Assume that twenty percen t of the 1w thirty cents that goes outside the l township is wasted. This is six cents EN out of every dollar of taxes paid. of No accusations of payrolls being pad-- cled or contracts being fraudulent are' i nade. against our boards. People Demand Service A growing demand fromn our peo- pie.for. more se,,rvice year after year lias added to -the expense. Paving, lighting, installing of, various im- provenients , increase of efficiency andý equîpment of the fire and police de- partmnents. 'ere demlands of organ- ized groups of, taxpayers. Like deý- mand was made of the schools for manual training, domestic science teaching, (levelopment of, musical tal- ent. gymnastic and.playground facili- ties. The p)eople, not the board, i-. tiate( l tese things. Now that hard timeés make it diffi- cuit or impossible to pay taxes, these ex penses added fromi tiiine to trne are felt. Incomne f rom, taxes now wilI not permit the continutance of many of- these services. The vital question is whiether there shall be a collapse of ail public service.. Al citizens are be- i ng urged to 'bIuy-tax warrants to the extent of tlieir finaticial albilitNy. Blazing Automobiles Bring Pire Alarms Atu attiobile owned by Stacy C. 1-knuiiett, a mnembier of the Village board. .caughit ire at Central and \N'il- nietc avenues Mondav niglit at the dinnier' hour; The Wilnieite Fire de- partmenc!t received the cail about 6 :25 Î; 'l'liTe blaze, caused by a short Circulit iii the Nviring, \vas cxtinguished in .,hort order and, only, slighit damnage resulted. -accordilng Io Firé Chief \Val- ter7 Zillle. 'l'ie Wîiiiette firenien received one- other calI on Monda%.- That wvas.: at ab)out 415 odc iii the.afternoon wh-leili a cah caut l,,iire at the '. sta- < ion 4t Fourthi street andid Unden ave- Thmsa mri.i the eart-I *ested is invitea to atend, it is aiu- * nouniced. Miss Ruth Joyce returnis froii' the Coniveit of the Sacred Heart at Lake * Forest .Saturday, March 26, to spetid her ten-day Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. joseph Joyce of: 531 Essex road, Keniilworth. Willard, Grant Rogers on April 23. 11591 iFloor-Ropm 8 TY SI-bP 'E AVE. Wilmette 941-19d EA.STER, FLOWýERS.I brin g hppiness to everyone E XPRES SIVE of the Easter spirit« f resh, fragrant, bright- colored . . . true sym- bols of spring' s arrivai! Buy -a plant to have in your home, cheer up a friend with a gay bou- q ue t, thrill your mother, your wife, or your. sweetheart with, an elegant corsage to Twéar with. new, out- fit in the Easter morn-, ing parade! VERS 231-239 RIDGE ROAD We are open every day of.the year, 7, A. M. te 9 Po. M. 2186