Third Place in hte Chatter at Boynton Residence Plans f o r Exhibit Â~VW ~ ivr VV IJ~ j Cn tter On rIDrsav o vier18,m thevi~e Triangular Meet Dobls mn e Tirtsha c Srilri lub-held ail unusuallv de- Early*Next Month HandiQndered justthet issdone tith theixghtiul meeting at the iovelv homle of At a mieeting of the stamp club n-,, sprinters, a hurdler, a haif-miler and wonrv finsoft wti o es a daheSlvia Boynton in Winnetka. The Tuiesdav- evening, February, 16, t 1 ,ù a mer Ne~ rir ws nabe o verdue.books, for reserve books five Igroup gathered rathersol,én tnfnlpaistrtecmn stanip e\- temoetan a third place in thet. ntsa first corners amused themnseives b,, hibit Nvere comipieted. triangular meet at Oak Parklast Sat- cnt aperiod, The mystle'rv mai'no%%- ome oi the members giving *e' -umer. be cleared ut) for the seret has ioki-g throgh Boynto's numer urdav. Oak Park. state champs, won 1end ie. h oe S ue or ous books on art and pictures. play- i it are: John Dernehi, preside:- themeet with;55V2 points. Evanstone ol.1U 1 in crsadslvg-T-pze. wasseondwih 3½,whie hebinding books, paving the studene n crs adsovn cpz les. th-6 club; jean Campbell, vic e- hel. ordeortins orth lbrr fin the, absence of the, president.,,resilent, S-vdnev 'Da te secretarv- * Green -Gra Y.gar nered 29 points. sc spats n o u-ing I) - agay erome Strauss presided..tesre. m Rockwell and T.eM * csmn ndTcr,î er h boosplats.gndhfr hmin tesrr Schinian, an Tho;ýei u boks.Emma Bickham ..presented her Johnson. iiill New Trier meni to %'%in a first. MsTd repotshtt e~ eignation as seci-etary, due to eye Afx ftefaue oh lo. StanpUtifl fli 'dot 6 f et "2 rary- course is getting aîong vers- suc- tobe anditvaacpedSyia r:hrs.eol.ranms hae inche.s an( ,Bol) Jumping S ee-t ' esulvadtît ýreo tegrsBoy; nton ;as elected to the'office. pcue nsais ntigpr ice..oter fthie hig jumpPri- great pro)mi,..e as future libra- Mr an -Kirk, of the neiv Trier! taining to m.usicians. pictured on the ce. olerofth Sbuin eauerians. This course. opntiJ nio n:Egis au hnsoet h stamps., and the lartgest and smallest recod. twahstonof. ab k t Senior girls. meets tvicé a week and group) on the princéipies of, versîfica-.1 stamps oi the world. The. big attrac- plac secnd bt Jonsto *ofOakgives credit. Its purpo..e is co, itiôn. It %vas decidedthat'for the nlext to xi ea xii nhnro Park had to set a new fieldhouse rec-thgilanudradn flharmetn each member of. the group the ŽOOthe anebtinerry o ang- or o :5 obet i. ane w~work, system- of filing, etc. 1,should attempt to'write a poem about i ton's birth. This wiIl contain ail the, high point man oftthe Green-Gra, eae idtorpr.ta distem3t f 1ainhs ta 1whc ae enisudh competitors. placing: second in the 44) eaega àrpr ta s ps hc:hae.beie ,, and the 50-yard dash, and fourth in aladMssBavo h Latin' fe on dlcosrxeshments the United States with Washingtoin the lyroad jum fosenpot. departmient have returned to schoo! and some * delectable conversation. the! shown on themf. sumre~after being iii anîd'M r. Varnev's con- grolij dispersed. It m ght have been The techibit will be held the flrst MUt -e Won by Englf-s (E.>)Jh~~I dition is improving. So mai) teachers 1-dded. that the iargest group kno%%nt weeèk in «March ini the 'New Trier li- (0. P.> steonà; Jorgen-son haeO. r'.>epeialvi the Lan- to have attended a Scribierus meeting brary. Evervhodv is invited. to at- thh-d; Price (N. T.) fourth. Tire-! guage department. that the schooi %vas present. This is due to increased i tend. 4:4.3ï has been hard pressed to provide, membership and onlv two absen tees.. cek (N. 'T.) second; Engles (E.) thrd sbtti:,-dio Thompson (E.) fourth, he Rbetonan Bl-ktz :03. -, iNew fieldhouse cor-} 'eNRo eo n ihKt.t February 22 A rve $4.50 in Small C ag 44<-W<n b H~<~* Waner N. .>enterprising NV Trier boys, are sec-on; Hegtn (. .) third; I staging puppet shows au one of the1 at Juet the Right Tie The members of Miss David's Da.ugherty (0. P.> fourth. Time- :53.6 large stores. Their theater known. as, February 22 certainîy came at an freshman advisor roomn have raised 60-yd high hurdles,+-Won by, Graham the Town Punch and Judv show is! potn ieti ero Ii-todae$.0ipnisad té * (0. P.>: Runge (E.) second; Dixon telre ae thehenrt hoe oprtn tm ti va-ochMn age , 't.uin pennies aoter- (E.> third ; Piggott (O. P.) fourth rethae otenhsoe. day, just the day of the week which salcagcletdi arl 'I'me~O.1Februarv 12 and 13 they gave a per- made our regular vacation three davs shaped bank, which is passed arouiid £O-yd low hurdies - Won by Graham, forruance in honor of Ulncoln's birth- instead of two. That extra dav wasthromery onigntead (O. P.) a.nd Runge (E>) tic; Sothras1 day and Monday. February 22, ape-us httem ortQfewTe- visor period. 1Each girl has the -op- (O P> l~rdDucn O.P. furh forinance %vas presented in honor of ites needed 'to send them iback to portunjty to deposit any penniesý Thchshmeayhve.e07.e4fo 50-yd dash-Won by Nichois '(O. P.); jWahington's birthdav. work mith a zest that has been no- wihsemyhv etoe-rn Wa.nger (N. T.> -second; Jackson <E.) __________ e uc h a eoe ofri third; Christerson (E> fourth. Time- ticeably Iacking since Christmas. Of hasben qithe dsucefre. S Wher :06.5 -G og i.* . u*~ course, our prima ry interest and grat-. High.junp-Won by Thorsen (N. T.);,'eore asingt~onFlm~1II itude in George Washington is be- M iss Packer visïted Our room she ivas * Rulse(E> ecod;Suw O.P. Is Show at New T ir cause of the good start he gave Our.vr uc lae wt hsie n third; Lloyd,'(O. P.> and Klpp .(E.) w OWfl Triertiie t rcev tle for fourth. Helght-5 ft 8 Irs. United States on the road b owhat w eegetygaiidt eev The George Washington film, pre- hvae oaadw t' o- a note from .her: the' next mornin- Pole vault--Sugg. (O.1 P.) and Gardiner, hvae ody n emÈn o- 1 (O. P.>)îde for first; SAàuIdlng (o. P, pared and issued by the Washinigton gelthat that .is the real basis of the sttng that she appreciated our ef- third'; Kingsley (N. T.) fut.Bicentennial commfission, was shownreaoio u esrbnftahu fort in obtaining the required funds. Helht-1 t. Éh 1 i the New re uioim îs in tiiis manner. The money i ie Broad Jump-Won by Ruhiman (0. P)l; latday. isSa o itiuinweei Runge (E.> second; Martin (N.T)i Friday morning. The first reel of the .is mstShan foed isrbtind.r third ; Wanger (N. T.> fourth, Dis- filmn, showing scenes from Washing- is_______________ tance 20 ft. 8 Ins. torils boylhood, was omnitted. The sec-- Shot Put - Won by Schuman~n (N. T.) ;: and fourthPOeTEs, Hilpert (N. T..) second; Boukard (E) ond, third, dandiùg :INQU[RING REPORTE Gaffney Goes East for third; Siddall (E.) fourth. Distance- with bis young mnhood,,-his career, Question: W iii the niew football EuainlM eig 40 ft. 2% Is. inl the Revolutionary war and aiter- rules make the game less spçctacu- Sup. . . affne ofMeetiers Sothras, Staitley, Graham) . Evanston, ,rswr sonand proved to be lar V Fbrar- second; New Trier. third. Time--l ;25).1 quite interesting. The chief difficuftvj -irr logly '32: - These ii ensaEbur 7 o ______the________trip through the East. He went to wit th pitues was their smallnesïs. rules, viii add ver-- much to the Biioefri o hr tpvr Gils Bsktb.l Sasn They would probably have been more! game, but thev make long rüns Bahtimore WashigoDt . for hr te interesting if the scene had not been tew and tan between because of Na tional Education association con- *Under Way t e wt ri er; contini*aily shifting, with briefI the rule prohîlbîîing open *fldd ference He is to be in Washigon * The girls' bsltil e sonI o:giPe fec psd.Ti ae dv bokin.utlTusa.Fbur 5 eÎ welmi~ wy Teweklginning~ trt~ a~ 0flo.tiSi~0 planning to go to, Newv York CiChy Febru.arv 29 wil be the first week of thesedrawbacks, however, it was an Rav KRimbâll -3': Xe s, be- then for the meeting of the ~ua the intèr-advisor room tournament. trsil orrylo h ife of cause the flvi g bhiock and tackle tion omte fteEgîhSek. Whiie some rooms -wiflbe combined our irst president. aersrce h d±nehe n. uponmiteof tiihhe Eisa. peak-r. - ~~s i aeeug rtwô 'o'" illen aiso are prollibited ho ' '\fng r. O'alnev eXpects to be baeck ilu tems I afeiv weeksthe first iJ;Students to $eM ovie on t irhal]d1, on ithe topl'po ghile-J'the, tiorth shore $,utday. Eebruay-28, second tearns lül ech c14as wli~e' annotuced, andth e inter tîass games fWashington Bl-Cente~nn1Çi sit > heUMNI"N W Latwe e aâ,i,îsees' of i sstffns of ' r nie, oh , j or the ilfè will Tuake ~b~1ford, '31. MI-is account %vas. $2 over- Payton's room were informed of her Fehniuarv 19. This film was sent espe-. much safer for the -piavers. Jdan absence due to an infected toc. \We cially for 'the occasion by the govern- drw- siticerely hope she ivili be back wih jment. The sophomores were the 'fi rs t Lennie WVolf - '32:- Th e game Dr. Minnema bas wnitten to meml- us sopîî to see the pictures, during first peri- il be less spectacular, for îi bers of the faculty from the U7. S. The girls of Miss Payton's sp od A; second peniod the seniors had the the players. can't tackie the bail- Navy hospitai, Boston Navy -yard. more advisor roomn are quite prouIvitu I honor; thi'rd period the juniors; carrier. The biggesî andi most saying that he is having a good time annciunce that a memben of their i fourth the freshmen. Owing to the spectacular part of the old game and would like to hean from any otie. group-has the lead in the frosh-sopl; length of the film, the four peniocis was tackiing and using 'oriels The mailing address appears abovc play. Alice Ebeiing takes the part ofi. were lengthenied and advisor. period hns o i hti boee vntog ersdsi adn the dumb wife (and she gets 4 A's) shortened. Mass.. .Ill