L~JJRALPH E. CHURC-H Repub1ican Candidate for Representative. in Congress Tenth Congressional1 District, Pr.imaries, April l12th HIS-NME APPEARS LAST O THEBALLO FOR CONG RESS PLATFORM i arn a candidate for Congress f rom. the Tenth Conàgressional' Dis- trict, and believe tbat the 'voters are entitled to a frank and unequivocal statenient of my position on national issues. For the last sixteen years as a member of the Illinois legislature, my record bas been a bâttle against inefficiency and corruption in gov. ernment and especially against bigb taxes. 1 shaîl continue, tbis fight in Con- gress by seeking as great a reduction iü the national e budget as.can be 1made witbout actually impairing tbe e.ssential services of the federal gov. ernment. 1 arn opposèd to the centralization in the federal government of. tbose nnxwà,,,ani t. h4i<h w4htlv. e- can be. solved by political panaceas. Ifavor the withdrawal of the federal government from the various pater- nalistic experiments on wbich it bas embarked i recent years. 1 shall work always for the better- ment of economic conditions and toward the. permanent removai of the underlying, causes of unemploy- ment. 1 believe that we shoui-d strive by* ail honorable means to mainitain f riendiy relations witb oôther COUR. tries, but. that our national well-being. demands freedomff romt entangling' *alliances. 1 believe tbat every candidate for Congress should state bis position mîand tbat, constructive statesman-. sbip be immediately'-employed in un bonest search for smre solution of the liquor problem wbicb will eradi- cate these evils witbout permitting the. return of tbe saloon. As a prac- tical step towards sucb a solution and in order that the people rnay exorcise their inherent right to ex- press their opinion on any sucb con-' troversiai subject, I personally favor,, and, if elected, will vote for tbe sub- ,mission to tbe people ýof an amend- -ment to tbe Eighteentb 'Amendnient wbicb will be suffi ciently broad in s cope, and powers to permit the trial of any proposed'plon of liquor regu- lation, wbetber state or national, bibafter full and careful consid- eration by Congress may seeni most li*kely to soive our national liquor "Ralph E. Church, lawyer, gave the public good service,. -Le gialative Voters Leaue,