tion ooard's wornan's department to 1chess toùnmntbigcope ailgir's asktbll eam ofEvas-this week, has issued an open chal- ton, Winietka, Glencoe, Glenview, lenge to ail north shore chess teams Highland Park, and other north for matches to be played any 'date in shore towns to participate in the 'first March. Wilmette AI-North Shore. Girl'S Eugene Hildebrand, Jr., '530 Maple basketball tournament wbich will be- avenue, secretary of 'the Wilmette: gin Tuesday evening, March 15. club,ý has 'mailed challenges. to 1 ev- The touirnainent is.,to determine thé' eral organizations having chess teams, North Shore.championship and gold notable among them, the North Shore balîs %will be awarded to the winners. Ches s club of the Winnetka Communi- Single élimination tournament 'rules itvy house. wii he used although teams,,losing in Te egtWlette players who the lirst Inight of play are eligible to eliminated ail their oppoilents up to enter the consolation' tournamçnt for the. quarter-final matches in the Wil- which silver balîs will be given to the mette ýPlayground andg Recreation winners. board s tournament, and.now.com- .Ail gamies will be. played according pose the.Wilmette te am, are: Eugene to Spaulding's officiai guide for girl's Hildebrand Jr., H.' L.-Beach, George basketball and rules wiIl be strictly Lusk, Lawrence Skewes, C. H. N{\,!ayer, observed in the games, Miss Jo Sid George. Stone, Walter H. Hildebrand more, assistant, on the Recreation and Montgomery Major board who, is incharge of the tour-. Chess tea'ms accepting the challenge, nament, announces. of the. Wilmette team înay do so by Anytea ofgirs payig grlscommunicatiig, with the club secre-, rules from any north shore ton is Lr._________ eligible, to enter: the tournament and__________________ teams may repres ent church- organi- zations, business organizations, civic Jecreation League organizations, and individual groupsJ desiring to enter. However, there is Ga_____________-mes_______________ one restriction; that girls playing on ________________ teams nmust flot have played profes- sional baske.tball during the current Rsl?~"AK'BL Resuls ofgirlsi' :ba.kefbadl ganies season.last week': Teams desiring to register for the igh crest (4) New Triier Specials tournament may do so by addressing Ete ikwk en <2 Esthr Pikowki jan urns their applications to Miss Skidmoire, Elizabeth flusscher 'Teallle Wilson care of, Playground and Recreation Bessie Bezdek NIarian Iverson board, 914.Central avenue, Wilmette, Margaret Hernies Marian Swanson enclosing one doll.ýr entrance fee.: Margaret Busseher Dorothy Volman' 'The fee 'is being charged to cover ' June kehl )vlary 'Gordôn the cost of trophies and refren Riggle, referee for the tournament.eerin- Second Chess Event .NearingSemi-Finals, The second Wilmette chess tourna- "ment,has completed the roster for the semi-final -matches. in one bracket and is hingingon the outcome of one match.to be ready for the semni-finals in the other bracket., ' The ga ie in question is 'between George Stone and C. H. Mayer, each of whoni has won a game in the match a'nd will play pr>or to tue A .'iACe '...ntr-Wïlmette games làst Wednesday.:1 This is t'he llrst year that Wilmette boys have worn u niform suits. A small admis- sion charge is being made at each of the home games to help defray the cost of the ùew uniflorms. .Basketeer-s (2) Mtalickrodt (o) -DnrOmütY Schinler Mary Gordon. Eleanor Regan_ Rose Toseani V' C i izhugh Teallie Wilson Ja n rier Ma0ian Iverson Dôrothy Vollman Nondas Rodenkir] Kath. IHoffmeli- Esther-Pinl<owski' Riggle, refereë Six BItsý (22) 1. B. T,.,,(6) Peggy Shea Ada Bernarde Helen Hunter Frances Toscani Sylvia Keil Caroline Stupkà Grace Allen Mariàn Berger Ruth Allen' Marian Hoetzer Florence Ludiger Genevieve Schnell Riggle, referee JUNIOR BASKETBALI Games inl Junior basketball1 East Siders 9) Ae 16 Jack Harris Aerg(10) John O'Nell Howard D Diek Sullivan Robert 'Moi Vincentt Meter Brian Mora Bob Meter Walter Fbsi Bd 7Mooney .Kannlng, referee k tmble bhal squacls won one ganie and lost Elites '(21) 8-Roeks (27) two in their first out-of-town ent- Perry Shortridge' Don Anderson gagements last Friday evening at Bob Werden Chester Moran DP- lie.1he P w e e m o Bob Fletcher Ralph Meaker Dslie.TePweta ri Al Roemer Bruce Meaker Wilniette defeated the Desplaines Vincent White Ludwig Skog Pewee team by 19 to 10 but tillv William Grant Ray Mann ' Jerome Nevins Ted Schmidt. îîgîtweight and heavyweighit tteani.s, Kanning, referee 'stiffered. defeat* at',the hands of thé opponients by scores of 1,5 to- 23 ah'd Junio'r A. C.' (0) AceS (20)' ' 7 to I3, respectively. Bob Waters,. Walter Foslund Henry Specht Fred Ashbacher ' The garnes were the, first played iiM Steve Keil 1 Robert Moran the Suburban, league by Wilmnette Zeck Moore Brian M4oran ýsquads this season and Coaches D)an-, Walter Hawkinson George Jones Todd,' referee., el. Dvi2ad uley C. Stone afe grooniing their teams for. hie six Won Lost pelt. renîaining engagements, one of vi1 Teain standings in 'Junior league: was scheduled for Wednesday c' e- Junior A. C..........13 0 100(o'tli East Siders 1..917 ninl Iof.7 nîng week. Desplaines wi West Siders 66 o play a retùrn engagement liere «,far1. Aces ...............5 6. 454 Il and before. that time the Wil- Wildcats ..... 4., :363 mteem ilhv lae x Sophomores . t mttemswil av gea4 S ;. S- ok,3, 19 )501perielnçe froin gaines Nwitl N'ilüs Elites........ ........ 1 10 090! Center, and- Forest Park. Forest' Park plays here Mardi .5 and tlie "B"' BASKETBALL retuirn gaine will 1,)e at Forcist Pari. Gamnes in . -B" basketball league to arh 8. inen:, [rhJ Ramiblers (22) Ridge Pharmnae y Line-ups' for the' Desnla S1 Jack Ryer, Charles lia Tim Conne Don' MNelnt: Bob Roenie G~eorge Hai H{arold Job James Hofif Alex Hoffm rames Bagi Ieag'ue. HoffmansI Elites . Terinnais Lynami's Te 11offmans' il Ridge Phar: St. Johins IFE i Deey.odt Watr .!indbIad Boyne Platt iar .Gepert Walt Doose Otto Gýep»jert William willianisoni Leslil Matson Art Hacker j Leslie Hannawalt William Schinler Congregational . "' Drewes, referee Howard P. T. A. Ridge Pharmacv il- ~Ôn John' (24)' er: son JohnJoý-danj LI Ed BraunDuianseesWimt () ely Ray Stefiens ýyre" John Miller ' il 1)schaeffer n ,. d Schuett 'NMarterco Randal Adam Bauër Hahn'pede H'arry Peters: Puson Siminions Tony Schinler ' Pregert Fieberg Kannring, refere ' Flood (30) RHoffma 1) ( .1siuin:Wilmette: Spiîny -for Tisst Wiliam 14)son Schaeffer, Moulding for Randail, Ed- .nson George Huck monds, for Speredes, Siule 'for SIinw. ýman Bob Pvans Steen for. Fieberg). an Charle.4Stines Desplaines Ligbt.. 'wilmette (15) -nei RlphReardon J welghts (23) neil Ralo mn Prochaska Haas *Tdd Joere lIfmn -17ysen. 0'Neil1 *Tod, efeee oughton Ha.tugsneýss -'Selig 'Robert-s indings in "B" basketball. McAipin " Koenen Won Ls' Pe.Intravoltola, ' Brennen . o12 Pc. (Substitutions for Wilmette: 'Litid- ..2... 92.3 strom, Gleason., Wade, Dietrich, ' 1 .l 3 7843 Morran, Brumbaugh, Henanson).. ....... 8 5 '.61.5 Despiie e'- lnet 7 xac.........6 53,S weights (3 ........ -6' 7,462SchaefferDvi may...3 9 250 -Edkrin' Hlendrickson- ... ...3 10 231 Frakes Versino ..........2 11l 154 Kaleine M~ Hildebrant Wdoohead, X'S VOLLIEY BALL '.Spinner 15, 15) ' (1, 9) ýSb4titutions for «Des1ain:Gm-' Baptit (5,15> Hoffman Florist (4, 1) 'George Williams Ray Hoffman Earl MeDow W. Uttenreuther ~Art Youngberg William Schinler Walter Haas Leona!rd Koenen Earl Càrlson. JosePh Hoffmn Drewes, referee Wilrnette.: Splnrier, MeMorran, Hly Beebe, Steffens). -: - - ... "z 1' I:st............. 12. 1 hodist....... ........ 12 1. e Pharmacy.....7 6 ard P. T. ....... 1 man Florlst IIX...... 6 7 ýregationaj ... . .2 il nette Tailors'..........i' 12 .khawks.......1 12 (More 'Recreation News on Page 48)