(Contributed) Presiçient W. R. James of the West Chicago Park commission announces the official opening of the Annual Easter and Spring Flower show at. Garfield Park conservatory on Sat- urday, Mari h 26. This special ex- hibitio n wl1 continue until April 1 0, inclusive. During this time the Con- servatory doors will remain openl trom 8 o'clock.in the mérning unthl 10 o'clock lu, the évening daily and Sunidav. There is no charge for-ad- mission and everyone is most wel- rhe Easter Flower, show is consid- * ered by. many flower loyers to be the Ioveliest of al exhibitions staged durinig the year at Garfieldý Park, conservatory. Amtong the delightful blossoms on display to- suit the oc.- casion. are niasses of divine Easter hîies, so symnbolical .of the season and * whlose stately beauty is unequaled. In: additeion any thousands of beau - tifuil spring flowvring, bülbs-e,.arly harbingers of spring-present a rl liance tliat is uimsurpassed. Utistal novelties of recent introduction as. wve1l as great numibers of old-tinie' plant favori.tes'of every descriptioll com ibinie in nmaking a flor 'l displa.v that is olie of the finest- hi this coui- * ~ ~ ~ c tr.Sve cned buljsh roses, andl speciriiens of delicately hued hy- drangeas with their immense clusters of flowers taîl double stocks, and au etndless nunmber of. othier floweringc plants miay be seen harmioniously ar- rangtcd ili the Show house and Hor- t iciltural hall. Hlorticultural hall has been ]and- scaped to simulate a large outdoor' flower garden, the kind one dreanis * about having in his own b)ackyýarl. Long rectangular grassv beds, withi borders of early springlblossomis, and corner accents of great green weathl-. vred vases, gardenseats, and, a perg- ola over which handsome, vines trail, are ani example of what. îniav,. be ac- comj)!ilihed by, the home gardeîîer. Here is :wheêre thousands of bru- liant tulip)s and fragrant hyacintlis, inported froin Holland last fait and grown especi-aliy for, the. Easter show, know that I amn God: I will be ex- alted arnong the heathen, l will be exated ini the earth" (Psalms 46:10).l Among the citations which con-: prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible, "Lift up your éyes to the.heavens, 1and, look uponi the earth betieath,: for the .heavens:, shall vanish away like smoke, and! the earth sh.al waxc old like a gar-ý ment, and they that. dwell thereini shahl die in like1 mariner.; but my sal-i vation 'shall be for ever. and myv righteou-n.ess shall not be 'aboflshed"' (Isaiah 51:-6):. The lesson-sernion also included the, following passages from. the> Christian Science textbook,. "Science and, HIealth with Key to the :Scrip- tures," by 'Mary, BakerEddy: "Moral and spiritual might -belong to Spirit, who .holds the ,wind in His fists; and this teachi >ng accords with Science and harmonvy. Ini Science,. you cari have no0 poNver opposed ýto 'God. and the physical senses r-nust give Up their, false testinionv'- (page 192). nmakiîg a request for a personiaily coindtcted( tour thrôughi the cou-, servatorv. Telephlone '\,an Buren 8100. Chief Florist's office, to arrange for this service. Garfield Park coniserv-atorv is Io- cated at 'LJake street. and Central Park. h)otvardl (3800 West) and is easihy reached via aIl transportatio-i lin es. Higheat Quality of RADIO SERVICE by Lyon & Healy. expert radiomen ýAil Makes Serviced qjgtum. % m li c'ito Plîotogra phs Coniplete in Folder Size 8x12, 1: 122 Central . Ave. Phone.Wil. 2526 -7 Easter Shoes 1 in Intri,>guing Sty les ý.ý-ýpVjNCEDSpring. crea- tions of Paris and, New York Studio .With inbuilt patented features that tend to keep the heel from rotating and the feet frorn slipping for- Sward, even in the slenderest, hi ghest heels. 626 ChurchSt., Evanston Greenleaf 9719 lice I 0 ý