Infallible Cure for ,e-cuitd.*BaglsNwBin Troof> News Is Real to Girls Blues, Says Butler Ere ' Top17 aeNs ow enf J in Treeless Town There is only one sure cure for the Miethodist Church Troop 21 It niîg'-lit seeinîdiffiul t to f urther a bles_______t Els are Bt At oûr last meeting. February 16, we blu s, ac or i h t Elis Pa ke B t-lav d , à a rn w here vo n ,o jarotind. and stud x <>i nature 1lre .in a to wn t a au ler, the author. Tbe -Girl Scouts knToow es.r>aes-is a ge inIido the secret of ît, hle says, and so did bis Troop 17,? meeti iiga the llnu ooîk at birds and fiowers' and Nvrité.iboxtes. andis ves ts f lowers i ids e ninety-seiven vear old grandmotiier. She Methodist church. lias b'leent planning and tiieni down. We also. laVyed. a gamie! étslibln n.gihsarw n said, 'Uhene ver vou are low iu your working on the requreensof the wvhere one person walks aroutid callitng: et qabhgl îshsar sad out amesof ild lo-ers vhile' the igrcc(lv seagulis. But, 1judging. hv the mind, duothie o idfosonietIiiing for soiiiehodyt World Kinowledge badge. tfhihdrn in thecircle lsteti telîcariif quick.w rkiodrtheiGirle coutseslesleads. Misa qk"htsa nalb Atý the World con f erence hiekdinil teir flower is called and'if so tliev go0 Marguerite cks lias accorplislie(lti "Ta' n nalbe, genuine reniedy, mi rac le. Foxicase. Eugland. during the suminer1 with. the person aand cal! tnain s (f1wild declared Mr. Butler, whose writing bas 3flow'erstalso. Astsoon as the first per-; MisS tekis is loal îetru done so much to banish melafncliolia il!Of 1930, it was aagreed thatsthe the for-lo:l1lorctviofth thi vunty."Liti Pllynn's in rquiemut oud e aoped v heson gets two others slhe takes tlîem for North Hutdson Girl Sco>ut council ii tlié, a vak and says. "Theflit u is ont anid!hato no 2tN~.Jre. of sunishinie is apt to be f ake. sunlshine, WodAscitnofGrGues andi sa tcedy. , on ssîefi -ae a twentv-minute trollev ride and and that kind does, not spread warrnth. GilSot:Grso)alcutis 1se, I he t frpacsiitei-t< a res hefore, lier girls cati get tû tlhe .Fake cheerfulness, like' anything false, r 'aoe n c auea:iofpol fails of its- effect. But,. if you, make: the World association %vill nioN study clé. Ve ended. by re eting the Girl <P"a< C auea iotpol yourself useful to other people, vou for- 'various countries witli au aiii to hetterScuprms, otondsoa.adki> i. get your owNv troubles and generate a nnderstanding of conditions gn as.-Suznne .yon."\ c cnio eak tesnotôes said Missi. "su we gô to thî toe glow in your lîeart and coniscience. It înstcad.17lbas amount of nature Sorenb1d- was a ise 'person Who made useful- androop 17 làias coslear tof hOt'd panTirooP ilùenehind shop \wiudowvsis remarkalîle.- esthird and cheerfulness eighth of an Sitenan-tenni oetli <ut the Girl Scout laNNs." estanading works of art : te dance. sorte Tetr-éeeig hrda veîgStudy Natureé in Stores proved tu e he vr%,instructive ini irst Mr. Butler w%-ho is ait official of the Boy. f their.folk dances: tu silîg thieir songs: class ývork, Ail tlîe ganies w~e îlayed Flower. fruit and vegetable stiresý are -à Scouts ini his home town Of Flushinig, to study the presetit and pàst hisfor\ - i Nweehased on finit elass work. Wue sang 0bvi(tis sources of informa~tion, but tliu Long Island, is a regular contributor totlecutesirlaonothtfth a number of ol favorites and then niatuire pr(oicct: whicli Miss lcki: pro- tteecGirlr Scoit magaioinet "The)'Athecan tGirl cutfagazbs rine, T -Antri. nit Satslosed our meeting. by sinigiigT ps pos1es for ber girls. also require visits Girl."Ili fct. Iis heoineJo-An. Unied Sttes. a nd liaving it soundèdlé( on tue lbugle drygoods -and shoer stores. Textiles. whose serialized advenituies are no\%,be- 1AsCp book is being made tu conta""n hy Janet Wrighît. slîe tlinks, arc eue- vay pi getting Ilf' ing collected for'book publication in the information concerning the chief writers. o~ehda u ûet o i v-toucli withý southern cotten fiechus and late spi s the fa rtecharacter of painters. musicians, sculptr.invenltors n ilngMissMarslî a captaitifroi.ii ether is a liiTk with vwegterm plains, 'p ng G rl, ao r s.adeterct..s h se t. f i -i 1Drug ant(! jewery, stores are f asciniatîin the "AmericanGr"raes n te iieswoewr su n and Park, andounr troop nlother.. NI r:. adct easielasilea9h ie "I believe ini Girl Scoutinig»said Mr. portance to the world. laskinf rom .hé ic h att dras the i te- Butler, 'iecause it seems to mie tlîat Stamps and post-cards of vwandmîd Tue furnituretlislatlereeti painted. sures it supplies ai. extension of the bomne. types of people of tbe couiitrieý are thanks to the girls wvhu (evote(l their Alo hil ihtseua r-s Harmonv in tlîe bomne depends on Co- lbeing collected, and the girls are corre- Alimefaud energv tu this prao.iect.s operatiomiatnrl ai(d]e $0rinytese countres way. o oeainadknnss, and s does sporrding with girlsinte curisk1 dust vyo studying the old hon harmony outside it, for cooperation is to learn of conditions fromt flrst-hand Let's have ev-er\"otie ont îe.xt u eek! el arhadlabet rdueltl the eginin of iviizaion Gir Scut-knowedg. ete.pedants rather than true nature lovers ing teaches.tlî,s tolerance of other peu- It is great f un to learti the folk,uette until voni study the colored cbarts tîîade ple's opinions. gives group: training and dances and the songs of otîxer cout1t-ies. y \Miss lekis' Girl Scouts. allows no time for miscbief. 1 bave iiev- and to he able to reallv dlance and sîu Top 8 Nature la Alive for Girls er been worried abouit Nhat myv boy tbhem. First we had patrol Co(rnler.. Theîx "Flowersbave expressions like inali»- was doing. becanise lie is a Bov' Scout." Bei> hs bngtî ru 5wc plaved a gaine Ini \vlich M rs. lakeranocsoe.hreflo pitis.s Mr. Butler, who began writing at the stdigteGr udGirl Scout. miade somte noises and wVe Wére sup-)- of jack-in-tbe-pulpit "wbo is revýlëeet." age of fonrteeni when hie received fiftyan By SotItrntoa r aa oe!t eebrteul of the sunflower "that seems to sni-àle. I-cent post-cards for lus irst story, be- tioti:and the League of Nations. and its W played a signaling gamne whlere 3>u of the colunibine "wbicb is pnie and lieves that one way' to finid outwbetlier wriîs u mstaj a word on a gmrsbcadtedmet udteIda ie,*ihc you have an\, real ambition inii n- I il fv~ hv iaei~odla to go tuirougli the whoi4lc î)a-. is sad." Une, is to get yourself a job in anothier aswih vudb fitrs e tumis and see if thie letters corne ott iglt. Tebrs owoaesuidi line. He biniseif >took a job 'in a gro- gruup; Troop 17 wvould appreci iflcui we IlaYed * 'My raildiiither books or on the rare trolley trips, have cery store nin eference to editing a boan of theni. aete Vn e Clfri, llaeia assumned liumam attributes iin the mîinds paper-ir bis native town of Muscatitie, with nature objects. *After that -e ang of the Ulioni- City Girl Scouts. Th'li Iowa. He wrote niglits and 'Sundays ~Taps and \vent hoonle. Wren. tbev think energetic; the thrush. because lie wanted to write. Since bh I " iF~careful; the 'swallow. shv, and seon.o cam~e to New - ork tbirty-five years s~n. ~ r TroOO N tature is alive toteininsin t ago, hielbas had ne time for anything Should Be Fortunate - 'roop 6 met Wedlnesday andd had athr eyes, for Miss Ickis, provitmg the else. , I bf ornial opening. After that w-e played 1 ttith of an old proverb, -bas discovered Itwas an ambition, and niow it is Theidesof toin1orrowv are going a signl gaine - hihw-e l'----o that." r there is a vill there i.s a a rfion"li a.'htIiagnto be expert housekeepers, if the Girl <t ina -tnin es o~t aniial foto\-ý. i a t rof ssi n bes aid. "Thy atSIcou~t x eo, Scouts of todavr practice ivi-at the3- have ui- o t ae n i e f a i il r n. w v 1 en whtoe top ayla Sten tlntho e. xed u~p letters ini the Morse code. We leauho t dveopa atet alui Iared tlayed this in patrols and Ruth Rock- NAMiEr CA"'p A IO iu -ëarning a proficiency badge." 0f lthe 169,121 proficiency. badges'wosparlwnQueae Sut Ms.Kte e. __________________awarded during 1931 to Girl ,Scouts were absent, so w e only had three pa- cm dio ntbentoa 1 c- 64,078 ' aere wn t irs o.uctois.ThMi e vrau sortie rtelaý races Scout' staff, lhasbeen appointed carmp Regional Conferecvsesssf y pse hi oiuaîgad closed w it I ap,,-. I h e Fleager. rvsi o h Getae ein %ILtests,.tbcreby provmng thir s kill witl1, 1saribe c rorritep r eat 1IliLsInake s çin- 1»I pi f oîrjislt and roastigpan'.HôxrýiIIPB ed nM crb.Cnn)il Ilos niana WiMiJ~ son wl Next month opens thee. aoni of re- \WIiidlinclti4es <cooking, pla3vighostes, Ss.ý Johnson w Mr e di ar' i gionaltconfereneivur the Girl Scout do4nesiieecct iý, atwndry work, cM$ti 'it-St. F rani op aearned lieottte' itie 3 411 ýin pifl. organization. uY- ~ igý an tier'activîties -inportarn l Th"tnFic,ýt.0).land on Stàrng witi te Big Tree conferen-J.the 'mhanagenment of a w~ell orderel new song-s a its lat ne t1 We~loithe patrols'. -Deliclouts refresliîrieuîts wuere wc are hld eer ear isto 8rovde urers lu va e m okty. "Hepalth- Thc aolie\%, of . t 'o ur : Itef or sTrvop 21 is ise N or\ e a lm,(]er. W an ' opp ru ifroup heconsidryat G inrl rots, to lthe otpropu loteir mtrs Thare da K, ehreu I. il a ie u vngtegne ofic eoaderbs and nficational roliin ii-ldalofbadge. 13,946 olhiug enA, a 1sg't h iec hegrs.tgte uiejye h ersiet cies and eir mtcenrlitsio ordi aad hsttar he lawsof hilere illns.trzesand b ueofvr ch5-ettyane Soot. scribe.