gional Planning association. The in- Mr. Kngery lias intimated1 tnat the iroui a puulc adrcetoa i tegrity of '1r. Kingery's miotives will WNinnetka Plan committee bas en- point, in these communities. neot be questïoned bv those who knjow,ý dorsed 'this viewpoint. This is an Teol a, epeetti hirn. \Viting under date of Febru- error. XVhile the Winnetka Plan Thaedyonly iLwilltocprevent is arv 29 to the editor of the Chicago committee. bas collaborated in the ta ofrhrsaefnso n Everring .Pçist. Mr. Kinigerydiscussed preparation of various plans, it bastam on t heree onhs route but the plans of his association for taken no official position,,but, through ta i uhmnr ecnetae handling the s-,teadily Ncraing traffic its chairman and niembers, bas stated on the completion of a modern super- northward iroîîi Chicago and stated: that it prefers that no changes what- Ihgwyt h s.lvr cet "No super-higfiNvavs are linchîldë,. soever bce made with the assistanceaceoevnsllnontfrmi- uone being niecessar-y or a(lvisable." of the state fùnds., Mr. Kingerybas, tenice of paving. changes in grade It is, unfortunate that MNr. Kinigery aloufruaeysae htksOr curves, by Èo mucb îincreases the, has thus plac 1ed himfself in direct con-1 Jensen, o f the Frienids of Our Native seriousness of the danger. XVhen the flict With aIl of the represeîitativ% Landscape, and J. Roy West, of Win-, Tli nois and U'nited States, routes bodies of citizens niii ous arca. nekhv aoe hne ntis hvebenreoe* ad a dqate afir creul tuv. reconvinced area. Bt o heelndcpeaci alternative tbrough arterv is avail- that a super-highway should he: de-,etshvecneo rcrda 42vr able te the people Of Chicago, the, veloped directiy west of the villages. n h eoa fSaeRue4 esidents of tbe villages. and the cities and that ail -available funds shiotld jthen Lth shoue 4llaesntywthaoflto the north. certain very minlr be concentratedo tscmietick!. tenrh hrjilaead'htalchanges -in grade anîd roadwav cmown effort and available moneys be con-î Mm. Kingerv. however. lias apparently etae o h osruto faMay properb bec considered by the neyer recogflize(l the inevitable future mdm houhspe-igwy 1n villages and the local propertyv owners 'Of -modemn automnotive transportationla.amte fsrcl arteries. In connection Nwith the un- trl usd f ilg i its.teeilveasmaniatiof.strictlv As 'in the case of the Winnetka Plan itrvla ctomunicatai. ais fortunate, and il-considered recom-! hoivever. is aqeto fdti n iiendations for a forcst speedav comniteete aeo ore for the future. The priniary issue' throîugh the Cool, Counity Forest ste that ini the event the -haiids o-f iw i whether an automôotive higi-1 the village weme forced-whichi is uni- Preserves. hè failed to recognize that likl nve fteoewemn av is te bc run up the north shore. a miass of high-speed autoiiiotive ve- ulcsnietmnrcags~ as hall a century ago the Illinois bidles- did not belong ini and wasthemawy;ol epeeal Central for motives. of convenience1 inconstntwthte primarv purpose-ý and lack of vision was run down 14e and valix s of the preserves.. Vhile more dra.s.c1changes sotîth shore, witb resulting destmuc- ýme of the worst features of the 1 Reshié5ts, There'. Danger! idon of human, poperty, and comi;. original plan for these through forest To summarize the entire matter : munity values. On the decision in thEs speedwavs have been elimhinated bviAl esidents of the' villages from mýninor engagement at Hubbard Hil- their location on-the 'edge of the pre- 'Wilmiette to Lake -Forest shoufld rtbis Bunker 'Hill of the north shore- ,erves. -the basic evil of Such location 'avaken to the danger which theatens the outcomie of the larger issue may suminer cottage. The Middlebury Rotary club took uip the case of the heroic rescue and made application for a hero's nièdai for him. The award- was made only after the most careful investigation, which revealed' that young ,HuRitflot only brought the vièthu ýto the shore but 'rëstored breathing through prompt application of an approvred method of resuscitation. The young man who wilt receive thé National Safety medal is now. attend- ing Burr and Burton preparatory school at Manchester., Vt. The rescue took place July 19, 1931, but it was several days Mefre the nlews of it spread beyond the bounds 'of a f ewý cottages in the immediate vîcin- itv.The young man réscued was a visitor *at one of the ýLake Dunmore camps and, came from Woodside, .L. . 1 INSTRtUCTs GjIRL SCOUTS M.\rs. >Tom Dix, 236 Oxford road, KeiiN-rthi givin g a group of Kenilworth Girl -Scouts instructions in the various requirenents for the Girl Scout hostess badge. The group start- e( wvork last week. well depend. If wisely decided it sbould mark the turning point to- wards a more sound and proper location of modern automotive high- ways in any scheme of community Last Calfor- EASýTER CLENINO.. * This . .. more +bon ever befor... economy is tempering the purchaes of new suifs, gowns and accessories of 1hse accus+Qmed i-o new clothing for Easter. In such. cases let- dry cleanhng salve your problems, for dry cleanng accamplishes wonders wlth your apparel. NOTE THESE PRICES *V1ty U ns "" ' ' Evnstn atrns atCali.Traslte 1 ake Forest Patrons ceiiiH. P.-Trans6je.6000aso PtosCliWn.-rase10 Hi ghland Park 3900 Lake Forest Patrons calilH.P.-Transfaai 1001 ,Members Cicago Master Cleamers Isstitute and Master CIeners anad Dyers of the North SA.r, . j . lý