soloist. at the Thfursday. evening-Fridavl aiternoon concerts ot the Chicago Sym - phony orchestra, whule Emily Bottcher, young pianist, will play,.at the Saturday nigbt popular concert. At one time a meniber of, the. Colonne orchestrai ith which lhebas been, ifty- fourtimes soloist, MNr.'Thlibaud is Strict-a ]y a contemporary oi our owKi Dr. Stock, who aiso wvas taken f rom the Colonne orchestra to become a member f of the orchestra here. A native -of Bor- 0 deaux, France, Mr. Thibagud. iS hailed l as "France's greatest vioiinist.- 1Thi s will be the. eminent Frenchmnan's si fifth. appearance as soloist with thet symphony; he first played here in 1903. 'He did not, return to this country for i ten years, owingý to Europeati engage- ments; bhis ,Itst visit wvas miade in cc Ï928, "when he pflayed at the Tuesclay ra concerts. Mr. Thibaud will play Moz- m art's Concerto for Violin, No. 4in1 major and 'Chausson's Poenie for Violin fi and Orchestra. The program aiso in-' !oîva>d Preston of Waihnett uu411 cludes Strauss' Sereniade> for Uind In-. le tire. baritopre solosst i rrztite h strunients; Trapp's .Symphony No.. 4 hoiur of niÙsic at Shail ee Colin- I in B minor, being played for the first tri- club .Sinday, Marc;.13. -Tihe. tinte at tbese concerts ; Two Symphonice/'rogrqm wziII begin at 4 o'clock and Sketches by Mueller, and Berlioz' wilt 1w follo-wed by tea at 5. March, Rakoczy,, f rom the Damnation Charles Lrtrvey of Chilcago is to gu of Faust. bc Mr. Prestorn's accopanis en The soloist for the Saturday night i ___ popular concert is' Emily Botucher, pi-" 1r du anist, chosen in the young artist's audi- Whoa, rIen-y," Titie TI tions held by Dr. Stock this season. of Blackfriars' Show oc n ti .Miss Bottcher is a native American of ' HIeniry," a musical comedy Stu American parentage. and has received rttnbOin oro, niesvoff much o ber ducaton inChicago.Chcg senior, will be the 28th annual i si will play Saint-Saen's Concerto for Pi- Blakrisshwadxiibesae anto No. 2 in G minor. The pi'ogram aiso Bv 'one rs huowedaietd wI es fthç F includes }Jandel's Concerto No. 2, F b.oehtde aesue fteF mpajor, for string orchestra; Tschaikow- university in Mandel hall on the uni- ani skys' ymponyNo. '3 D ajo," n~versity campus, M'a.,y 6, 7. 13 and 14,1 1 Seletî ns fom ct II o Waner it was announced this week by Chester;i "Segred." fo At SIo. ager ainig, Abbott of the' Order of Black-1 "Sigfie"f riars.i This year's production, having bebind 'Wilin ette. Violinist Is it the tradition of a series of perform-' WinerinMuicCotest ances dating back to 1904,. concerns' the i2. adventures of a ufiverSit,«,f réshman Samuel Thaviu of Wilmette, youing backstage of a theater. The book. was 3 violinist, was choseri winner in the an- chosen f rom "among fine 'submitted .by nual contest of the Society of American students and alumni of the university Musicians held recently at Kimbali hall. by' a committee composed of Professors] In May lie wiii be given a professionai James Weber Linn and Percv Holmes1 debut recital under the direction Of Boynton, Gaîl Borden, dramatic critic Beçrtba Ott. The winning p ianist in of the. r~ - . of. johann Wqlfgang von Goe 1the, Ger- ' VAZ ' .A 3ALI mani opera singérs are' singing bis lyrics' George Swigart, violinist, of WiI- here, 'colorful 'films are depicting bis' mette wvill appear as guest artjst at a life and works, and celebrations aî.î over meeting of' the Chicago Woman's club the city are niarking the centenniali Tuesdav aiternoon, Marcb 15. jKen- week of the passirig of' Germany's great- n-eth M. B3radley, president of'ý the est literary artist. [Bush Conservaterv of 'Musicxlvill (le- .Nothw stern univer .sitv as pa nd liver a briei address. a lecture on Goethe. witîi accompanying MrSigtbabenerbsyhi flm eitigbsfead oktob wint r with program engagements, some shown toward the end of March 1hefore 'of wvhich he has shbared. witb local art- :beuniersty' Gemanclu. A 'tis'ists. This 'evening he is giving a re- occasion rf hean of Bres- citai for the Newv Trier Music club. au Prof. Kt e eaker. and wvill be acc'ompanied at the piano be th speker.during several numbers hy Frances, Prof. Walter 'Bllock of the Univer-;Anderson., and hy 'WVinnrifred Mickev sitv of C bicago. one of the many hec- 'during bis plaving of the 'Soiiata iii G urers on Goetlie duriing tis 'week says: Major" by Brahms. fEus program x\viii -The lesson oi Goetbe for ug today include :"Romance in F" hy Beethoven is self -control, çliscipliiie. restraint, and 'and 'Viohin Concerto ini DMajor"', yv %ork.ý ý'Je may heariif rombim to avoid. Richard Czerwonky. Chicago teacher coniusrng amusement. wvortbiess exube- and violinist, witb wbhom M.\r. Swigart rance, and uricontrolled selfisbness (mis- is studying. amed self expression) witb education. On Marcb i M1r. Sigar ad iss Lvhich ýmean.s essentialv discipline, first, Anderson ýgave a joint 1p rogram a t 1a iromi without. iater f rom withi.' . ; meeting of. the 'Altenbeim Woman's club in the XVebster hotel. On February 2$ "be piayed in a joit recitai witb Grace Ensemble to Play Lyries "Seiberling, pianist, before tbe Musical by Edith'R. MCrrnick 'Guild of CÇhicago, Frances Anderson, Marie Morrisey. con)itralto, xviii be the accompanying. On the - eveni'ng of ,uest artist' at the .programn to be 'gie January 22 Mr. Swigart gave a pro- iext Sunday aftern1oon by the string grain with Franz Bodfors, pianist., at ýsemble of'tivelve, Georg 1e Dasch con- the Bush conservatory., This %vas onie lucting, at the Chicago Atisiue of the Artists Recital, series. rhe program inll 1 be' gi ven at '3:15- 'dock and wiillhe repeated at 4:1,5, Ad- i North Shore Artists. niss'ion to the Art institute is f ree ýon indays, but there is a smail fee charg' on CIIhicago Programs or the concerts. Miss Morrisey 1 will; Norma Bosworth of W'innetka.: so-' ing lyrics lvritteti by Editb Rockefelieri prano, and Ernau Akely of Wiimette, UcCormick lvith 'music bv' Eleanrrpianist and teacher, xvili appear on the ,reer, at .Sundav's progran whicb is prograrn of the Lake Viewv Musical' nnounced as foliows: 1 society to be given at the Biackstone Octet, E Fiat 'Major, opus 20, for 4 hotel Mondyatron ac 4 Violins, 2 -Violas and 2 Violoneelli- Mrs.. Akeiy accompanied' Mrs. Bos- 'Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ' xorth' iast 'Sunday af ternoon' when the Allegro moderato, nia (-(-ii fuioco latter sangbfràebr fteCi Andanteg eoe emesothCi Schierzo (Allegro. leggierissimo), cago Alu m-nae chapter of. Obe.rhin col-. Finale (Presto) lege. The. meeting xvas, heid at 'the- Love Song Cycle, for Contralto. with MdnhAbei--,ýu.Téetv Accompanimnent 0 f String, Quartet,.an<it eia A41±lib.Tee w Piano-ýLyrlcsq by' Edith, Rockefeller popular north shore artists. gave the MctCormick, ul yEnrEe. musical prograffi at a lecture and mui est Freer. cal given March 3 at the Baptist, church (a) "Htow 1Can We. Knc.w'ý (b) "I *Write Not to Thei. eae in Evanston. (c) "'ove" ' 'On Monday afternooni of last week (d) "ýELetween"' Mrs. Ak ely 'accompanied Mrs. Aibert (e) i"hou" 'Mf lit was Spoken" Cordts, soprano, who sang at a rooni "Wqaltz" froni the '"Serenade" for, tea given. by the mothers of the chil- string Orchestra '(Op~us 48)-Tschai- dren of the Centrai-Laurel school, Wil- kowsky mette. "Perpetuum 'Mobile" (Perpetuial Mo- i_________ tioli)-PRies-Dasel.' POSTPONE RECITALS 7. Miss Bo test concluct ean Musici2 titis spring., recenthy won th the Society of. rappearance in il unicago J Da ond act of presen !ment at urday, wiarcn 12. 'The selections that she Miss' Shirley 'Ross, who was grad- cee Sun- bas chosen to play are "Prelude i C uated 'from, Mount Vernon seminary in ss Bert- Minor" by Chopin, "Prelude in A WVashington last Jilue, and Who recent- Culkin, Major" also by Chopin, and the Faust ]y attended Northwestern, bas now en- the sec- Valse by Gounod. Jean is a pupil oi tered the Amnerican Conservatory of Miss Dorotby L. Pound of Wilmiette. Music in Chicago i i 'i 0