Pupils Shovn' Primer Used in Colonial Schools lir-. Harper talked to u-s Te.4v Februarv 6.ohthý old ays:oi teach- ing children. leannie Cutier, rsur- ne president., directed this first meet-ing CÀ t h e " B y r ei ý C . _S t o:, p A S s e rr ,b ly -c -i . . First NMr. Harper hf% t u5 îthé- Nev; i~gdPrimrcr wh4-Éh . aed i the cûkIrnial dy.It %waz àa. mali tX>.ý the alphabet printed iii it waz. a ,ni -phrase from the Bible on each letter. Then lie showed us a Web-ter Srl ing bo6k which was u-ed forler:g to read,.also;c to spell. Then, he h.c us ýa se. ûf books by MCGUtTy: Thuse- bjooks were. read by ail the pupk s the public schocils cii the-fr~e2. stts. Then he read -s-)r.e so:~ the books. I ar- goïne to te:l of the stcor-ies. Once 'upon. a time ther, r t' Chinamnen who w-ert verv na and theyalas urred'vr .n had the bette-r eves. si- they d ec idet'. test themselvcs..by reading a taL>let r the temple a couple ai; days. fr(ýr n te". A. ittle ie while aiter the quarre. thf fiest Chinam-an carne a'd read t-e tab-« let anci then werit awa-.1 The s',crd- Chînaman camne and read- the tablet and a littIe mrre .th--athe ifOur1d i-a,~t corner. Then came th-ie d"when tMe--ee going to read ttable: i rânm ', a 4idi ranc- oi abo--uit tenti feet. The hzet Chiînn came In r, thenlý quoted vv;ý he had read iorza then the seconrd Chinar. st.eppc-d --p anid read what. the first- Ci~mr a read and that !utile tm'e thev starter.. arehraovr ltha. l then a prie-t.carne up arAd they deccideri tr, le-him. dec-ide about the argument. ýThe priesti.t >kd tte'fr ren andthe sa4. Yo~mu-t have great, eyesiÈbtt frrthe tablet ..was,;mro'e r aay ta te, imner temple c-era. -Hiall Clark. S-trlp ic. Vocabularv' Tests Offer Jlany R oies Enacted b y Dramatics CIass M~FIazkere4lha., cDame -o ou. ýýCh.ýX>l and we haVe ;tar-ted aver; lect oi ramnatic5. %t first '.;.e stiudie<1 paton!!es.Ve pretendeil that w .i,*e"e doing 4s':,mtir. Sonýe-pretended thy were typevvriting. ,puttng crm &,e.readir.g b L'i ad petting dogs, Then %ve, pretendtd. that ý.e ad t->ýxeý urd Net e aeIr. eithtý. ru me cýrra.'acharacter. ;'.e e -,,-th iont characterar jcct ver, r. , .-E zt:a ar:- e: t Bo,.-at Cenitral. School Has '"Duchess"',as Pal 'zreakia~ I ust.a-Jro ath n e r t.,e Car Z t r ~ ce a'. Lz me when I eat anrA Lightiw eight Basketeers Drill for (ood Season .thDe-.Plain.es. MDv ~.~ au'-e tac maeia1i c euavrntr. Par: .ft«tta -f- u o x ;-.t t basket so in.a-1 th-e tnr are scerbut etter -asket shZ-;tersz Fuin for 1hes2 Students -r- tfhe three el?,nth gradez of theH- d, schcz-l are h.aving v'Rcabularv. acher. hâ4 us make alit lphabet. tur) letter- t.,, a Pdze: NEWSPAPER PLANNED Howard MA decided Tuesday tu have a newspaper for the roomn. The citi- zenship, offcers decided it and are tak-- iog charqe. - Ara Boyajian. Howard et GIRLS CHALL.ENGE BOYS 'jur fhegrl . or-I ý i hechaUneIttb - rta etpr- t hen zram 'I the .càr te- i- lb :oterMi~~ vrnr ac1nx a . 'deTh ior the 8B class' roorn. It is to 'go acrobS the top of, the blackboard. In this plaque. we are ta Put illustrationis of stories which we have read. 1 amrn sure the plaque, will Ioo)k fine . when' it is finished. -janet Bertram. Howardl ,Sc. r i e I i Scie nce Ciass Finishes Experiments WýNith Fire la science we hv t LnLEe r:r. m~ r smecithe t.inlg; vwe dLi-fcrUn:eyx,.'er rec h iarmToD do th.;-; we put spaper gh;~ h Tre-b-~ear Yellowstone Park Vividly Described .by Pupul at Stolp, The pt upils ofi My class. gave irall lhre ast week.. Mostci them -xvereý do.e' very well and were enjoyed bv a'!. Mfv theme was a talk abeout Yel- ;;.:s%ýtracne'ational park. ~e~>~. ..a el:ows%-ztine Nýatio)nal.park is one iJ -c.rhed Wh'n e t.ck he ase z-: te mos;t,,,or.derful maturai parks c<'f *~~~~~ -'1;; w irce.~i~ ~ countr. It real'ycon i';s ct tou e wvere tca t'-11 . c1 ,l ,*-. 1 . .. -,rdr. ) e re ahseparâted r! . C.~e-a ~. - a~ -. t* te thrt miez ,Ope if thé-c :ieac zý : :,ot Ur-.. .. . *e~~ja~~e - .. ~.- -ztne e t:u lowtne1 e. ur .4~yhLh MnQunta.. Inan- *~o thé pr.asrrecix' arec the manvý _____________ .r v.aer: ther; th- ' u 'ater ---~-ivand otihers e'rupt at Seventh Graders Tellih etofal1ý e. . C-)IThe Lethfkno -w cal of Interestin g Sp orts yyyOdFihulwic.p:- I'.1:~\la.d:r ar -m -The tird sectîin Olt re - . Grnd fciavn h - r.1 î lIv .':r -.reADCs .lr- o:ree 4h- reù ocs The upper and low\\er fi1 rre' -r>rts F&r.ar 1. .he- c' =-L i muh 1lueto thîs -omderiul ~e -r 4f e t..:--aa (- - a~.The -f ourth, marvel cix nat re .½- .'e Xcep: aà:ev a -: t-triheho ôitéhtsprings J cd. Ms: *: tre~ ~ ;z~:; 'Aied lacy tt.rr.aces.dox: n% v " * Da-ra..:~ o;a.. or a-cc'a . ;ater trickIes utrm nIl. rr r .- ¶ . .e a:M A ' urSpeclà. :ea . .t-~c.~s :~e' ve. uc; :-e -an:: ài aS, a- .-deer. .f :he :drer ra n.n..e ~-'-~7::;e arK. Itaý- cnam a. PIay NMarks Program i in.-~ :tr - :ta: e~.a Nfemnory of WashingtonGleCusoShol - -4 j3h~ .4Practice for Concert ~ W~hr.t rý'cilark. th'e severnh anl. e it' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i .-. . ..e*:t. . ra .ecu nt.ructcir, îs prepa7- H n_«-":r -arA Jerrîne F-r a h gi e ch:bs f r'ni StoDlp'and Haw-" c 4ter wre a oI; -o.ra c.cexwic stabe, give:: E M!'e-, St1e: Thorras Je,-r-.e:. s~t thie WornaiisClub oc4 j1 M M 11ctrar. Alexander. Han t :kte. 'Ne ha-e flot verv m.uch time H srr:Thaas' Knox.. \ . . ese sangs ar.d both the bi5v; ' T'c Raridr'ph. Jerrine F .~aAth-e airis muzt- learn five *-onz- M~ra . shngom Xrgiiaû ' 1ec. àf t's necessarv we will have XX ~hr.acr. loyd i i . n:etosch'AearIlý in the mn- A T r~. àI.H.am. qA. r aAai ,nfû<-n. The h<w'; andr, ;r UNIT LOOKS INTERESTJNG At the Stolp school there has beeI: ong anized a Stamp club. Amnong the boys who attended the wreetrig vr Monte Toi-ce. Rodger Venekiaeni. Georg-e Oakley-. Bob Strube. and a iew others. There is to be a mneeting everv Fniday at 3 :20 o'clock to trade Stàmp,;. -Homner Stocks..' Stolp 2C.' :a ve la rnt s' ar two sangsiece -u:; srs~n Iuward SC, HOLU CANDY SAL.E (Or Tuesdav. February 16, MssWv- NEW ASSEMBLY OFFICERS The nev officers oi the Byron C. Stolp Assernbly club w-ho took office February 16. ,%ere: president. Jeanne Cutler: vice president. jack Randaîl; î ecretar'v, , Sue, Spinne.adtesrr Julia Booz...-Margaret'Speer. Stolp 2C.