* ler chief points of znterest brouight to the attention of lier listeners the closely allied situation and interlacing of coun- *tries througli industries which now exists and consequently the urgent need for amnicable and peaceful relations be- tween ail nations. H«r point wvas illu s- trated with the history of, the piano in-, dnstry, which -ivas so iincreased b:y the introduction of the *Eskimo Pie" ini this *countr%. The, chocolate used in the con fect ion cornes f rom the f ar ýsouthern .,ounitries. as %ve know and as this de- Mand increased and broughit înoney to these people. the%- ip i tur, of musical tendencies, and with a niatural love for. musc-teirsouls - turned ,to these luxuries and they hegaîi huy-ingianos so that particular industry flourished as neyer lidore. I It %vas àa ilce illustration. àid onre %yhicli crystalized lier point. Mrs. Roberts, spokie iniforiallv and brought the matter of *'Disarnarnent" and its iieed for support to lier audience ini a vcr3' quietly, forceful mannier.,,1 Ini the absence of the president of the -Kenilworth -leagule, Mr. ilb.ert Kelly presided. N. U. Alumnae Giving Library Teaà Saturday The annual library, tea of the As- sociate alinmae of Northwestern uni.. versity wilI. be held at Rogers house corner of Orrington avenue and Uni versity place, Evanston. on SundaY afternoon, February 28, fromi 4 until 6 o'clock. At 4:30, Dr. Theodore W. Koch, uîliversityI librarian, will give an illustrated address on -the new, Deering library, showing plans an(l explaining the mneaning of design.s used throughout the buildi g. Dona- tions of, books or mioney '-for the Women's Dorrnîtory -libraries will.':be gratefully received' b.y the lîbrarv conîiittee whicli is composed .of Miss jane Hutchins Wie Miss Eleanor Lewis, and. Miss .Nary'Fabian. Hosts and hostesses for the after- noon wil[ be: M\r.,'and Mrs. Homer H-unt Cooper, Deani and. Mrs. Thom-. as F. Holgate, Dean Carl M. Beecher Deanî Florence Robiîett and Mr. Roh- nétt, Professor and Mfrs. James Taft' Ha~tfield.fDr. ,,and rs. 'nore,,."' lau.J unior A. C-. E. iast niders. Howard gyninaslurn. 8 p. ni. Basketball for nien. "B*' league. Make-up games ti . "B" basketLaIl league. Howard gyinnasium. : :15 p. m. Practice night for- girls' basketball teams. Saturday,- Febrvary, 4" 9 a. ni. Bicycle hi ke for boys. M.eet at shelter house at Village Greeni. 2 p. ni., Theatre party for menibêrs of Hlgh Crest and Howard girls', gym- nasium classes. Teatro del Lago. Meet at schools. Mognday,: February 29 4 :15 p. mi. Basketball for girls. Six Bits, vs. Hlgh Crest. Stolp gymnasiumi. 7 :30 p. mi. Volley bal for men, Howard P. T. A.ý vs.. Congregational. Howard] gyninasinni. 7 :30 p. ni. Volley, baIl for ne.Bak hawks vs. Meth(.dîst., Howard gynm- nasli n. S p. i. Basketball for 'girls.. New Trier SPecials vs.. Basketeers. Stolp gyni- m ., Voiley bail for niien. Hoffnîan Flnrlàt, I vs. Hoffinau. Florist 7Il. Howvard gyninasiuni. s :j5 P. m. Volley ball for uîîen. G'yll Cjaw vs. Baptist.. Howard -gytnasitini. 8.:50 p. ni. Basketball for girls. 1. B. T. vs. Ma liinckrodt. Stolp. gyninasi uli. i)p. ni. Vo)lleyý bail for' men. Ridge Pha rmaeïy v. Wilimette Ta ilrs.. How~- ard gynînasitunî. 7 p). ni. .Aero chlh for boys. FL-O Vktrd gylinmaslli. 7:15 P. ni. B.isketiill for girl>s. NYZ vs. .Austins. ýStolp gyfifalas l. m .8 p. ni. i3a,ketball îwackttieefor- iiien. 1'1oNv1'd gynînaslnm. 1) m n. Basketball foi' girls. W'ild lindians Nvs. Schultz & Nord. Stolli gynnlasîum. 8 :50 p.mn. Basketball for girls. O)'Kays vs, Brownviies. Stolp. gynînasium. Wedntesday, .Ma reli 2 7p. ni. Girls' gymýnaslunî cela-ss. -1i gli Crest..scloo.l., 7 p. mi. Men's basketball* rcie tournarnent, games. Stolp and, Howivard -gynînasiumsà. P. m~n. Ladies' gymnnsiuniî lass.HIgli Crest sch ool. 8 p. ni. Men's basketball practice. F'r.ý- tounarentgames. Stolii and, How rd gynînaslums, 9 p.Ini. Meni's basketball practice. . Pie- tournament games.,Stojlp and Howard gyniinasiins., uisday, l <î3 ' gymnasitnni class,. 5basketball. . V$s. WestS ýs egvinainni Ho~va id 8 year, Dy thle .tlayground and 1<ecre- ation boardl. Recreation staff assist- ants Dudley C. Stone and Glen W'. Gathercoal- make recommendations for the sixteen 'teams. to be invited to participate in, theto'urnament, which sees the fastest basketball and closest' games of the Recreation 1season. Teams accepting the invitation to participate in the tournament' 'nust do so by: March . The. men's basketball' tournament is one of 'the few recreation activities conducted by the Plàyground and Re- 1 creation' board during the year for which admission charge 'is made, to j the spectators. Tournamient garnes in- past years havée drawn capacîty crowds in al instances.. Games will be playied on WNedries-' day, Thursday, and .Friday eyenings at the Stolp and Howard gymnasitims. G. A. Reinhardt Wins Wilmeétte Chèes Titie G. A. Reinhardt. 1-431 Lake avenue,- won the title of WVilmette cliecker champion last Friday eveîîing 1)v elim-. inating H. L. Beach, 'the final dlaim- ýant to the title in the deciding match of the Playground a nd Recreation board's tournament. He had previ-1 ously defeated S. V. 'Morris ini the semi'-final matches and Nfr. Beachi defeated AI Schaeffer. Sixteen contestants entered the first Wilmette tournament which was open to any checker fan in the' Vil1- age. The firs.t night of play was ranuary 22nd, and some very close iiatches were witnessed before the, deciding night' of play, due to the fact that' each match of two out of lîree games elinîinated a contestant. NIr. Reinhîardt will be awarded ai gold medal in recognition,,*of bhis.1 championship and Mr. Beach will re- cie1ýe the riiuner-up's silver medal.1 Eltsv. Sùphgomlores. Stolp gym-1 nasiun. 1Fr1day, 3rnrck 4 7p. ni. Chess aind. cheekers. stolli school libra"Y. 7p. ni. Baskehtbýall practice for mien and1 ima1ke-un oaeanw. ilowardzvMau u the ralmer flouse on i<ebruiarY 26 and 27. This ping-pong classic of the west is again being sponsored by the In-. terfraternity club and is sanctioned by, the American and Western, Ping- Pong associations. Alonzo'A. Stagg, director of athletics' at the Univer- sity of Chicago, is acting. as h.onorarv referee, Heading the list of suburban plav- ers is Coleman. Clarký of« Glencoe. present western champion and recett .wirnner of the New York-Chicago ini- vitation singles title. Clark is a nhiein- lier of the star Interfraternity club team. D. XV. McEwan ofGenEln winner of thé suburban titie a short. time ago and also a member, of tbe Iiîterfraternity. club, is anotiier whose chance of placinig high -is excellent. F.vanston is furnishing such stars, as Oliver Jahn'. Northwesterni Universitv- title-hiolder, Georgeli;ttle, finalist Nvithl McEwan in thesuburb)an. chamiioni-t- ship, not to mnrtion Boyd Peterson. at semni-finàlist in the Western laszt vear. Highiancl, Park lias éentered its chai*pion. D. A- Kittermasterà, for- nierlv one of thé Canadian stars, and Robert E. Clark, who with.his hrothl- ér Colemati forms one' of the strong- est doubles teams in thecotr.I addition to, these two, James Webher. and Dade Epstein wiil be tývu' reil, Youh'tg Bilir Condy, recenit. iorgý* sibinrban title-holder, and bis team- inate, Bol) Robinson, are twvo onf th WVilrnette stars whose entries. havc bceni receivedl. Wbile eiitries have alreadiv heeni received froni Clevelanîd, St. Loulis. IeriLotilsville ai n rv nysaller cities, not to mention ail. the Chîicago' stars, it is exp)ectedl that suhburbain Chicago'wl give ail excellent ac- cotunting of itself. T'le grand baàllroom of the Palmier house is ideaIlh arranged ýfor sic a. taurnamient on. account. of the I, arge ýallrv here every spectator will have apc.rfect vi 'ew of the i)layý. Ticketsz are on sale at thue Tntrafratprritx ner ï Sthe ý.ela ss. , ,ý% Mrs. ClYde T. Hays, . 5119 L« avenue, wil entertain her' Tue iuncnon Diage ci'u' îîcxt week at percent ofthte total populaption of' number of bridges and grade separa- ber home. this country bas access to library tien projects. '-o-- books. Elghty-three percent of the Mr. and Mrs. Elpier L. Stonie, 1624 'rural population have no libraries. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, Highland avenue, entertained a group 0 f the.3,065 counties in the United 515 Essex road, Kenilworth have left of Mr. Stones business.friends and States, 1,135 have no -libraries.t There for. a visit in N ew York, WashingÉton, their wives at Stinday tea recenitly. are four -cities with a oulto ofadpisinteoth rJohn Cullings of '?eoria, Ill,.ma s the week-end guest of bis uncle and, aunt, Mr. and Mrs: ,Albert A. 'M1c - Keighan, 1025 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Cornelia Keith of 310. War- wick road, Kenilworth spent last week-entd with her daughter, Mrs. Cleon, L;arsen,ý in Peoria. atid .,'al