Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 38

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A New BASEMENT Department! SOfMiR. Ce- A. LCENSE.D TUSES AU Vuliy Guavaaeeod e Type 227 RËegularly $1.10 Type24 Regularly S1.10 at 9*at 89 201A, 280, at 9q 200A 247 484 Sparton type 17, 224, 235, 112A, WDI2, ,V199, WDI1, X199 at$1, 281 210 2 50 401 Kellogg type 125 Eliinator BRING 1I-N.YOUR t.OLOD TUB3ES A ND 1 IAvE HEM TF-sTED FREE OF CHrARGE IN OUR BASEMENT A Typical Wi eb o ldt Value at the Sky Harbor Flying taking it easy at home these cuperatinig f rom an operatic derwent recently at Mercy ln Chicago. Many promin shore anid ,Clicago flying et havé learned tgo fly at. Sk. unerMr. Taylor's.iinstruct forecoming to this countri Taylor xv*as prominent du: after the ,war in the. flyinigs England as an instructor oi tors. He was*a senior,.lyit of the Royal Air forces. Plan to Open Sky I 1 x xlu 'J/J I u i/ ro uUL &>&L#Y& instructor Two days after the new Sky Har- school, 's bor Flying club offices were opened ýe days re- in the Merchandise Mart about thirty ýn he un- applications for membérship had been y' hospital received. The club officers expect to ent iîorth>1reacli their membership goal of five- 'nthusiasts .hundred thisspring.'About thirty-five -y Harbor salesmen, have *been employed, and tion. Be-, the sales force is being increas'ed as rv in 19301Irapidly as competent salesmen cati, îrmng and' be found, according to an announce- schoolSý of ment this> week by, Major Schroeder, f -instruc- 1 president of the new flying club. ing offie:* The club's plan of popularizing aviation by giving flying les«sons so -cheaply that the average muan xviii be, -Iarbor ble to learn to fly seems to be meet- %-ÀrLjiiuaîwj-%.uuuti-Ji Ai .Ln iICIV wplani a rueier ou iLe club can- Plans are being made for a grand learu. to fly and get a goveruiment li- opening of the Sky Harbor airpo rt cenise for less than a hundrcd dollars. clubhouseabout April 15. The btiild- This, the sponsors of the club feel1, ing bas been, closed, during the winter ýwi 11,lot only b e a worth x 'hile ser- months. It is expected, however,'that vice. to a public that' is intercsted in it %viIl be a busy place, during the aviation, but will be of great. valu e to. coming umr The cuou, the industry itself. which is one of the t-ost modern A few years ago lt 1was freely pre-' buildings of its kind in the Nvorld, Nvill dicted that the air soon -,would be be the home of the néwî,y organize î crowded *with planes, that flyingý Sky Harbor FlY ing club. 1t. lias ail %would flot only be a m-ost popular* thefaclites f amos upto-atesport, but would alsobe a common- aviation co.untry club. paemaso rnprain _____________Training Cost. To. High Mkany' have longed to. fly, but could Sky Harbor Club to Have not. because of highl priced. tedious (~i ir ~r~ecourses. Others who. could afford it C.oumn in Air agazine have studied aviation, and more than A columui of riews concerning thle.-17,500 licenses have been issued to activities of the newlv organized Sky pilots by the United States Dep)art- Harbor Flying club %vill appear every ment of Commerce. Yet flying is month lu the official publication Or 1N conlfined to a feiv individxuals w~ho the National Aeronautic association. can. maintain their owni planes, a wîth which the Sky Harbor club 1, comparatively fev industrial firms, affiliated. Evèry memiber of th, and the operation of the air mail, e.x- club \\-ill receive a col), of the press. and passenger lines. monthly magazine and N\-i11 have a Thle fact that people are fli*û1g is vice iin the national orgatizatio.ideîl.teaura rwho The atioal Aronaticassociat .ion air travel, where fares are comparable isthe XatiioalAeruican . 10 tNtthe price -of. travel by rail. Cost, is hereognze AercanauhoiY theni, is the real reason wî the pre-, on ilavatonspotig vets dictions of* a few years- ago iwitlî ref- eence' to aviation have partiallv Winnetkan Selis, Plane; 1 aie d. with Ibhis inii mincithe sososot Ne w*0 w'e onTripW'est thre Sky Harb)or,lying clbfornîni- Ch'lester Foust, Nxvho is coninecte(l lated thecir plans. -The p)rogress oid Nwith a Chicago adNertisiing agencv, the venture will be watched îvith lui- lias .purchased the Stinson plane for-ý ee, by aviation clithusiasts WER. SHOW service!1Jirst quality oak haif- * soles and rubber heeIs used on al repair, work. 69e for both! WiVeboldlt's Basenent-Evanston supplies. 0-- Ciitoh Darling, W58 Highland ON VACATION avenue, who .is attending the Uni'- Miss Rose Lauder, secretary to versity of Rochester,. N. Y., will not Duncan Hodges, mnanager of Pal- return to Wilmette for the spring Waukee. airport, lias been enjoying a holidays, but is going to St. Louis two weeks' vacation at lier home in wi th the college Glee club whichî will Lake Forest. . make a touir.durinig vacation.,

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