;1;th'e quiet and wileyý Sain, the doctors valet. an,( Mrs. Orville G. Dailv as the excitable M\ollv, Joyce Jrag(lonsiniaid. effectivelv plaved ini- to the 1a11d- 'of tlhe plotting Nviçow. ClieliH\%ai]g Lee, Northwesterii gradtate. xva Itle dignmfied initier.,, NI r... n\-as chairinaiioft th c preotduction I ýtaff. Jamies Bradley- Grifin :w'as <irector; Lea J. ()rr, stage mlanager, Nvitl, jay eRosiougli as assistant. Nlîne NI il I s . vas protuipter. NVe havýe :sen professional per- forinances nt nearly .50 weII done. Ushers guiii- hither and von dispens- ing, caidy î ncderital mus.ic :and crowds satintering , nt> the Green room. betwveen' the second and third act. to gather inito ittie, groups as thev3 sipped coffee anid .ate waters anîd discussed and enthused oyer. the play.: lent a festive social ilote each even ing'. The R<. Pickers who, played Tliîursdav ',and *Fridav eeins weavîini ito their pro grain appropri - atelv flhe strainis, of "TIhe Merrv" \Vdo' altz." Were -Marshall, IIn, Robert Klerrni, Joseph Marshall, Jr.. Curtis Tathan,- Charles: Forrest, andi Charles- Sotithward. The Melodians who. played Saturday niglit were, 'Eu gene B erg. Ralph Cline. Fos ter Bennett. -William ýBruse, Arthur Rico, Huùgh WVehrlv. Bayliss \VoIff. and Glenin POrter. -Nrs. Arthur Dixon, M\rs:. Harvey A.. Buish, 'Mrs. Ernest Freenian., Mrs;. L.titlier \. lenson, M'\rs. David Davis anîd Mr. arry Barker poured coffee. Junior auxiliary members. under tlic chairmanship of Miss Rebecca Fitch, iîshlered. They w-ere Irene Baehir, Bertha Bersch, Constance PBersclî. Dorothi- B ersch, Mrs. Ken- nethl R. Borgen, Marion: Born', Ger- trude Copeland. ,Josepbine C r e s s y, .\Irs. Frve C%-fer.Annu Davisý.Caroline Davis. 'Mrs.. Richard DeBerard, Dor- othyv Durliani. Lillian. Fitch, Pats% Flentve. Mrs. D. .1. Gallie,,Jr., Vera Hoerber, Ann Lawrence,ý Florence Mvelbye., Elizabeth Michelet, Harriet1 Mons. Elizabeth MNulford. Ruth Rice, Rutht Shelînian. Jean Upson, Betty Weber, Bessie k. Weiss, Nlariai- Wolf, Nirs. John A. Young, and R.uth Younlgberg. Mrs.. Luther \V. Benson is chair- man of the ways andl means commtit-.1 uEachninade a vîsit to Mexico last! summer as a member of the com- itec of cultural relations with Latin America. She will exhibit interest- ipg photographiy of religious archiitec- ture in à]exicq and bits ofMeia arts and crafts.Ms. George.ý Laint xiII lead lhe devotionals and Mexi- cai children, i01 si.ng and (lance. W amen oi Ro.tary ta Meet Mrs. Frank Fulton, 884 Hill road, will b e'hostess on Xednesday, March 2, to members. of the North Shore group, Women of. Chicago. Rotary. Luncheon,. which Will bé, served at 1. o'clock, wiIl be followed 1w- s ewing for, the, Cook County hospital :and later, bridge. Co-hostesses for the afternoon xvilIIbe Mrs. Paul Aldrich and Mrs. George Full of' Winnetka and Mrs. Carroll Shaff er of High- land Park. Gives Chinese Lunchean M rs. Roy Carroll gave a Chinese luincheoni at her home. 420 Linden avenue, Winnetka, Saturday f or friends of Miss Theodora 'Wagner of Chicago, Who is to wved Guy Sanders Osborn, Jr. of Keiwvorthi. A Chin-' ese m~enu was .served, and a Chiines-e bridai party %vas u.sed for table dec- oration. Rummage Sale Match 3 The Mount \Ternuon semninarv, asso- ciation is hoiding a rummage sale Thursday, March 3, at.8 o'clock, at 1565 Shermnan avenue ' Evanston. the pro- ceeds of, which wiIl go to the North- western settlement. Miss Kathiarine Street of 592 Sheridan road,, Winnetka, i5 in ch arge of the sale and ill be glad to receive contributions at any time. Give- Part y fac Clàssmate The children of the kindergarten at the Howard:school gave a birth- day -party last - Saturday afternoon for one of their classmates, Shirley Jolînson, daughiter of the Stanley F jolinsons, 1925 Thornwood avenue Shirlev's birthdav is on February 22. Announce distnguhedauthor and'scholar* to be in. their Book. Scfîon TUESDAY, MARCII Ist from two until four o'ctock at which lime M. Fay wiII autograph his, books; Franklin, Apostieý of Modern Time.s, a nd Washitngfon, Republican. Aristocraf, as weil as. others in French and English. These books mnay be purchased in our Book Department.. FIRST FLOOR SHEMMN STREET THURSDAY MORNING. . .. . ,FINAL CL EARtANCE. ALL SHRTLNES ARCH PRESER VER ..SIOES. Values to $12,00) . e Spoke ON WNT~RCRUbonie on Mrs. Booz's birthiday, hias a Nfr. and Mrs. William B. Davis, 43,; l>rotIîér, johin Ta% lor, .jr.; aged 5. Maple avenue, are sailing today froin NÇew York on the Conte Biancomano 'l'le Reading circle wilI mneet witlî for a six ýweeks' Mediterranean cruise. NI rs. Charles N. Roberts of 1014 Lake They wîIl visit Gilibraltar first. L.ake avenue iîext Monday aftemnoon. 626 Church St., Evanstan. Greenleaf 9719