1-I&Uý AV .P%.A8EAAK ZLIC;b the solThe mosi hmthetChicegent so~is wîiitri Uaca , n-iseuse %vill take place a~t the Goodman f or the current season is the John Mc phony orchestra on Thursday evc-!theater on Friday evening. March 18,Comc ,erwhhwiltepag ningan Friday atternoon of this week,. at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Ochsner re- j t the Civic Opera House on Sunda3 Mr. Petri, one of four artists l ceived niogt of lier éducation in Paris, I fternoon, April 3. The proceeds wil yet to play with the 1,phn where* she studied under the famous go to the cliuiit of the John B. Mur- this seaso.n, is new to Chicago audi-i Jacques Dalcroze of Viennia. She was hy hospital, which was rece Ù13 ences.. Thotigh, he has beeni one of 'a protege of- the unique Grinzing Art opened, and to the Sisters of Mt rcý th otpopular and successful piani- coloni -of tht cit - where she gained fo t or.I s perasntg ists in Europe for 'vear 'w, lie. j> just her first success. Later she danced in erally known that the Sisters of Mercy, now inaking his first Americani tour.; Paris, Berlin, Lausanne and Vienna. wvhich is the oldest charitable organiza. Born in Hanover, in 1881, ýof a long M iss Ochsner will..be assisted' by to inCicago, is in cag ft uine of musicians, Petri first took up iEmily Bbttcher, pianist of Northwest j John . Murphy hospital. and while the violin, with the study. of the. pianîo ern u niversity, who was recenitlyr award-. the. clinic has been open ,ittle more onyicdnti tteage of Itwen. first prize by the ýSociety of Ameni- than a month, so many demands have ty, while he wvas, a mienber of the, cati Musicians, and wbo appeared as been inade upon it that there is an Violin section of the U-res-den, Roval soloist- witb the Chicago Sqympbony urgent need for f unds. orchestra rand second violini in bis orchestra last week. Miss Oschner, aThhitrofheSsrso rc father's celebrated string qitartet-. lie daughter of the late Dr. Albert J. isThe history of Che iteo.fTheran ivas advised by Paderewski andBu.Oherfodr fAgsaa os ization. has been establishied bere ap- 'soni. to take up the piano seriotnsly. pitai.. will present several novelties, pnoximately one hundred years.1 The This he did with strikingreuis. imn hi0e"Ld nt o"r nt first convent was built in, 18,37 at the short time be becaîxie one ten to music by, Miss Bottcher front a corne" f a asbaeu n ai celebrated pianiists of the continent. ,omtkn rmte l es-nac son street. The Sisters erected the first For thirty years lie lias beeni conicert- hns ar-tls te ubr hospital in the citv, and they also hacl are 'Le Pisson d'Or*",and "Les izing and teaching in Europe amiFaedne. charge of the first county hospital, now% cornes tot the' States for bis >firsi_______t___ Helen Hcdgýes (Mrs. Herbert Since that ti'me they have been an in'- tour. He appeared recenitl\v in \ew Stoetiè'l) of Giencoe zwill be the-I tegral part of ail the works of m'ercy Yonk to packed bouses and eïftiîu- SORRT OHL AQE oprano soloist in a ,nscellaneo lin this city. siastic audiences. Gamma chapter of Sigina Alpha: 'rgra>n bo be given T "usdy As John MýcCormack con)fines iriiselî Concetfr Piaroplo.Beethoven soanaioa msialsoort. il hven. .farch. 31.forthie .stu- tor thiemosçt part to his annual recital, Mr. Petri~vi1l ~is, nitiation, anmi.silver anniversary dns E ntu.Hgisho. it vasnot an easy task, to secure. hi banquet Mna vnn.1ac 8i major at the 'comùingThutrsday eve-, h -th eg Blac 28 n Ï S1I(55h JfcGiiffi i i jl bi, jSS at this time.' Credit for this mulst go nigFrida-afternoon concerts., .The Crstal room of Iethe Biaolackstonet isë «\arl uiao tehositl nîng-rîa> ~~~~~hotel. AIl the past presidenits of Gamma: Ide'paoaci/ait oSsé ayJlao h optl 'prognamý also includesTurina'sý Dan- chaàpter wilI eget f oo.Dr For t\vq.years she woôrked to,,iards this ..zas fantasticas. plated for tlie.tirst ing thé musical inrograni, Miss Bernice ý On Friday even.ing, 'March 25 \vben nd h oll oe iwttomui tie aiTsbiowk'~SmhoyVil.violiniist. of Wilinette \viIî give, the choir of the First M\etbodist Epis-, ma.insdto \i the d istbus of Painape- after Byvron's "M'.-anired.- a grUoup of iumbers. copal cburch, Evanston, will give "The sn a, NewMiami and finarraeentsiipr No soloist appeàrs at the Saturdav -_________eviLatWds.by erdatsnoNe Vrk hrèragmns nigbt popuilar concert. Thle orchestra !MCissFME. Hedges wvill be a soloist. Mis ere consummiated. Mr. McCormnack SUCHIS FME wll pesen oneof is choicest pro- will, play \\Veher',; overture' to "Der Tettrazzini. was heard a short ti Hedges will give a program of .Span g ram n t pueocs Freischutz-: Tscbaiko%\sk' y- akaamoithtrù &o. ish songs at the co icert. to be bl rm ntî cainaii îh v'sSYi- bck t anivietheterin ostnMondav afternoon,Api 4, of thebe vell to renind bis admirers tlat phony No. 4 in F minor, excerpt Iwbere she vsnten headlined .o pi hsfro as not evenl" ndTsha- nor -.\Itiscan*1 lb fChcgoibCis will be the last opportunity to hear frm 'ane's"Prsfa" ndTsha- ncre jcîinofChhaoanll.is the singer in 1932. kowskvs "112'overture. Artis AePbihdI Oen Sudio, I Mme. Zendt Gives ýCreator of New Dance Comostis bycLocl i dPro gram in Glencoe Mdin.eialSna MianLuk,~'olnitofXinmtte, j-Dr. and Mrs. DvVight C. Orcutt Oj aryWgaicetro e ývil1 give a program. at a ýmeetinig of Glencoe %vere host and 1 ostess at a ace - ilî makebelatperne t a dance mode so-clle pist pess of te the Catbolic Woman's league Satur- I1 musicale last Suindav feno tti esnl acetahlSn day aiternon invCurtiehall. LastthishsMari SideniusrcnhestsopraoalldSu' mon t M on. Lusk apeare .in atl icha Mtie Sdnus- tspan.' atteruioon. .Marcb 20. Miss Wig- inth A. us aonic all. in éctl steguest artist. _-.any' promîn eut ian for years worked in retirement in in the Asing MIsnicl. silil:bve îusicians of Chicago and the north theinîounitains ini creating:lier dances In the sriig Mr Lus- \ill aveshore. w'ere invited to hear the pro- 'vliich dIo away Nwitb musicaijaccornpani- engagements at Elrnhurst, With the' gram, ivhich -%vas given at the Orcutt's ment to a large extent. Miss Wigman Maywood Choral club. at the Palmner , lovely home on 786 Greenleai aveniue. lias substittuted, for the custornary House. and at the 'Medinali Athletic Muine. Zendt will sail on April 2 musical iihstruti ients a collection of ini- club. He \v1" also appear iin a sprin1g . for Denniark where she is to give five strumnents including five Chinese gongs. recital on the' nortlhshore. the. n1ae ay y Y, a- ie le re ln .4ca.tt , . a .d.vium arr angeme.nt of the waltz. One of Mn. Lusk's most recent com- positions is -Dneam Song" which has been- dedicated to C. P. Dubbs, village pmeident, and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs of, am 'u.i<las vem ssLciatea U'oti Mmle. Stîirkou, Ryder. Up to this tinte shi- lias held her classes at. home. J'Iis Ra,îkip has been associate teacher for five yýears n'élit (Vpillialpi Shake- ~s/,ear, of Chuicago. Site és , ogi inakinqlier 'honme in î, îietka. 1-111g to d p 'vvi ..us enagement iL Skogen was delayed so that Mrs. Orcutt plav- Aften P ed the first group for the singer,.f Nackingi Mme. Zenlt lbas a voice of pure:V Toys lynic qualitv and a personality of jThe Litt great charinu so that it is no won der! ri 1 lî that she is onie of the niost popular !The 1Riî 't .'xe ...... Alvini .a Loggeln... . '.....Helse Lre...... Old Swedish Song Bring YOU COlored ..... .. .... Carpenter e Shepherd Song, .Wlnter Watt ýLa1d Of Sky L I$ . . . . . .. C a d m a n