Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1932, p. 46

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...... E, ý... '.xLtIl KIre>woU Avenue, and côrinected to th ub lic sanltary sewers now ln place 537 MONROE ST., GLENCOE In eaid streets, and otherwlsee hproving OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY 10-5 the same.1 ail ln the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook and State of Illinois, OWNER HAS MOVED TO N. Y. AND the ordinance for the same being on DESIRES IMMEDIATE SALE OR~ file ln. the -office of the Village Clerk, LEASE. BAIRD & WARNER, Briai'- and sald Village' having, applied to the gate 1855, Glencoe ý1554. 72LTN43-ltc County Court of Cooký County for an assessment 0f the coet, of eald imbrove- A CHARMING COLONIAL HOME m.ent. according to the benefits, and an is offered In east Winnetka, a assessment therefore having, been miade beautifullyý bulît brick, 2 yrs. and returned to sald. Court, document old, complete ln every detail No. 282, a final hearlng thereon Wlli be wlth unusually large, well ai- lheard on the l4th day of March, A. D. 19U2. at ten -o'clock, A. M. or as soon ranged roome.. House includes a thereafter, as the business 0f the court. charmhing breakfast room %vi th wil Permit. Ahl persons destring may corner cupboard., a library, Iav., file objections ln eaid Court before said 5 bedrms., 3,baths, 2-car garage, date and may appear on the hearIng and Éeduced to $48,500. Wilî accept j make their defense. desirable semaller house ln trade i Said ordinance provides for the pay- or rent $275 a, month. iment, of said assessment ln five Install- ments, with annual iterest thereon at F rances J.. XVnscott the rate of six percent per annuni. EXCLIUSIVE AGENT DATED at Wilmette,1 Illinois, this thel 9l02 Spruce St. Wnnetka 1267 17th day of February, A. D. 1932k 72LTN43-lt<J C. N. EVANS Person appointed by the Presi- Even VithRedued dent of the ,Board of Local Ini- EvenWithRiedce'dproveients of the Village of building coqse ou.could not re- Wl-ete, éokCont, lio produce this English Colonial to make,,said assessmient. home at the, price it can. be bought today. Best of locations L32. wsrn a beautiful Viýew. Four bed- ronis. three baths, 2-car garage, oill heat. Very attractive interior. Just built at a cost of $43.000. and now reduced to $32,000. -4 Perfect Homne. QUINLAN ,& -TYSON,.. mc, Founitain Square Uni. 2600 72L43-ltp ~E. WIN4NETKA, 6. 3EDRMS., bathm, sleeping porech, sun, porch, it- tached gar. H -. W. ht. $18,000.My consider smaller trnde. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 72LTN43-ltî) 73 WANTEDI 0 *IJY-HOUsce WANT $10,000 'NORTH SHORE HOMEi. Must be real bargain. Describe. Write A-142, box 40, Wilniette, 111. 73LTN43-lte 78 FOR SALE-CEMETrERY LOTIS TWOô CENTRAL CEMETERY LOTS for, sale. Reasonable if sold at once. Phone Wlnnetka 2055. 78LTN43-Ite 46 FOR SALE-HOU OEHOLD GOODU FOR SALE - FURNISHINGS FOR 5 room apartment, ail well above, the average in quality. Includes excep- tional.Williamn and Mary dining roi suite. Will sell ail or In -part. In- th etr line of Lake Avenue to a line parallel with and seven feet south of the northerly street lune of Washington Avenue, except .across the central fifty-_ two feet of Schiller Avenue and Birchi- NNoodt Avenue, 'respectively, and on the isouth side of"Washljngton Avenue from a Une parallel wli i and twenty inches West of the easterly street lune of Twenty-Third. Street, extended south, to the back of the westerly curb of the existlnig pavemnt return to Twenty- Third Street (,Oak Street) being a Une jparallel With and! forty-three and 'five- tenths feet west of the east street line tif Twenty-pirst Street, (Oak Street), and otherwise improving the sanie, ail ln the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook and State, 0f Illinois, the ordînance for the sanie being on file in the office <of the Village Clerk, and said Villag .e having applied to the County Court ofJ *t'ook, County for an assessieInt of thei cost of said improvement,. according to1 the benefits, and an assessmient there- fo>r& having been made and returaed tg) said Court, document No. 284, a final .learing thereon will, be heard. on the 14th day of March, A. D. 1932, at ten u'celock A. M., or as soon thereafter as~ the business of the Court Mill permnit. .411l persons desiring rnay file objectionst i i,:au otAfnn+ir etoe sid u uste and iTlYY "Forb)Idden" ,aind 1"D1r. jekv-l SPECIAIJ ASSESSMENT N!OTICE :ippear on the hearing -and, mike their M.Hd"faueteVrivpo Mr.Hyeense.reth V..s1y ro VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE Si riac d~~grami on MonldaY, TucsdaN and iied- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N.283 ment,0f said assessient in fiveý instaîl-nedy ie-nts; wutî annual initerest tiiereon -at Ralph Bellanmy of Wilmétte anld *NOTICE -le iereby, given to ail per-' the rate of. six percent per annumn. Adolphe Menjou are fine i, "For- sons interested that the President andi DA-TED at Wilmette, Illinois, this, the -b)idden," the> storv of a, wornan. 13oard of Trustees of the- Village (3f lTth day 0i f Pebruary, A. D. 1932. Babr tnyck h acii State Of Illinisl, havinig ordered thati C,- N. EVANS herself to her husband's political lead water service pipes shall be con- Person appointed by the Pre.4i- ae1r." chnetscti>1l' structed in Main Street, hetweeîs Chest-i dent of the Board O 0 Ll 1 crer1A hnc ose hi nut Avenue .and Fi~fteetitti Street, alsoi proveinents of the Village of andl interesting . eading mnt, Bel- in Fiteenth Street, betwe;-ri Ni.in Street WIite Co onyIlnilainy, in a role where heWs fot blind pind the fir-st alley south of Greenwoodi to niake said assmn.or .cripp)led," reniarks Phiotoplav ;Avenue, and connected tg) the witerý .1spply pipes in the- sald streets, and magazine. 'therile improving the same, ail in the "Dr. Jekyll . and , -\r. Hyýde" not Village of Wllmette, County of Cookan 0f U 'Ilinois, the ordinanre for the, Everyone £0 LieiRCOtby provides an unforgetable plot, .,aebeing on file la the office of the ,.,ý but also reveais the starring, powvers Village Clerk, and eaid Village having'! .- C. . Fim tars-! fFrd'e-lrliiteda oe applled te the County Court of Cook * miof reic arlinte ulro. County for an assesient of the -cost, Paul Lukas, DorothS- Jordan 1 of sald imnprovement, accordlng to the ine Osborne and Charlie iRugg1es' SPIES ARE PLENTIFUIL bhenefits, and- an as;esem rtent therefore contribute fine .characterizations in- the j et ini a background of gran havlngben nmade ani returned to eaid d . 1 Belove sIcia1 i 0 V rsand Court, document No.. 283- a f a e etran-i.'r Te Blvd1danate-CvlWrdyiMhl ~ifg thereoh will be' heard on the 14th Bachelor," t be sho *a Cmmunity thousad fsisflee hog day of March, A. D. 1932, at ten o'clock, House, on Friday and Saturday, Febru- op)posin.g lines--"Secret Servie~i A. ï M. or as soon thereafter as the arV 26 and 27. shon1a te Wilm-t thari st business of the Court will permit. Allsona h imtetetrSt pereons desirlng niay file objections in, Another star wlioni cveryOnle \wuliLurday, February. 27, with Richiard, sald Court before, sald date and may j want to see is; four-year-old Betty, jane Dix in anothler, glamorous rote. .defeon teherngairnkterAIllen, alread welI on lier way toward seJi-s.L i..îaîg, uus tauuing utivr, who is unwanted by ber own chil- dren, she plays close to the hearts of the audience. See her in this I great role and be convinced that ail the Marsb charmn and winsomeness bas flot been misiaid du ring her teti years' absence- f rom. the screen. James, Dunn plaYs the son superblv and SalIy Eilers:,is his sweetheart, and they didn't té better work thanl tlîis in "Bad Girl." ýDon't'imiss flic Marsh comeback us the critic's gentie but persistenitplea. "Maker of 'Men" ivili share .theý double, feature prograi n.with "Over the. Hili." jack Hoit is convincing in the role of a domîineering father who grooms his son for- footb>all glories- only to. be surprised. Much of the sto rVs aIppeal is duc to the fine work oi Richard Cromwell a..; the soi). Rin-Tini-liin, a star of the serial, "The Lightning Warrior," is thrillingl the children at the Varsity matinees on Friday's after school and on 8Sit- F~OR SALE. SYM~PHONY for remaining concert-s. Pli. 1346. TICKETS Wlnnetka 88L,43-Itp) OJpposute I<oerni-' Tel. Longbeach ,1: Also opp. Oakwoo Il Loop offie: ý22i Western Ave. en rnce Il' 161 Free booklet ods à: Mt. Hope 9ent. 18 N. LaSalle St. 1649 Sheridan Road Wilmette 3740' mrts.- Benjamiîn T., Roodhiouse, 427 Laurel avenue, was hostess to mcim- bersof ber lunchieoin club last Friday.

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