a"d'lu ' e 01 trai avenue, Vilmette; to ;.OW a day'is expected. Mercliants A h xoiinvstr illai throughout the north shore area Atte xpstin iitrswlller cooperated in staging the 2eve lt and! what Sun-Ray is and what it wi.ll do. proceeds will go toward the refnruri- a Nelson's w~ill occup3, Space No. 35 ishing of Conimunity IIOUse. a the exposition. Thle management today expre,,et.l ats gratittute to cooperators. anticx - 'Bernie Stdi Pomse' pre.;s;ed convictioni that, the ero- ~ U1 LQ ie tou would be a trade stimulus to) thre Attractive Expo Display nlorth shore, beneficial' to ail partici- Bernie Studio, 1623 Sherman ave- lintaswlla a ntraiuietnue, Evanston -,vill have an interest- Movies at Expositio to Show Tree Surgery Motion pi.ctures of ail th'e iatest dev-eloPmelts in nmoderni tree'su rgerv m-ill cdaini the. attention of vîsîtors àat thle Wilnnetka Conîrnunity- House ex- Po..it ion next week.. 'rhonias*. 1 ' ynch. mnc.. florth siiore tree stIr- geonls at 561' Lincoîni avenue. \Vilî- j. ntkaà. il1 proividJe thie: mcwies as part oftheir displav un ll oti3 t tile exposition. lx--e uib a% atme v Jinnta L~ .uIIiiu- fitv House exposition, next, week. Bernie has- achie'Ved ivide acclaim as a specialist, in photography of chl-, dren and the Bernie booth No. 112 at the exposition. Will give, emphasis to that feature of his artistcm.wo r k. Br'aun Bros. Oil Co. thetoDisplaLy Products! Onte of 'the promin e pt di splays at th \Vilxnetka Comnmunitv Flouse ex-l poiin ext week will be that po vided by Brailïf Bros. Ou comnlpâny., well kniown- north shore distributorS ýDlSPLAY REFRIGERATOR U n urctn us Bros. poie oeting quiteun-j ..V. \VhIitiie%-. hic., distributors in usuaul in exhihits and are certain. to thie.Ch.icago area of the Gibson UIec-,,att 1ract overv visitort h xoi, tric refrigerator. characterized as '"the ýtioul rt heelo illostbaufl refrigerator in the - - ____ wi rd,'~vi- cccupy a demonstration hitl a te inntk CmnuntvVISIT T14E EXPOSITION li)tlsC expirsition next week.NE T EE tESSION is the most im-- portant elemient An child *,p ortrai-. ture. BERNIÉ has established h i s g r1e a t as a reputation e Se e the MARVELOUS RlESULIS. of the SUNO@RAY MACH-INE at the COMMUNIT .YHOUSE EXPOSITION WINNETKA-FEB. 29-MAR. 4 THE SUN-RAY PROCESS .What tùt'is . .. Whae. it wil.l do The SUN-RÂY PROCESS.manufaàc*tures for the -bonefit of your laundry those ideal wash day conditions . . . so selIdom te be had. It creates a warm.June sunashine... a brisik June breeze. It treats yourI'launýdry- with pli the beneficial advantages of the Ultra Violet Ray se, prevalent under such conditions. The resuits are wonderful. Your- clothes are sweetened and purified. The.y couic back to you deéan, "Bettes' Pictv.es-Better Values" 1623 Sherman' Ave. Evanston, Tel. Uni. 8998 1210 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. ___iiiEXPE