class work. Pupils have written the play from their social science study. They have made the scenery and the costumes in their art classes. Thev have worked out the dancçs and the son gs 'In regular -class per- iods of physical education and mnusîc. Thfe performance has, been. plantied especially for the parents> of these sixthg.rade pupils, but otbers inter- ested in thé , children's play wiIl bie welcome. Sinice the pupils have had. ne funds to aid them in securing the necessary, supplies, they are asking eaclh visitor te donate whatever suni lie . cati toý help bear the' expen ses for sucli school work. ".The benefit of such pro nces it is! explained, "llies ini the growth for the children in preparinig the prograin. Little 'coaching, las been done, therefore the acting wvill lie, .verv iniformnaI . The teachers hiope that the parents will, appreciate the tuidcrstandings' the pupils have, -gain-1 ed itt their studv and the joy thev arc gyetting in presentirng their plaQ'. \fr,. J. 'M. Fehilen, 1803 \aln1nt avenue., will b le hostess today to mem- bers -of ber. ,euchire club. Luncheonl ivil I precede cards .. -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap) of WVoodley road, Winnetka, are spenid- ing about ten days in New York. 'lrs. G. P. Cutts of Chicago is pî-'sidnt of the Chicago Panhel-. le'fic ass ociation -zthich is géving its anu ual bridge tea at the.Drake hotel .S'trdàV affernoon. Aprilý 9, at 2 o'dlock. One of Chic-ago's exclusive shops zwill give a fashion show dui- inq the aftcrnoopi. .lrs. Cutts is a i jimber of Kappa A-lpha Thela. .4 dej'artitre is to be made t/is seasoi and 'tire ff air is open! to menbers of the fraternities affiliated ivith Patilellenic ami their frieads. Res- crirations iîay bI' ;,tade lo- cal chu plers. Thoroughly Cleaned STORAGE 521 Main St, Wihuotte Phone Wil.,32 Division Larleton, a stucient in the sehool of civil engineering. was one of eighty- three juniors to win distinction, NIj rs. Kennetb Long, 1931. Ashland avenuie. bl le hostess to, ber lunch-, eon. bridge Club today. Last Monidav s.he eîtertaitned another luncheon1 bridge club. TeL Uniiyeqrsty 6810 [NyON&H."EALY I Eansom:615 Davis St. Prime i R osa'oBUee......... lb. 22e Choiee Doee Pot Rost .... b.16. Doatelsas 1011 VI lRost......*..... lb. 16C.