meeting. ningsl entertLdilliVIiL Nviu go to the ___________ acaciemn on an enforced spring va- Friday of this week Major Schroe-, Behlfn.M.adMs dadFaet i*cation. Murnps have been so prcv- d (er wvill speak. in Park Ridge before _______________ aetehu gssfor aient at the school that the academy the business :men's club. Onldepi arecl thes bouser Ameit forVV wh decided. pon a vacation as a means 18 iexvii el a rop n Mrc Mss arar Ani roe wo t-several days this week of '.%r. and i stopping the epidernic from spréad- 18le ol Matela g oOf 250 sti4- tends the. Briarcliff school, Briarclif MIrs. Lorenzo C. Streeter, 302 Central!?'g (lsool DeMPaines Township, Highi Manlor, N not returning to avenue, whileen*i route to the coast. - terestig DsPin abome vio the Kefiilworth for' ber sprinig vacation, but Ér. lalierty is an officiai of. the ora SatrGlee,30Lk ~~vMis iMate tosekbfr asalrmts, te btenlircas Pont cornpariv avenue. who bias been iM. at bhis home gup there oniy, of stu-: Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Verna Tirn- stcth frt0f erury wt h (lents in an aviation class. Other stu- inis of:CGreeniwicb. Coiin.,, f ormerly of .1M1r. and Mrs.ý Carl E. Renneckar, 935' i Ru and beart attacks, is now convalese- dents asked to biear bis talk also, and Kenilworth. 1lmwood avenue, entertainied their diii- i t4is. bas been arrangéd& ner club at Sbavýnee' last Saturday. la-,-- Majo Scroeerwho wib Gor . i[r. Merle C. Nutt oi Moline ar- ter eurigbnewhtergess Richiard'Fuller, 5671Hilil terrace, was Fisher, is co-manager of Sky3 Ilar-: rived in Wilmette Tuesday for a stay',o broste -tteKeiwih Riding club at bor, bas had rnany tbrilliiig exp>eri- of about ten days with lier inotlier, Mrs folriga treasure hunt, .followed by a tea at ences ii ýtbe.air, and is one of the lead- j D. Sinaîil, of 4111 Maple avenue. She Mr. anid.Mrs. Edîvard J. Matot, 306 bis 'home Iast Sunday. ing figures in the aviation industry camne on to attend the 'convocation at Seventeenth street, gave a dinnfer party today. He is in constant deinand as a tiue University of C hicago next. Tues- f or e ighteen guests last Saturday in 1M1rs. Grace Jordon of Chicago. à the ubl ic speak er on the subject of avia- day afterrioou) at vbc er rohr'oorftebihdyoMrMtosboe ust this iveek 'of Mrs. Carl non Stddad. ill receive bis Pli. B3. de-, n '\e, r. . Maot, of 'Wilmette. E, Renneckar, 935 Elrnwood avenue. CO.ING TO CHINA, JAPAN -C. E. Jarch-ow, 163.6 Forest avenuc. sailed last Monday. on the :S., S. Hoover for China, Japan, and later... the Philippines. He will visit Shang.- liai, Tokyo, and other cities and %vilI spcnd tbree rnonths in, Manila. 1-le is traveling in the interests of. the, I nternational 1-larvester comipauy%.. and expect- to l)e gcone io.r five, nIonths. A agîejoan, îvas born to Mr- aîîd \r..LeovieWteri, 1726 Wash- Ingtoin avenue, on Fehruarv 22, at the iré e. 1.~Arî Reid. datiglter oi. iMr.: and M.\r.. M iltonl E. Reid, 601 Lake ave-, nue, wlio i s tudying, at Beloit college, i as recentI li een initiateci int&, 1-1 Beta Phi sororitv. 'NIlr. 'Artur B. Adair, 320 Meirose a eu.Ke,ilworithi iI entertain mem- bers of bier bridge club) next IMonday' at lie' bone. LAYER CAE - A L.AYER< 0F SUNSMINE AND STOIRM, ALAYER 0F GLOOM ANO A LAYER O0IOY YOUVE GOT TO TAKEs.,;** IT AS IT -COMES Al cars with 1, shot greasing system or rubber shockes-, .00 The 011.WRLL, Bob 'n' Mllc -Main St. nt Lmnden Ave. Phone WiImette '3334. H. JR...CMOINER' BRANDONMiA I& L S&E -LINDEt4 JC. Soie" 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phbene Wil. 2600-2601 AB. Vau Deus«a