NOTIC.E 0F ELECTION TO 1 HE \I'IE80 "-VILL4AGE 0F,\VIL-METTE, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS: Notice is hrh ie that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION L7- i11. be.held in the VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, Co uty of Coo.k, State of Illinois, on 'Tuesday, the nineteenth day ôof April, 1932, for the I)t~)OCof voting foi- the tollow\Ning officers:.. ONE VILLAGE CLERK ONE VILLAGE TREASURER. THREE VILLAGE. TRUSTEES Thliat for the ,purpose of holdinigsaid election the lge of \'\illiette.shall be devide(d inito -twelve picinicts as folïovs: Precinct No. . Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No.ý Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precînct N o. Precinct No. .-Polliig 2 -Polling 3-Polling9 4.polling 5 -Polling 6-Polling 7 -Polling Place: Place:. place: Place: place:, Place;. place: Village Hall. Village Hall. Byron Stolp School. Byron Stolp School. 419, Fourth Street. Laurel Avenue School.. Store-1145 Greenleaf A Store-1217 Wilmxette A Logan School. ,Village Clerk A. kvenu'e. bveniue.