for 1932 Program Cub Pack 63 of the Wilmette Con gregational church bas just complete itsý 1932 re-registration. The cubmas ter is J. Clair Mead; chairman of Pa(] comnittee is Arthur Seddon,; the meIn bers of the committee are Warren 1 Fifer, Tirrell J. Ferrenz, F. A. Cusi ing Smith and H. C. Toeppen., The cubs arc':' Ray Armstrong, Bill Bartlett, Robert: Bartlett, Knox ýBett inghaue, Clinton Carpenter, Robeîi Cederberg, Daniel Coyne, jack Coyne Norman Craig, Jack Dalton, «Billy ýDie- terich, William Dodds, Robert Fer- renz, Normani Fifer, William Fletcher Bob Fuessie, Donald Garniss. Charles Gregory,- james Gregory, n Charles Haake, Robert Halliwell, Jis Haney Pul *aake, AmosIlàdgkissî Mervill Hoefer, William Holfmes, Ricb- ard Hiooker, Billy Jones, Dick -LaBonte, Bob Lawrence, Willis Levis, Rayiyond Ambler, Lee Beali, Charles Berenger, Robert Conrad, Jack Davies, Frank Kuip, 'Donald M'axwell, Rodney Fer. ril. Edward Johnston. Charles McCand- lish, Randoipb McCandlish, Richard Neukranz, Frank Noettling, Whitney Pearson, Warren Peterson, Jack Pot- ter. George Redding, Bill Robinson, Arthur Seddon, John Seddon, Dan Seiden, Cushing Smith, Stan'ley Smnith, Richard Walker, Donald WVerden, and. Richard Wilson. Sea Scout Sbip Albatross also re- registered 'with John F. Roos as skip- per; chairman' of Ship committee, AI- fred Brittain, Jr.; members, 'P. C. McPherson, Rtilph K. Rockwood, Frank A. Farnbam and E. J. Baker, Jr. The Sea Scouts are: Charles Al- len, Paul Baker, Albert Bechteliheimer, Harry Brown, Thomas Danley, Arthur Henning. Frank Hilpert, Henry Hunt, 'Ewing Johansen, Thomas Johansen Bill Kidd, George Kneisly, Allan Mc- Cormick, William Meiyers, Jack, >Oliver, William Pavey, Bartlett. Price and Scott Thomas. Life Saving Tests to Be Saturday, February 271 On Saturday, February 27, Boy 1 Thte S i/ver Beaver az'ard, which. was recentIv preseented to Charles .4. Sterle of Gle,îcoe by the N4orth Shorr Area comincil in recognition of his outstandinq service to bo- hood. Albert P. Snite of Highland Park also r-eceîved titis award. M r. Stecee fi rst becanie connected %vith scouting as a troop Cornrittee member. u Troop 872 of Chicago ýin 1918. The next year he became a ,memnber of the. camping committee of the Chicago, counicil and served in this capacity for several years. On mnov- ing to Gl1ençoe i n 1922 he became active in local scouting in connection with the troop at the Glencoe Union'church. He helped organize. the Glencoe district and helped it secu re a second class charter f rom national beadquarters. He ,wàs instrumental in seurînz- -,Dr- I arr Li(4W U75 ac& ULL; i i ravening bcout, for Paper Drives Welcomes Visit The Press club of the North Shore to Freiburg Jail Area counicit plays a very important1 part in the môiithly' paper drives. as it Paul Gilbert of Troop 13, Keil- is the duty of the district editor of each worth, whio is studying iin Europe. district to see that ail the scouts par- tells, about 'bis Freiburg exeriences ticipate in the, drive and also to write Wn the letter' that was recently re- stories about these drives for the local, ceived. His host,- Dr. Riffel, is sec- scout paper. ing to it that the boys, Paul Gilbert Ever seondSatrday th da ofand bis cousin, Walter M. Forîter, j r.. the paper, drives hs eiosgthfer have a. fine time. ail the hnes of the Scouts, scoute ,rs1 "Af'ter dinner. Dr.. Riffel ,took* us and al others whotake an active part out again, this time to'thie jail, as lie in those drives by loaning or* driving is Oberniedizinairat, there,". Gilbert trucks. The district' editor then uses w rites. Teprison, is quite a, larg<. these facts in writing stories about the' and impressive -buildingi. The gate drive. ;guard opened the'massive gates for uN Sonie tinie ago the éditors of the dif-. as we arrived, and just then. a buncl ferent districts took a survey of their of eight prisoners in *white uniformis. districts discovering how much paper came marching-down into the prison is taken in at differenit paper agencies' besides us. It was the first tue \'<alt monthly an& then comp aring the amoýunt: or I had ever been in a prison,. wihthat of the. paper coliected by thei1 "Whiie 'Dr. Riffel 'was busy, ,%-e scouts.. These editors. also deliver the'Iooked at the chemnical apparatus ai different paper posters when they are' the prison newspaper, and. the 'pic- puit out by the council.. So far, approxi-. tures on 'the walI. Arïiong these '«as matelv 260 tons o.f paper, value'd at a copy of an etching of St. Anthon)iiabout $2,400, has already been collected.~ entering bell, and it, is fuil of. th'e Most of the amount c oliectèd bas ai: mnost monstrous anddisagreeable 'cre- ready been turned over to local reliel atures you can think ýof. organizations. The fourth paper col-' "The next. day the, dôctor to s lection %vill be beid, Marchi 12.. There. to the zoological lecture réoomi, il '«iii be two more collections after that we got unoccupied 'seats in the. verY -one in April and aniother in' MaY- top, which we have kept ever sitice j 'IThe professor does flot talk verv See MIore Names o, but speaks soý verv, distinctl'Y on ""Dotted Line" ticaly everyword,, n have not the~ Seyeral more Cub,' Boy Scout 'and least bit of trouble i listening. More- Sea Scout units have re-registered' for, over, hie is very popular and uses fre- 1932. FIllowing 'are listed their lead- q - uent humorous niethods of ex pres- o 0 ~sion, not ex'actly jokes, whicli get 11i11 ers and boys for the new year:. pplause in abundance, and what hec * Troop 1, Wilmette Congregatioînal, says' is so interesting that eevn church - "scoutmaster, William Fox; . keeps perfectly quiet whiie, the, pro-, assistant scoutinaster, 'Paul B. 'Bass; : fessor ta'lks. chairman troop comn'ittee, Kari D.' "It is'aý habit,'or 'custoin, that iii-, I Kng J.;menbes f ommtte.~* st 'ead of clapping for applause, 'One, IBrown and A. R. Schuber.,- The Scoutsi stamps ge ntly with the feet, an!.. are:. Edwin Andrews, William Blair, whien either a studient does sorte- Jarvis Brown, Vernon Brown. -,Stai- _thing di,,sturbing, i. e. makesý noise in ley Cochran, Wayne Cochran, I-Iward; leaving du .ring the lecture, or the Deckeri Billy Grinneli, Gilbe.rt Hoff- professor says somnething that th(e iman, William Knepper, Carl' Michiel- 'tudlents don't like, a .scraping of feef sen,, 'John Pearson, Philip SamuelsonO h lorese.Weiett Geore Shwal, ordn Shubr, redspeciai le cture one evening that wu-as WVellman, an d Dick Wernecke. 'heing -given on th .e flora of' westerni Cub. Pack 56, Wilmette~ Methodist U. S. 'A. It 'was given in the zoolog- church -cubiTiastér, Howard Brown: jcaî 'rooni.. . .a' chairman of Pack ceani4**e . al.nh CUBS AT Dry Gos Store 1148 Wilrnette Ave. AT IIUfTIAILL-Ifen's Store 9152 WiImette Aive. -lla L"aè;l b.i- j 'vvan inA yju an( Irank towards the endo camp, 1931. has thirty menit badge! but bas flot been in town to get bis Red Cross Lif e Savi award. He, is, now attending Purdue finished blis £agie .at liniversitv. in 1931. mev 'jrer of 1 Camp Ma- 931. He now id his junior award. He a-Ka-Ja-xAan .4' E