iv*au vv u iviarriu 4L'a 4Lu vvi LACD Anatole France. The two casts are re- hearsing under the direction of Miss Elisabeth Stanwood and Gordon Van Kirk. Booth Tarkington~s play is the-story oif the attempteti proposai of -George,, a young nman home f rom college, to a charniing young lady named Anna. lie speaks wýith her alone, but his proposai,. evidently rehearsed in, private, now, seernstoo precipitous; it mnust be made gradually and gently. Hie fearý an in- terruption by a horde of Anna's f riends,« who usually drop in during the eve-1 ning, and hebegîns to stammner. In spite: of lier encouraging. "Ycs, George ?" thei righit words will not corne. Hée takes so long in be ginninýg that he'has said, prac- tical* nothing by, the tirne Anna's f rîetnds arrive. G;eorge tries to f righten them' away by telling host story, but they be- corne engrossed in his. tale, and Anna: lierself has tofind a vway of disrnissing theni. They go-and take-George with, thern. -'He cornes back through the win- dow and tries to continue his proposal whichi he utterly fails to put forth in; comrprehensible 1Énglîsh. Finally a crowdj uf faces appear at the window and clear: up mnatters by yelling, ',Yes, George 1" In the play, "The Mail\'Mli0 Marriéd a Durnb Wif e," -Leonard Botal, a judge, dues not realize his greatest advantage in lhaving a perpetually sulent wife, for lie calis iii a doctor, a surgeon, and an apothec:trv to operate on his Catherine' aiid restore ber speech. The operation is a success, but the resuit is tragic to auyone who bas to listen to hier for aniy leîigth of time, as the extetit of her vocabulary and volubility is infinite. The, j udge almnost imrnediately regrets bisý act-and finds himself in a sad predica-1 nment. The-doctors report that there isl no . ineans under the. sun by wvhich tbey can reverse their operation. Thé solu-1 tioti to this problern produces one. of the rnost absurd and bilariously cornical situations of the whole play. The cast of "The Gbost -Story" is as foIllows: George, Edward Jones; Anna: Virginia Jones; Mary, Dorotby Wilder. GÇjrace,_Jane Henderson; Lennie, Mary1 goai, ir i s .azea. r. and mÂvrs. riowar( At. the rnorning services last Sun- 575 Stonegate terrace. day, there was an attendance of 26;, 11ost andi hostess to the me representing a substantial increase. bridge club last Saturday The Rev. James T. Venekiasen, pastor of the church,. is preaching--a seriesof seven, Special sermons. Sur.- for KIDNEY DISI day,, March 6, is "Famnily Sunday,", and theý aim *is to have every memi- h UN»moe i~ ber of every family in thie congrega- j tion at the. services. *"yA Ail organizations report new ffieni- ~ ~ S bersý added, these g 1roups 'iîucluding -PHONE GREENZJ Thés ý b Paintin g 1412 Eliwwo. WiImetteM299 'sý usir " left - overs" W alter participated numbers in whicb the picked by popular ap prvd the best in bc 17,Q0 spectators cbeel thusiàstically. lause. They ievents, the, ig themn en- sPting, sev'erai @P.ià la e graters !7 ugo.fured as gew l1 pli SERVICE COMPANY STORE. PAUL KRUPPA. - Decorating AVMeN ~Wilmtt. Wüium a1912 can