Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1932, p. 32

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During the month of March at th- WVoman's club of Wilrnette there w1l bce an exhibit of the art.work donc at New Trier. Higb school. 'The ex" hibit *il11 include work in design, composition, drawingad crafts in ail four years.. There. will also be some- note books from the art ap- preciation classes. Tht exhibit, wiIl be open to the public Sunday, March 13i from 3 tuntil 6. Prizes were awarded Tuesda-, r. niglit by the following judges: S George Buehr of, the Art institute, %,lr S. Anita Willets Burnham'of Win- netka, and Mrs. Marguerite Calkins Taylor of Wilmette. Art appreciation is a required c ourse at.New Trier. The aim of the Course isto give every student sonie understanding 'and appreciation of the three major arts', architecture. painting, anid sculpture. The craft exhibit consists of parch.- ment shades, decorative boxes and screens, block printing and soap sculpture. In connection with the craft work in this exhibit, there ils a showing of the miniature stag.- models made by the stage-craft class of juniors and seniors. These niode!s are made after the reading of the play and express the, pupil's idea i what a suitable setting should' b)e. Acci.racy, and a. close adherence ý type, period, and scale are somne of the main essentials of the work - careful examination of the niodeis thernselv.es xiii show 1hoxV well thought out they are. The advanced classes in conmposi- tlou and still life are underthe direc- tion of Catherine M. Murphy. Lii1- lian Fitch directs the wYork in thc friand second year applied arts courÉse, in free-hand drawing, and design. Josephine Altman. Case and Catherine -M. Murphy, teach the art appreciat ion -while Olive Lothrop Grover, %vlîo is liead of the depart- ment, directs ail of thie %ork in stage-craft besidles lier classes in -A A- ment lanip shades. Trainng in judg- ment is stressed, siuîce many pupils do not expect to continue into fuir- ther creative work. Some field work .i research and historical back- grounds is a part of the sec ond vear course, so that. students in the ad- q Bernie Photo .liadaine Zorora is tihe fortune, te/ler zc/w is to e i tthe Ifomait's ir/nb drîrifgt/he Chili Mart M1arc/i 16, 17. aiid 18, w revei tethose w/m seck lier ont thJ/e 01stres tire fuituire <amdtraits of .charac 1cr, /'erhaps iip Iote fis lime uînonta thme person wveepam isire rends. Madamne Zorora lias read sii ceess- fi//'v t/he ,ahsis f, uzaiimv promimemit Pirlsons ç icidiiî.ila Metropo/itan OPera 'Star. Considers Lieber Course of Value to Club Women Next Monday morning is the oc- casion of the, third ini the series of five, talks 'given by Mrs. Gertrude C. Lieber of WNinnetka on. public speak-' ing and current events, under the auspices of the éivics departmient of. the, Woman's c lub of wilmet te.- Hoxv to announce a meeting. how to in- troduce a speaker, how- to make a camipaign speech, and, how to in- troduce a candidate are sîihierts Mrs, E. P.* Fatcli. I11 Washinigtoin avenue. on Motîdav. Xlarcli 14. vanced. classes have the benefit of a wider background for their creative work. aay afternoon, March 11, at 2 o'clock, with its locale cbanged for this meect- ing. The program, cbanged f rom the announcement in the Vear book.. xii be given in the auditorium ci the,, Howard school, Sevr'en teenth ani Spencer streets, by Clarence A. Baker, speaker, by a group of girl' s who are students.in thé music depart- ment of Mallinckrodt Higb school, and byglee clubs. Thosie giving the. music programn will be Dorothy Ludden, who as soloist. will sing " 'Corne Back to Erin." *Gýoing Home" bv' D V o r a k. and 'Miss Ltidden and -ler sister, Angela. who wi.ll sing a duet. "My Creed." Antoinette Richter i s to be their ac- companist. The Boys Glec clubs of the Stolp> and Howvard schools. will open the, program xvwith- a group. of songs. They willbe directed 1w -Mrs. Clarlk and- acconîpanied by' Miss M ýcKalv. superi-isor of music. The speaker of the afternoon ini his talk on 6'Heavens of Cone'rete*' bIrings interesting facts about stars and in the manner with whic hCh presents his subject entertains as tic imparts information. Those xvho have heard him talk declare that, those %yho have flot visited the' Adler planetarium and heard the jectureý there *wiIi find it more inter ,estin.g when thev do, and those wvho have been there take added delight in M_1r. Baker's talk on the heavens, ivhich is, a lantern slide lecture. Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. Fraink,,Do'nnerslherger, Mrs. .. P. Harrs- and Mrs. Henry Marten. Northridge Club Notes The nionthlv imeeting of tIlie Northridge WVoman's club of \Vil-_ mette will be held M onday, March 14,. at the, home of Mrs. Stanlcv- J ohnson, .1925. Thornwood, avenue . The speakzer will, be Miss Mary Wig- 1ey from the Trustees System cor- poration who xiii take as the suh- ject of her talk on budgeting. an'd finance, "Forwvard' Planiniig." Miss Wigley. is giving this lecture that same .afteriioon at the. Rogers Parlk Wornan's club. Rep. Ralph Church of Evanston also xiii give a brief talk. St. Fran Martha, 'i îig on M( home of 111 Rroadi begin at 1 M. . TO MEET. Household, Order of have its regular meet- lay, March 14, at the iEdward J. McArdle. y. street. Sewing will. o'clock. Program March 10 E iifred Ward,~ Edith Zal ger. Paula Krafthefer - ..n - Special guest night will be held at the regular March meeting of the Jun- io>r auýxïliarv of the, Womnan's Catholic club of Wilmette, Thursday eveniing, March 10, at-7 :45 o'ôclock at the Xrm an~s club., Each ienièber i*s invited to bring a. prospective memfber for next year. The juniors have planned a prograni of un- uisual deliit. Miss Winifredý Ward, supervisor of dramatics in the Evans- ton and Illinois public schools, will, give. a tal on v ork ith children cover- ing the dramnatic field. ýMiss W\ard is also inistructor. in 'dramatic, productioný .at the -Northxvestern univer.itv ,School of Speech, as weli as director of the children's theater of E1vanston. and auithor (,f "Creative Dramaties." Not onil% one intcresting person but twn~~~~~ ,vl I ti evworthwhile pro grai. ,-Miss Edith, Zahringer., instruc- tor of (Iramatics at *St. Francis Xavier acadeniy, a private school for girls on the souitl side. Chicago, wIll present lier .Ilippet .show '"Caravati.' lRare artistry a nd igenuity are carried out in tfhisýworld- wide and c.d but, ever.new entertainment., Miss Zahringer'and ber assistants have, been wideiv praised* by educators as w yell as bv' her juvénile, aildm, nce whvlom, she lias delighted. 1 Mardi 1eilig the month in \vhich St. P;itric(l ay* falîs, there will also .be, zivenl a touich of old Irelanid in the dances presented by petite Paula Krafthefer of Wilmette, whio is con- sidered uinusual in- her abilitv and technique. She was a pupil of Gladys Highit. Follwingthe prograpi, reireshients will he- served.* The- hostesses for the .éeiieing, vill' he the Visses Alne 0('Conneill.,iCatherine leary, and Betty- Kirn f fWilm'ette, andPatricia. MC- Carthy of F.vanston. Nei.ghbors to Hear Songs by.Kenilworth Composeërsý The <epartment *of rmusic oi lu Neighbors of Kenilworth will have its next meeting at the residence of Mrs. Harry Mons, 157 'Woodstock avemue. Keni.iworth, on Tti ù >s(d'a,-, inornîng, N[arch 15,. at 10 :15 t> dock, Itw i 1l1 be Kenilwortl o1oiî~ an l aî two* e'uest artists iicxe was a very pleasant mne. Baker g Sale Saturday 1Bethel Number., 44, Order of Jobs Daughters, is having aý bakery sale Saturday, March 12, at the Wilmnette. Grocery and Market.

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