Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1932, p. 18

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ductea oy rthe raayground and 'iK.c- reation board for the 1931-32 season. 'rwenty different activities have been conducted during that time, at- tracting an estimnated- attendance of miore than 19,550-an increase . of more than 5,000 over last year, wliicl showed a report of 1,7 uigthe season.ý Three men's basketball leagues IVith eight, teams each; a girls'basketbaàll league with twelve teams; a' men ' s volleyball league of eight- tearns- three ping p ông tournaments; a weekly practice night for ping ponig: a chess tournanient; a checker tour- nanient,' with a week 1ly- practice night for chess 'and -checkers; two -granm- mar- school girls' gymnasium classes for girls 'who do not have gymnasiunîi facilities in. their schools;- two ladies' gymnasium classes; 1Aero club, or model, airplane club, for 'boys; ,a weekly practice night for basketball forý men; the third an nual AII-WiI- mette Men's Basketball tournament: and the first Not Shore GWI<s Basketball tournament are the activi- ties in which every adult above fi- teen years of age in the village lias had an opportunity to participate f ree of charge. Wiuners t. Receive Awarde As a culminiation -of the season .s activities, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreatiori, and his staff have ar- ranged a rally and prograni for W\ed- nesday evening, April 6, in honor of the winners of the leagues and tour- naments. At this time, a formai pres- enttation of awards will be mnade. 'The entire winter recreation. pro- gram ibas been. carried out by M'.r.. Davis and bis three staff assistants, Dudley C. Stone, Glen W., Gatlber- coal, and Miss Joe Skidmore. The twc scbool gymnasiumsý have been open from 7 until. 10 O'clôck eacix evcning of the weeéki withi the ex- ception of Saturdays and Sfundavs.' It bas.been the duty of the recrea- ticn staff to fill each gymnasi to capacity each evening, and the final report indicatesthat such hla.s been the case. After a monthi's recess until, the *championship last Monday evenrg by defeating the strong Methodist teain in two out of three closely fouglit gaines at the Ho-ward gymn- sium. In the final. battle, one game- went to "deuce'" and another to a score of 13-aIl before the Baptists were able to gain a clear titie to, the league championship. Glesi W., Gathercoal. recreation.as-. sistant in, charge of the volley bail, bas aninounced that thisvea rp.s corn- petition in ,the volley. bal ,league bas been.-much stronger than that of, any other year, and for manly weeks the score stood ai a triple tie between the Baptists,_ -Methodists, and Hoffman Florist -flrst teain. League Winners WiI etAwards atRally April6! Ail %vinners of boniors iii the Plav.- ground and Recreatioii board's ath- letic leagues and individual tournia- ments and contests. will be guests ati a rally and enter tainmlent- next -Wed- niesday ýeveniing, April 6, at thie How- ard auditorium, -when ,presentationilot awards won during- the. winter and i spring season, which lias just ciosedl. %vill be made. The rally will begini at 7 :30 o'clock and is being held this vear Mi place of the anniual banquet which w~as forimerly lheld in hionor of the \%vIl- tiers. The entertaiinmieit fe'aturè ilI bé furniishied by the Lakec Shore Players who wvill give a one act plav. "Hist! Slie's a Mýaii" bv George York. The play is being' directed bv, Oliver Lloyd and -wil have as the fendine lead, Kathierirue Paniuslika, 1041 For- est avenue, and the foloiioigng mc- bers of the supporting. cAst: Victor McKighn, Ed- Ryerson, Ed Sinart; Jean Gallagher,. "Gerry" Eddington, and Kenneth Treacy. Directiy followviig the piay-, the anl- nual I) resentation of awards ill be made bvy Henry C. Fow,,ler. chairmni of the Piaygroùnid and' Recreation board, assisted by Daniiel M., Davis, nasiur P. M.- iutm party. Ladies' gynas- [oward gymnasium. Tonorrow, FricIay, April!1 7 p. M ...-Final meetinig. Chess aid. .c'hecker club. Stoilp library. .i1 7:30 P. m.-Physical.training demon- straion. Homard anid Stolp school. boys. Howard gymnasÎim. 7:30 p., m.-Fipal gaine. Con so'lation tournament . North Shore G irls' Baskcetball tourney, Stolp gymnas- îum. 8&:30 p. m.-Fiinal gaine. Northi Shoreý Girls' Baskietball tourney. Stolp gym- nasium. grounu 3and iecureation uu4l, witi was postponed from JEaster week, will be held WNednlesdav afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Howard school grouinds and thie Wilmette Village Green. Weather conditions have prevented tile holding- of the 'hunt before this time, Daniel, M. Davis,' director .ocf recreation, anniotnces.. The heavv snow left the grounds so soggy that it wvas necessary to give them a week's timne to dry out. There -wiIl be two hutn.ts as in pre- vious v ears, one for children of pre.- school age. kindergarten, and 'first grade:, and ainotlier--lor----hildreniii the, second, third, and fourth grade .s. Both hunts will begin. at 2 :30 o'clock. The juntior . group Will mneet iii, the Ui-f-a..rri y1-nisn . behfore 2-30> Wednesday, April 6 "' 1. . . . ..- 2 :3 p.m.-.aser gg unt Pr- o dIock and will marchi from the gyni- school. kindergarten. and first gradenaiu-toth fid-*eIlhe gg child .ren. Howard School grounds.1 will bce hidden.. The senior group 1i 12:30 p. m.-Easter egg hiunt. Second, neejutacof oarshol lage. Green.1 the, Junior group ill beLoIlF 7:30 p. ni- Annual prësentation or 'Todd. *pr»iicipal of Hfoward, schoot awards ini lionor of \%-inners in wjn1 Mrs. H., O. von der Hoff, _Mrs. Her- ter .recreation activ1ities. H-oward bert J. L.each, Mrs. R. WV. Arîn- school auditorium. strong. ýaniMrs. Staniley Smthj. 'Daniel M. Davis, director or rec- reation, , vll have chiarge of the Parents to Sec senior hutnt, assisted,,b,%' Mrs. E. H.I 1-*reemiai.' and the niemrbers of the Boys Give Gym RZecreationi staff, , Dtdle%. C. S1toule., Program Friday ' îiore'. Gathercoal, and 'Miss Jwe Parents of boys ini the fiith, sixth., Mrs. Fîféeiai is al so chairininot seventh, and eighth grades of thec the commiittee to prepare the eggs .Wilinette Public schools are im-ited for hidiîig. Three thousand candy lwY the director and staff of the Phy- i eggs,- will bc hidden. The bg~i e sical dato dep)artnient of the ý%rapped i wax paper to pre\vent schools to witiiess a denionstration thleir comlling iinto contact withj the I1v children of tîxose grades at flic grouïxd. Howard gyniniasinnii at 7 :30 o'clock Plans for the E'ater Egg hunt ii erc ,tomnorrow evening (Friday). iade at a special cornxnttuee meet- A- similar demnonstration was ,given ing o h Special Occasions pru by the. girl inembers of the depart- of the. Recreation, board, oi,.-W.,hichl ièt on Tuesdayeeigate GereH Redding, 1516 Ehrnwo'l sanie place. . The two programsý,, avenue. i.s chairinan. The confmit tee werc planned by D)aniel. M,\. Davis, is- arrairging- for' coniveyanices lor director of recreation, .wmho is Irso'hild rn, ii sehools reiiicte iroint directoirof ftie Board of 1ducation 1 Io r. o nd fro ihe out Phyvsical Traitingidepartmienit, and bisý staff which Ïncludes M rs. Olga Stop)- Play Finals Tomorrow ka BaIl anud Mrs. Gertrude, Fàrnck- 1 ~~(r'(?is are play the Hoffman teams both met with defeat by large scoresa The sec- ond teams put up a better battie than the. two llrst teanis, and the final score was 29 to 12 in the Lynams' favor. The score in the flrst teanî'*s game 'was 60 ýto 21 inii favOýof iLv- -, ~ .. ~ ~' ~ '- s"- ' Howard elghth grade 7. Goal shooting-1-ioward and Stolp librar~ on Park avenue, .Dudley C. Part Il., Individual AtheticEvents S. Dash-lioward and Stolp Stone, recreation assistant ini charge l. -Volley bail, basketbali and baseball, Part 111. Group Athletic Contests of arrangements, announces. Ail chul- distance throw-Howard and Stolp. 1. Volley bail:- 2Volley ball kick-1-oward and Stolp Howard B team vs. Stolp B teama. dren who desire to enter the races s3. Standing hlgh jump-Howard and oadOta v.SopCtem tnav do so by reporting at the place Stolp HowBardetballsSop ea of the ineet l)efore 9 o'clock Saturday 4. Standing broad iump,4Stol, Howard D vs. Howard E classes.' 5Running iIgh Jump-H-oward and Pr V etrAad morning regardiess of. whethercor liot SopPatfIoVofLetter Aby rs..H 1)1revious r egistration bas been ,ma de. 6. Pull-up, and, rope cibnPHwr reeantatin-of ls R H.Hendr$.B.H no

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