Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1932, p. 30

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Lîncierella Niaskze(l naît wiclicoi nencec l i ha grand imarcl ýV t]dut coroîiation ceremnonies ini a beautifu set.tîîg on the stage oi the balirooin, Ciniderella appearedj at thje end o4) a long beribhoned Jane ývitli ladies in\atiig anid pages, -and lthie grouil *was, escorteki to the. Stagxe wherc Cinderella received lier. coronet àn-l gaethe signal for the dancing to hegfin. Thbis heauitiful littie ceremonî- lasted for; o1il a few n ioîùen 1ts ý when the oung .lad(ies :and -gentlemen o the tableau joined the dancing. .j At îi idnighit the big Shawnec birthdav cake -was dedicated b.y CindereUa-at - the stage wher e it had been borne: by the pages. Th.ere- after the celebration wvas continued with dancing and, the. partaking of a buffet supper. until 2 o'clock in ýthe morning. Miss M a r y Utley played the. par, of Cînderella ,and her 'ladies inu wait- ing were: Marian Hedrick, Jane Ire- dale, Jane Gýeringer and Clara Mar- garet Snyder. The pages wr:Don Briggs; Edward Doyle. D'on Becker and jack English. The ballroom was gorgeouslv dec-. orated fromn apex, to base witlî nbý- bons of cellophane ini varied colors wyith spot lights and 'special features. Don Nasb and his ten-piece orchiestra :furnished the music. The grand mnarc!î was led bv Mr. and Mrs. Arthîur J. DeBerard, and by Rolaid 1D. Feit- man and Miss Mary Carmati. The prizes for the womien's co.-- turnes were won by Mrs., Christian Golee and Mrs. John C. M\,einers. The men's prizes went to Carl Ed and Joseph H. Allen. The prizes *were awarded in a ceremoniouis manî- ner l)y Cinderella, accompanied hy becr retinue. A junior dance wvill be: given. at 'Shawnee Country club Friday even-, ing at 9 o7clock. The decorations of diff erent: colored. celophane iwhieli were in the ballroorn for the ani- Versary party last Saturdav ivill re- main for the juniors to enjoy. Saturday evén ing the club will have its annual Hearts Card 'party.. On Monday afternoon there will boe a luncheon ior the womnen followe-I by contract bridge or progressivt- %vith partners. The Shawnee Sharks will have a tanlidle dtinner at 6:30 o'clock that- new studiîo at that uînie. 1It as Originalkv planned to hold the open- ing reception Februianv 21, but the date v-àjs postponied at a board meet- ing lield Mondlav, cevening 0f last week. The board also, decided that the- league ,viIl have an exhibition i o etchings and small paintings in. the studio,,ne.xt week, in connection with. the Comtnuniitv, House exposition. Saturday, is the last, day on whiclî vworks tobe> exh ibited at this tute nîay be sent to the*ýtu<lio. the. board ahnounces. A silhouette 'antist will he. in the situdio :durinig tlhe exposi- tion, according to the league's plan. The art classes sponsorèd bv the league Will begin to hold tlî-eir mneet- ing n the new studio tîle week, fol- 1!owing the exposition. Vista del LagowiI Celebtate Extra Day Vista de1l Lago has riot ogttî that it is leap year. * mx *tationis i',- -sued to* the club) members amulounicc that the extra day in February i s à bonus, that should be spent in t fun. So the clubwill slip in the extra dlav, Slatuirdav, February -27, whe4i ith w-ilI dine an'ddance and be anîuised 1)' cabaret entertainens. There will be strolling players, fancv hbalîrooini dancing. and various -stuîxts and dances in keeping with the dàv and the year. Mnis. Johnt C. \1a rshial1 is in charge of the cabaret.. Carroll Shaffer is chairmàn of entertainmnent. Mrs. .A'llan P. Houston. Ir., of XWin- netka and Mr,. Frank Kutteni of XViI- mette will be the hostesses at tie Lcap Year luncheon and bridge party to be given next Monday at Club) Vista del Lago. The hostesses at last Mna lunicheon and bridge wvere Mn\Is. Char- lotte Tydings and MUrs. Ruth Fascette hoth.of Chicago. Church Circles.Meetinq 1Thlle Cozy Corner circle of the Con- gregational chturch wilil hoid an ail- day meeting on Thursdav, Maàrclh 3. at the home of Mrs. Julius H. Kiel, 911 G-'reen\wood avenue. Mrs. 'Frank Adams, chairman of the luilcheon comniittee, munnier excelieîîmîv cooî-ed. 1ilie o tiers are the pro et of the Vna" guild of the chliruh b i- d oti;er a so- ci'il hour fAllo,, ed bý :in iinslpratioiia7 tal1k at. the cluse 1 Ô eachi meeting. X\ext Wediiesdlay eveinîng the progran' aind supper 's iii charge of h social comniittee of the guild. T'hie .frst diîînier ivas given under Lhe direction of . Mrs. Leslie Perrv who ,vas a.ssisted bv MNrs, A. H. HoIN- ard. Mrs. \V. A. M[ann. 'N1r s. Frank \Vilsoîî r. H. C. Carroll. and Mrsi P!îillip S. Beelfe. Tlhe Northwýest circle.. wl bose chairmnî is 1[r,; Fra.n.kl, aP-tnte. xvas in charge of thie seconid (limner,. and on i\\Vedn1esdâNý ev ening of tlîis N% eek Nirs.. A. NI Rossman. was chairman, - with MNrs E. H. Burge, IMiss. Alice Wheelock,, MNrs., Gale 'Brooks. and- Mrs. James,1 1-LIvin assisting hier. Dinner is served at 6 :30. o'clock and, wvhile not a- pioneer meal in itsel f, is, served at a ver" moderate price. Duringthe d inner hours.a bakerx. exchanige is held uinder the auspilces -d the ways and means- comnmittee.'ý Onders iav~ also l)e taken for f utturt cleliver. 18 Hostess for Medinah Club Sunday Musicales Mrs. Roy M. Kirtland of 420,Wash- Ington avenue, Wilmette, bas -been akdto actas hostess at the SundaY. mutsicale and tea the M.\edinaýh Athî-, letice club is having- each week, at 4 :30 o'clock,, in the club lounge on thîe t hird floor. The w-el known Coin- nionweaith 'MaIe . quartet, composedI of Floyd Godfrey, first tenor; Tom Blanchard, second tenon, A. H. Car- penter, baitone: Charles F. Cooke I)asso, ivill furnish.a varied and inter- esting prograni. Memxbers and their' friends are invited to bring their chil- dren as ententainiient bas been pro vided :for them in thie foyer duing the mlusicale. To.Give Sunday Tea Miss Jane Triggs, 1041 Ashland avenue, is entertaining at a Sundav evening tea Febnuary 28, in honor Of Miss Virginiia Herenm and wil- lianm Aaron, Jr,. who are to be.mar- rie d Thursdav, March 10, at the Heremn home int Chicago. Miss Triggs ani the bridegroorn's 'brother Todd Aaron, are to be the only attendants. ms, as.th then entertaining farce given last week as a, bene fit for the building f und of the W\ýornan's club of WVilmette, the title*s wvarning carnies added admonition. The SNwift-movinig farce cornedy given as it, wvas. excellently, and ,wîth, verve, bya vevcapale cast up on its toë., ever.ý minute to wrest the most of our eve rv farcical or1 climactic situation, 'the farce with ail of 'its fun, wvas a strong foul to ward off the, insiduous influences of -Old Man Dtepressip'n," an tunwante],, and a-Ibut-tcmptorarv nalîtaî of the nortlî shore. The .play by Owen Davis, a Breadl- \vay success, :because of its venv nature \vas. not easy to do, but the cast met adéquatel1y the demnands made, upton ni. Lt would have. beeîî easv, te, have hurlesqued it too much, or not te) have. fflaved up the hunes enoý)ugb. l'lie cast conimitted neither errer,.l'he % b iott production ran smoothly, and on time, owing to the excellent. direction -and stage. management, and vitally' interested cast andl committees. -- The resut-a real success-and inore laurels ' spilled into the laps of. co and producers. Actons with insight ito the parts thev were. playing, gave Well dnawn characterizations'necessany tu the suc-, Cess ofi the play, and ail ofý those things Avhich are the complemtents of a pro- duc.tion's finjshed ;wihole %vere- effected Nvith professional. touch:, the scenerv. the stage settings. the lgtnthe, c0-- turnes. Nautical wvas the air that ýprev-ailed. It was first suggested by the attire of the ushers in white sailor suits and cap.; 'nngthe title of the ship t ii wliicli thev senved. The stage itsel f becamie lie 1 nviting deck at the stern of thtc [ourney's End, the houseboat ou whichî the entire. play took place. Creel,. sei.ne. nd nods neiealed fishing t ea diver- sion . found. on a sturdy, slow-nioving- houseboat f rom Nvhich river and, liglit- house could. be seen. Antisti 1c coloning in decoration and settings and a touch moderne made chanming anid smart the cahin locale of the second ýactf with Its limnax and shipwreck... The dijshevel led Leck on the wrecked boat claimieE the omplications and climax of the la>st act %vas attended by 247 pensons. There are just two requirenients for banquet attendance. residence lu Kenilworth, and each mothen must be- acco mpanied by hen daugbter. i Curruior road, Kenilworth, wéne host alid hostess at a tea last ;unidai, eve- ning In, honor of Miss Theodbra' Wagnen of Chicago, fiancée of their son, Guy. lit sriuic o, pL, the widow iwon at the end. Bridge LuncIheon Hostess . Ruth Chadwick, daughten of the Mns. G. WV. Kibby, 835,Laike ave- houseboat owner, infatuated with and !iue, entértained at luncheon and engaged to tbe doctor, was sincenelv b)'ridge for Mrs. Waltern-Mead of played by AMrs. John W. Behn. BilI Wisconsin Rapids, \Vis., Wednesday Blradford, who had loved Ruth f nom, of last weêk. childluood, jealous, impetuous,egnl

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