lAI DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE, for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS loth Congressi onal District Priaries pril 2 Hi's Name, Appaseod. on the Ballot, SOUND,- ISPLATFORM -SENSIBLE. "The utmost economy in the administration of government. "An imniediate reduction in the cost of governuient through: (a) The elimination of ail boards, committees and bureaus flot essential to the proper functions of the Federal Government; (b) A return to the various' states of those governmental f unctions which of right belong solely to the states but which have been forced' uponor usurped by the Federal Governmnent; (ç),A: retrenchrn ent in the, expense of al branches of govern- ment.. ~'A tax law wbich will place the cost of governm ent upon those best able to pay and those most benefitéd, "¶A national defense wýhich shall nt ail times guar- antee the protection of the citizens of the United States. "A friendly and heipful attitude toward the. recon- struction of the economic conditions of those foreign nations which (a) direct their efforts toward an reduction of military and naval forces; (b) devote their efforts toward world peace;'(c) declare that ail privaie, debts shall be paid1 when ý due, and. (d) agree to pay. such part I of their -governmental, obligations as shalb. determùined by a committee. ýof financ'ial experts of -international standing." "SEND A BUSINESSMAN TO CONGRESS-9 rrY Ir- _-1. -91 P'uJd-%X4 A Q y Not Aligned ith Any F It icat acti.on THIS ADVERTISEMENT PAWD FOR BY FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS 0F THOMAS J. LYNCH mi