le une sIUj purposes.. rue! tii 'l'enide r, nutrit- jous, tasty. L a rg- e crisp snow white grains.: THE NORTH -SHORE'Sz A delilcious, appetizinfgý drink of tonato an d Private Blend COFFEE Lovet Brand Texas. Marsh Seediessa GRIAPEFRUI9T.. Fine, reerpened fruit.. Requires. no sugar. GiiîerAi The finest of its kind. Priced low. 8 delicions BANU ~true. fruit flavors and LIAI SUchocolate. .1 -is quieker- r - tastes better. Paul Schulze Paradise Soda Crackers and Malted Grahams 6s LmFat" UcI(CH F) 0 821 Ridge Ave., Wiimette, 111. Sohlo easot Oo. &,Market 407 Linde-.1 Ave., Wilmette, Il. Volt% Ooeoiy 814 Eh» St., Wimietka, Ili., Otleneo. Ovoo.wy *Market 313 Park Ave., Glencoo, II. 1 time. Fren~ch' .Taonui Krout w 1 000