wieboldt Value For Thdifty People Thuraday-Friday-Saturday 1 iUiopiUaIUIW s...4fl5D1. 1Stiinson Aircraft corporation. a (li- vision of the Cord coi-poratiofl, bujîlt and sold nearly 53 percent of ail cabin monoplanes nianufactured iii the United States during 1931, ac- cording to figures just. release.d 'hy ' the linited S t a t e s Departinent of The department places the total ntimber of cabin nionoplanes of alj sîzes at 338 for the. year. 0f this. înumber, Stilnson pro)duçed 179, or 52.() percent. il! the tWo classes of planies to which Stinson con fines its acilvties. this' leadership is e v e ilnimore pro- nouniced, L.. B.laiii.ing. president of the Stinson Aircrait corporation.4 said. De partment reports s Il o %Va total. of. 154 four-passenger c a 1) i ii monoplanes built dtiring the year. oi which Stinson prodiiced .139). or 902 percent. 0f 'the .58 iulti-motored nmon- [planes reported 1w thé departiient. a 'total of 40, or '.o8.9 'Percent %vere S17tinsol-b)uit, lie poiîîted out., viJrigtoie LJU« aoon Construction work is expected to be started soon on the dirigible dock which the Goodyear Tire and Ruibber compny ill bulld at Pal-NW.aiuee airport this spring to be used as the, permanent Chicago, base, for one of theGoodyear blim ps. X represe ntative. of the GoodJVear company visited Pal-Waukeè ficId l ast> iveek. He stated that the coin- pain' plans to have the 'dock- bujît and i operation- by june 1. WNýit the building of' the' dirigihie dock, activity -at Pal-Waukee this comiing summer is expected to be greater than ever, before. Thce;od 13ear company will employ four pilots. " grouind crev of eighteen mien and a night, watchman at the airport. Large crowds arce.xpected there to sece the blimp, «'hich will be k-ept at Pal-XVaukee primarily for passe ncer- c arrving purposes. FeNv persons in- terested',ii aviation have had a n op- portunity toride. in. a blimp. The dock, vh ich %iill be two ,ililun- dred feet long, eighty feet wid.le and . ' 1ý 1 1the northeast corner of the filing Major Schroedèr Invited 1 field. It,%vill be clear of all the ul to Address Aviation Club ways, audwill not, interfere iti'ai. Maj R.XXT Scroeer f Sy Hr-according>,to Duncan Hodges.na1î- bor ai1rport bas beeil in'vited to speak% ager of, Pal-Waukee. before the aviation club of thel-'l'le co 1ntract between the airport Amudse jnio Hgh schoo. rand thé, aeronautical division1 of thé mien anid Foster avenues. Chicago. Goodyear company hasbet ind The club isccnposed cof .fort-e:ighti The lease for the dirigible dock is i ,or bo.vs between the ages of tivelve ý,,d a period of ten years. fifteen who are jnitcrested in aviation. They build flyiing nodels of planes and study such aerodvn-iaiiic princi- Sky Harbor Flying Cu pies a,, they .are able to unders taid Cu according to their instructeur,.\V.B.! 0W Has Forty Members * 1eering. The club nîeets Mondav ot plctosfrmme~i and Vedesdy mrnigs or aIthave I;eeni accepted Ii the Skv Har.- an hour, andl-Major Schroeder, plan blor- Flving, club sitice,,thle anniountce-' nedtotal' o te oy \Vdn~da mntof, its orgailzation earl1v this of this week. . 1 molth. Nlaj .R. W. Schroeder.Nveter-* an -0'cgofiver who is pr sident- of Kart Day Passes Written the club. renîarke( this mveek thiat Y 1 It is quite interesting tô: note that Transport LiceCnse Test Iai.ion.g, the fo rt 1 - who, havýe applied Kari .Day, unitil rtll, aaerfrmeies iteearetlrv-o of Curtiss airport near' Glenviewv. who have Ilever before beeni iia passed 'the wri ttein examiniation forlair-plane for more than one rid (e, and his transport license Iast Thursdlay.1twient of thlese have never beeniili The examination was giNven at Cur- ani airpiane at al." Thlie liig chlb tiss field,.'Mr. Day piaàmied to take vas organized to iiiake it possible 'o the flighit test someitimle this weOk. the person of'a\verage means to learti Dr. Chiester NV. Trow bridge of Oak to flN . Park also wvas amlonR. tho>;e \010 service1 First quality * soles and rubber. beels repair work. 69c for Wseboldt'* Ba8ement-Plvanttn r oak hait- used on al both! s.at k Harbor Sundý.v. . I PILOT MARRIED ý;I Palmqutist, onie of the pilots at 'Pal Xaukee airport. on Mikvalkee avenue south of W\Nheelinig, breaks 111- - to ýthe news this week with, the an- noucement that he w .as married, re-*. the services in First L Scientist; in \Wilniette ing, April 3, at il c sch ouiý cofivenes at'9: cek. Slinday o'clock. -Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bartoni, 257 Kenilworth avenue, left last Friday for- Freiich'Lick.Springg, md.,:to be. gonie for ten days,' .1 ý 1