Lt Is'Beginning To Be Realize d T AT dollars taken out.of circulation.flot.only- do flot wo rortheir wnrs but also hamper the construc-o tive ef forts of of 'the rest> of mankdind.Like the talents in-I the parable, they are buried- and the final. accounting only brings censure. Iisimportant f or you, as an, earner, to place your dollars wher thY, wdlbe active Xhere the - w 4k£ kujf Of general welfare as well as, direct produceérs for you.q A savings account ,will turn your dollars in-&.. to direct pro-v ducers. They .Will'earn.;regu-l larly while they'also and stimulate business. Here. are Modern f aciities ,close, toé hom'e and this w1ould be an excellent day to start. that pe rsonal savings 1 lui