sôciation, wiIl preside. WOMEN voTEFRS MEET The boardi of the Kenilwortli League of Women Voters met at the hoeof the .president, -Mrs.:E.F Z. Snydacker, on Tues day of 'this week at 12 O'clock noon. A delicious buf- fet luncheon was served preceding the Meeting.. Mrs. .Snydacker bas recently ireturned f ro ni a nonth ini Florida. DATTLE CREEK DATES ty were macde witn the nvanston 1. M. C. A. by Dudley C. Stone, Rec- reation assistant and club sponsor. Several other interesting trips e being planned for thie club member.s, 'Mr.. Stone states.. W.ý C. T. U. MEETING The regular tnionthly etigof the. Wilmette-Wlinnetka :W. ,C. t. (,'. will be helà. at, the hlome of Mrs. T. Kirwin,- 2007 Wilmette, avenue.,on dav. afternoon. M'arch 14, at '2 o'clck!,. ZELDA DEAUTY SHop WiII Open March l5th 1159 Wilmette Avenue. Ist Floor, Room; 8 Wilmette 941 -this a real value! qeliéral chairman. for- the Club Mart Wiche/. On lyeducsdav, Thursdav. and Friday of nert veek, zwiii hoid swaY as a bette it for the buildinîg funmd of. the lVioiiaius- ciub of Jf'il- me vtt e. .Mrs. A. L. iNacDougal. of Abbo)tt- ford road, Kenilivorti, lias hiad Miss Sarah jack and NMrs. William, Jak of Peoria, as bier guests for severa1 davs. Mrs. MacDougal returned ,vithý hcer guests for a few days ini Peoria. marble tournaments scfleculecl for 9 o'clock this Saturday morning at the Village Green. In case the weather is too cold tco conduct the nieet at its scheduled date,. both divisions of the tourna- ment will be postponed to the, fol- lowinig week -and , vili be held aft.er sehool hours on a week day. In addition to the defending champ- ions from last year, more than seven- ty-five boys* and nearly fort% gir.ls have registered for the, 1932,tourna- ,ment which is conducted under the rules governing the "big ring"' marbie. gaine. Any, boy or girl in Wilmcette is eligible te ,c ompete ini the tourna-. ments anl. may do so *by registering at their schools or at the Recréation office, 914 Central, avenue. Boy1s and! Igirls, below the lftfh gradie and, in the, fifth. grade compete ini the junior 1 tournanient and boys and girls ini the s,'ixth, seventh, and eighth grade coini- pete ini the senior tour-panent. Boys and girls compete ini different dlivi- sions and do tiot contest against eachi other. ENTERTAINS LEGAL SORORITY Miss Isabel W\,eldon, 1340 Green- %vood avenue, entertained lier legal sorority, Kappa Beta Pl, at a bridge supper recently at lier homne. MNIis,; WVeldon is Studlyiîxg at the Kenît col- 1lege of LaN\. * ~ ~i I Choîce cuts, ~~I lbo. IRoaut Price Neyer is .Ibo 250, 1109 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE THE GREAT ATt.AfTIC;a PACIFIC TEA CO., Middle Western Dmsioo I ry Mrs. Winberg's Home Cooked Plate Lunches W. Wm. Winbeirg men. Prescription Pharmaciets Since 1898 417 Linden Ave., Wilmnette 24M0 THE DRUG STORE IN, THE. MIDDLE 0OF THE BLOCK ANNOUNCEMENT - The New and Modern -a ab* - .~ k j~.