ctç sswiini r'une awure ude -y '- 1nrbe o Matr. iiarz spoice on the tax situa- percent respectively. ~Ports made -b the National Associa- proposed measures to corne 1 jln i ôkcony t a i ou- I optimist le er mlyet h Water tion of Real Estate 'Boards at its re- .anuarv, 1933 sessions of stateblefgOre tention thiat the 'present situation j o tia hnleaaye lebid lei-ia cancer eatiig at the ,ver- heart of ing perinits issued in the month (-4 cent annual business mieeting in St. latures.ra 9 t.Teon -wy.t ortjà)ary bv the cities, towns and' vil- thle situation, lhe said. is for property lages surrounding Chicago. h '\'ilI Iowners to join the Association r)1 j hb recalled that new building, took S r the Real Estate Taxpàyers.î quite -a spurt. in the month of. De- is association, .%,Iicli. -as startcdF ceimber, but the slump i auary two years. agg with a membershii) (If must cause the. Most confirmied h .fifteen, now lias :a memnbership ptimist tô admit defeat. By shap- * 8,00. ng his -pencil îand figurîng percent-- and OilBges on thto e few gains mad ehcati 0 il n i e C o m a n y t o a es ut i h e adm its the actual basi . cet o ost oie iluese Hous exosiion ill besponore laigh'beclis solittie mionev .cuters D I iP'to the transactions. 895 Linideni avenue Hbbr Wo >.In the entire survev tiiere is blut which vli be l prepared to discuss 011Oie shining light, Highland Park. Ili hieatinig problems with the exposition December the building permits of tlîat atthe Gommunqity House, Exposion visitors. Representatives of the con- north shore commnunitv aintii, ta pany I e o à ndtoand i an yto $320 a the features of the oil hot water gain of. 352 percent based oný real j7- _ _ _ _ _ ___ n perm its for Januarv 1931 totalüd wih urrereenatve ol $5,400, so that the' Januarv, 19,32 VISIT THE ~~figiure 'represents ani ces 1l .2 iNEXT WEEK percenut over 1931.. Ask about the Oil Hot Water ':v -.~VI v. Heating System. It's lots cheaper.lP C AL C URE. Let*us give you a list of our.users; CONTRACT BRIDGE in your neighborhood. I PAiuL, H. SE-tMotiR, WMAQ bridge expert, and leading exponent of ii the Cuibertson approach.forcing sy stemn in the Chicago area, will de- - t iver lectures ut Community House Exposition on Monday and Wed- A B C nesday evenings. c la n ,addition, Mr. Seymour wiIl conduct a special class at a reduced rate 011 B1 1~NI~Rof $2.50 for three lessons. on Wednesday ev7efing and Thursdav and Fridev afternoons, as a special concession to Exposition patrons. 011, B ISNIERegistration for ciass now opn. Make reservations with W. L. Ayers cou. at Community House tbis week, or at Bridge Studio in the Exposition a (rer'Monday. 895 LINDEN AVENUE CMUIYHUEEPSTO £iUw BOY I HUBBARD WOOD)S CM UIYH EEPSTO -Phons-Lincoln Avenue, Wînnetkaý WINN. 3440 -GREË. 2716 February 29-March 4 (Inclusive) When at the Epoito Be Sure to Vis it OurilBo oMt. ]FUEL @I1L Telephones DRA&UN DROS. OIL CO* Wnette 312 Wilmeta 31Z Phil H BraunFor Fuel-Use Oil" PiH.ranCarl L. Braun Rolit. F. Doepe1