WINNEIXA 79 Elm Stree, Phoo*s: 4-M,3 HUBRARD WOODS '910/8 Linde Av. Wlntk47-1 You Can Sop By Telephone, A dozen words in a telephon.- 1 afew> d.ft swings of the cleever-a ring et' your kitchon bell - and presto: yo!ur order is ,hRed - s.ucculent 'Méats et moderato cost. Let's demonstrae. WEEKMUEND SWE(IALS Lib Roast Standing Sth' and -tIm Rit, IL .22e Veal Roast, Bottees lb. i19. Stewinig Cbickens Milk..Fed 8%to 4-1b. average Prime -Pot Roast lNative- Corn-Fed Bepf lb. IL70 Sfrioin Steak Prime -Native Beef ILb.29e Sweetbreads ,From Fresil Dressed Caives le of the g marbie5 id after s, )nthe sot*th ids for pIlay- ,cess periods 1001. SPENDS HOLIDAYS IN ATLANTA Cla ireSi mon, dau ghter o.fMr. and Mrs. Mlo .Simon, 1233. Forest avenue, who is a freshman at Goucher college, Baltimore, Md., is passing, 1her' spring vacation with a classmate, miss Irma, Guthnian of Atianta, Ga. She graduated last June from New Trier. *Mr. and Mrs..Siegniund katz 415 ,Washington avenue.>returned las M'%ondayfrom C leveland, Ohio, wherej tliey were visiting friends for"a weekj, IT DOES SOT TAKIE ý THE, EYEý 'Pl EXPERT P TO SEE THE JALITY o, > one . . . neatly ond :nleely i seW' pride ourseives on ýr thoroughness! Onae Price on Ail Garmients 7 New low rates on rugs, drapes, etc., I!1arry W'. Stan inard, chcdrmn fori-te Glencoe district Boy Scoits. ait; - wwces ite a' pointuent of Kari 1). Kiitq. Jr., as t/ete îe district (<PItIissi tr.Keiti, Roberts, i'ho. lî brlen s>z'qdouble dtv ýas co-irmnof t/w coioîcid camping connitccantd Glencoe district COi,,niissioner, lias relinquished t/te districi co imissio,îersh ip, because îf Ii s ieaz-, responlsibilities as SIta ir,,7(il of t/te Caîping c omwii- MIr. Kin-, wholias lon~g been a. Sco_)ut Leader.' bas.- a splendid background which ivil1 hielp hirn to promnote Scout- ýIng IniGece He is one of the pioneer Scouts ini Troop 1 of Wilmette whicli is the oldest troop. in this part oi the country. Until- Iast fail lie wvas Scoutruaster oi Troop 1,' Wilmette,. but on Glencoe resigned. to be- corne -cliairmnan of the TrOop 1 corn- MOTHER PASSES AWAY rs. Rciwin L. Dunan f 2. D. Orders red. Ch arge able People. A ffiUasted uith j >.-). B. Se>ler, Mgr. Accoants Sd ro Kudge and Lake Aves. Phone Wilmette 316 Phole, Wlmýtte316 WILME'TE 1145 WIImettt. Av. Plsomes: 2il4-731ý -a 'ed from Ridge end Lakc Avee.