by Tueuday noon ;Sue. rds of tha3îks. ol: it or other affi *s publiIhed. will. rates.. the- pub- the final prize. to be Nvon bv 'the repre- n osentative of our 0w-n New Trier high >itu- fairs 1 be IGrade Separation Will Save' Life. Let's Hasten the Day SO completely absorbed are the .1memn- bers of, an audience ini the doings. and say- ingsof the- leading people of tbe cast that. tbev babitually take no no- "A site tce of tbose. who bave, charge of tbe prpperties, the Costumes, the igbting ef- fects-in short, .tbe stage crew. In the public eye they are .even Iess visible than the stipes, those extras who make' uip thie army, the mob, the submierged nine-tentbs., *It seems to us'no less tban just that the spot-light should witb som-e littie degrce of' frequency be focussed on. tbose wbp.s. naines on the program follow ,-tbe signifi- catit words, "assisted by." Gray 'inbi famous elegy bas called. attention to tbe' "mute inglorious'Milton s " individuals whp. might have amounted to something bad they been givenhaif a chance. But even if there were1 no possibility of these obscure individuals amounting to anything, stili tbey did sometbing for somebpdy and. so shot*ld be pointed out. Sometimes accompanists do splendidfly as accompanists. Oftentimes, second Violin- ists render, excellent service in their sec- ondary roles. Oftený the rank and, file of, the great human army prove thems;eiv es indispensable in the hours of need. We urge our readers not tpo forget those who assist presidents and chairmen. Please remember in your appiause the humible heliners the end of things. Yours ior licads ul -John P. Harris,.*' school. Diniý.g the week* beginùing ýMon4ay. Mlay 23, ýthe -annual iINorth Shore Music festival vi1 be held in P.atten gvmasitum. Nort SIzr~ lvanston.- The. progranm. Norh Sore for the w-ee-kwl con- P estival , tain nunibers byfavor- ite soloists.- instrumental and vocal, anid, b)'èchortises.of eildren and aduits. So far as 'We kiô,now.'this: festival is thle, one great and pppuflar musical event that represents and appeals t.o the entire nortb shore .f rom Evan ston to W.ù kegani. Chiý- cago; also, to a considérable ýdegree, shares' in the responsibil.ity of making the festival an.' outstanding artistic and social success and contributes many individu1als to the, immense audience. *North shore people are proud of, this a ' nual seriés of concerts, whose famé bas spread to the Atlantic and Pacifie, and per- baps to foreign lands. 'And 'there is ii,o, doubt that this fame bas added to, the good, reputation of north shore townis. Plans are now under way to inake this 1932 festival a Mjost notable occasion. The bit-and-run. %variety pf fre- quently iiot caught. Stili, wve onder how such a low--down b urnan being cani eve-r live, on good terms with bis', consCienilCie. Wbetber it'is better to escape the unipleas- ant consequ.ences of injurinig a fellow man orto m'anfully face the cponsequenc'es ought not to be liard for a self-respecting man, to answver. *An~d here isý what Mr. 'Harr1s î, -alig to his f riends andd neighibors: (The folb'wifi centival aiialyss 'J', *11(lsaii econorniceconditionsi.ý s cljîped froni H1arpeîý's Weekly.) "It is a gloomny moment in . history. Not f or. many years-'not ini the lifetime of- most mni who read *this paper-has there een 'soinich. grave, and deep apprehension. In ouirown icoanr!fy-fhere is universal *commercial prostration and panic and thoutsands of our I)oorest, fellow-c'itxzeîîs are turne(l outt agamýrst the ap)proaching w~inter wiNthout emploprint. *'~In France the puli-tical cald ron ýseethes- and buhbles w Nith tuîicertaint.ý Russia haigS as usual like a cloud dark and suent upon the hor izon of Eu'trope;, while. ai theenergies, resotirces and in- * fluences of thé' British E1mpire- are sorelv tried, and are yet to be :tried tro'r -e sorely, in wifth the vast and deadlyv Indian insurre 1ction, and Avith dis - ttlrheçd relations ini China. "0'f. our own troubleS, no mnan can -sec the end. If we are only to lose money. and byý painf ul povert y ýto be .taught wisdom, no nman ineed seriot4sty despair. Yet the very haste to bc richi, which is the occasion, of this widespread calarnity, has als.o tended to de- strov the moral. forces with -which w are to :resîst and subdue the talamity. Cheer up-this. article vas takeii iroinHarpers Weekly-.October 10,A1857.> This isni't theuny e p)ression in history. .eoi~ e Shore Lines is happy tu publish the iolloiving. poem written by Louise Ayres Garnett of Evanston iM ýconnection witb the "Pioneer Meal Project'r: THE UNSEEN GUEST Corne in. The ilit is dark oiitside; Jiithin, the lauzps ýarc lighit d. I, eacrd 'yoit pas:1» g by iny dooK. cozein, you are invited. Yo~ddnot knock, but oit mv hIeaeri Ifeit a steady, rapping -1j if the fin gers of thenight lUcre tappiug, gcntly lapping. 1lUe tzvo .hall break asil. loaf, Seciure fronm sordid weather. The wilic0 of11f e. and death is ourPs, Sa tuhi' ualdrink together? Icss butter on >uy brcad, perha ps. Voîe 3'ii have corne a-shariea: gesture, and intiection so that thev imay influence humnan belief s is a noble project. Some say tbat the day of the orationhas passed; that tbe newspaper and book have made spoken discourse useless and un- It's soinewlvat hard to believe tbat wvhat is officially kniovn as the first day of spring is close at hand. In this case fact is, stranger than fiction. So far as we kniow, ivinter. didn'.t, corne this winter. -Meaniwh!i'e, Gin, the 'Type-eating Ter rier, reclinies on a hospital cot, reflecting upon the penalties of engaging in warf are wbile, in a state of compara- tive unpreparedness. No0, notin Shanghai. -MIQUE. i