cost of whicb is $71000, according organized about two motiths ago, helci to the figure given in the building per- its third meeting Monday nigbt at the mit record bobk. home of Mrs. Robert G. HalIiwel. 1133 On March 26 a permit wvas granitedI Lake avenuie. 'Representatives and of- to* the Winnetka Evangelical Mission ificers of varions, village organizationis church for its new edifice, whiých w'iîî wiere present as were the representa- cost' $7,000. It. is to be erected at 860tives of the twvo local'- motion. picture Qak street. theaters, each of whonï gave an. inter-. U. C. Abel of the Abel Batterv andetg ak Ignition1 service took out a permit "The purpose of. the, organization," Marc 3 or n aditon o hs pacethe group announces, "is to fil the gap of business at 716 EIm street, the ini- btentoeatnigmve n provmen tocost$5,00.those who. mn the tbeaters.'" The Bet- ter 1 lsgopi to meet the là,st D . WN. Kimbali is having an addi- Monday of every montb at Mrs. HailL- tion built to his residence. 133 De Wiiidtwe'shm toissspcusfrte road, at a cost of $3,300. The permtit'jcoming month and to give them pub' for this work was issued 'March-2. lct hog ain hnes Two of theîthree otiier'permits,,issued 'rhose at the Meeting last Mondayi in Winnetka in M\arch were for private e1nn eeMs Gog .Badn garages, one to he huilt for William eein vr r.Gog .Badn, S. I-ay, 645 Sheridan road, at a cost moving picture, chairman of the' Tenth of $00,andthe the fo I-I E.Mc-district, Illinois Federation of Womans Na.925 Elin street, at a costi of $200. clubs;.r. a are,. hidands Neal.home departmentchaîrman; Von s Chiauffeurs quarters are also to he iflý Club of ýVilmette;. Mrs. John J. Milîs , cluded in the Hlay garage. trepresenting. the Woman's Catholic J1. E. Freeman., 185 Chestnut street, Club of WVilmctte.; Mrs.. William E took out the only other permit issued, monld. president of the, Nortbridge in \Vinnetka this mnouth. This was for \Womian's club; Mrs. Carl Renneckar, ail addtion to bisý residence, the wvork representing the St. Jôseph's Mothers to cost. $400. club and the Peter J. Huerter Post> Ini Glencoe and Kenilworth no huild. Amerîcan Legion; Mrs.. D. W. Orms- iuig.perniits were issued this monith. In bee. representitng.the, Girl Scouts; Ben- Wilmettc thiere vas ranlv one of major:'mnN oth o cus Mrs. importanice. That was for a one-story Jolii J. Tracy,. president of the St. brick building at 84~7 Ridge road which Francis P. T.- A.: Mrs. William .. wvill. bouse a National Tea conipany FitzPatrick, motion picture chairnian, store. The estinated cost of the vtruc- St. Franicis P. T. A.; Mrs. Frank J. ... CL EA NNG> You can trust the Cleansng and, Repairing of your finest Rugs and, Draperies tQ these old reil- able North Shore f Irms. Ali their Street, Duftenootoh 6 Vanifla P~au be Cwam VOTE FOR nx afANNk WILNARTH ICKES RKepublican for State Representative PrimryElection Apri lZ12 IIIAs a taxPayer, interested in taxes justly rel ated, to our reduced incomes during this period of depression and equitably imposed o~n ail classes of property. WiI. 5050 uni. 5050 Put an "X" in te square in front of her name: