meeting, . Avictory for cîther teami next Monday night will hielp clecided- ]y toward the championship. - The Flori.sts are guniniig for their, third cbampionsbip in Wilmette's league. Last week they clinclied thie 13" league..,basketball cbampionship, wvhi1e this past sunun.ier found themi eîeging as %vinniers o h ido bas.ebail league. Probable lineups, for Monday nlight's volley bail conflict are: ýBap- tists-George Williams, Earl. McDow, Arthur Yotingbe'rg. William Ilaass, Earl Carlson, captain. and AI Grubn; Florists-Ed Phillips, jamee-4o- miain, Jake Hoffmann, Earl Miller, Bimui Thalinainn, and Alex Hoffmann, capta in. AWAITý ROLLER SKATE MEET The seventh, annual roller skating niet bas been anniounced by thie Plavgrounid a-id Recreation board toç- Saturday morning, Nlarch 19. TUe( program of events aüd. place of mieut wil1 be mnade publie next week 1w Daniel -. avs, director of recrea tion. mothers plan that dthe conipfletrd ' it th fquilts wvilI be ulsed at future parties lsahool as prizes. The senior-junior basketball ganteý- played on February 23, was a' record breaker., This gaine Was .a partit-, ularlv comIpetitive. one, as hoth, teanis were eager. to win the school chani- pion.ship. ýThe juniors' took the lead in. the' flrst haîf, of the game and ai its close 'had scored,,32 against thc 12, points' won by' the seniors. The 1]ne-up '%vas SENIOR ('atherîne Didier, Fý Dorothy Kummer F Rosetta Conley ,C MayKreupch CG, Vivian Quigley G Sarah Gar rity G Ann Stempel F? Viola aleiden ýG as follovs: JUNIOR .Aina. Kristof Mar-lon Weber Agiies Costello El-sie Zopp' Bernice Gould Pa4uline -Garrity, Clara Kristof The Aluminae -b s ketball tecalm bas challenged the school teamn to a gamne on Saturday afternoon, March 5, at 3 'oclock. An admission fee wilI- be asked froin the students andicialtimnae nièmibers, and the proceeds will theni be. divided among the players. f MoToRs Si Incorporated Car Shower Wash Body and WJea.e --750' Cloeau Inside rmity a In addition to bis exteilded ex- perience in law, Mr. Zeiss enjoys the distinction of baving in former years engaged in, farming. He ý left, bis practiceý of ýlawý at the outbreak of the World War and served 17. montbs in the N'avy. 'He is 'a. member of Winnetka Post, No.. 10,"Amnerican ,Legion, ýMr. Zeiss is married and has three children. Gives Expert Testimony for Detroit Subdividers W.alton S. Bell of 'McGuire. andà Orr, real estaeboes has returnied f romn Detroit where he was engaged by a group, of property owners repre- sented by the Iaw firm of Atkirison, Ortmanand Shrock of 'Detroit. The Grand Trunk railroad bas buit a inew right-of-way through the subdivi- sions of. Trowbridge Farms, Bloom.- jfield, East Maple Gardenis and flirminghami Estates and Mr. Bell's experience of 21 years in north slbore real estatequalifie.d hlim b give expert opinion as to the effeèt .of thisb new line on residential 'real1 estate ini i ts vicinitv. ~yPLAI4-SPOKEN PETE AMONG LIFE'S BLESS- INGS I1 MENTION A DEAF MUTE BARBER MPIOKIN G INA SHOP entrants in the cleclamatory and speil- ing contests for Cook county schools. Bob Anhalt will speak for the Avoca school in the declamatorv contest, and Phyllis Scherer will represent the Highcrest school. "Uncle Sam," a poern by 'Francis G. ý Blair, Illinois state spperintendent, of -public inistruictio,is used by ail pupils entered in, the' declamàtory contest. Lillian Quirnbacb will represenit the Avoca school and Dorothy Dittrnar the Highcrest school - in the spelling con'- test. Pupils of both scho ois are now working on posters, and the lest one f rom eacb. scliool will be ente red in the county contest. The winners of. the district, declanma- tory and spelling contests at the Hligh- crest scbool- Marcb 16 .«,iîî compete in the division contest to be beld at 2the Croation school in, Des Plaines. The county schdols are..groupe(l ini six. divi-, sions. and both Highcrcst and Avoca are, in the third division. The final couiity contest wiIl be lield at Fullerton hall, Chicago, on Tite's- dav, 'March 23. MOTHER 15 ILL MrtS. John M. Petty is. s'eriouslv Il] at the home of her daughter, Mr;s.' R.1 M. Campbell, 631 Central avenue. Attending ber now are another' daughter, Mrs. John Petty of H'ous- ton, Texas, and her grandson, John*, MvacCampbell of Eau Claire, \Vis. )IL I~1 .721 MAIN ST. INEVEBI IMET CLOS1EDI' WLE Phone Wil. 2600-2601, Bob 'ri'Mac Main Stè. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmetté 3334