turcs. we betieve, make our tune ternporary home in time of need. I IIVI ra I Anyoe wo s deIres mly make use of this funeral horne. I1t'm,'as c-rae.dfori the-use of thOse wVc scrve-ý Otir Mortuary ik Equipped with a. Pipce Organ ~mv1T I"UNDERTMKR "The Hotise o>1 Personal Service" 1118 GREJENLEAF AVE. 'WILMETTE- 654. 554 CENTER ST. WNEK 0 The Old est EstablisheldU,,dertakters ,on the limedia te NAorth Shor1 e Siperiot Ambulancec Srvicc Licensed Lady. Assistant Cons ider Your Health andCmft Protect yourself byi knoweing yo ur dealer Buy (ÀOI t hburis siowly ýand cvclyand inaintains thiat uniforni teimpucrature so essciltial to hcalth anid à coifortable 1home. PlIacé vour rder tod.ay deliver it 'pronmptly. ÀC'ou lc ivsVOU the tinits per dollar. un ost hecat (40.11 iLATI.(4 1 i ,'sLSIS! 1Vimne~e oal& alerial I-Yard 1301 Lake Avenue Phope Wil mette'.4200' Co* SALES- SERVICE Wi imeett, 955, 435 -Ma'mn Streetf I I. k 4. a non