,t of the Sort 1will he the.guý Henry-Fo-l.er, Shore Areîî tspeaker, We W.urge our bysailIgirls hi tune in ev'ery Suinday on .WMAQ at 2 1). m. Hild reportbauk to Dr. Ailson blow thev ,1njoy'ed the prograni.' the gue.-ts of Mr.C '.Iûb t the. W'aisclub plaîy Saturday vvening. 't'be Sen!or choir wilM h(ld their re- bErat thé honie o M.andMr. BenjamnflRievhirds uinKeffllworth thi, tr4Thu'î'sdety in MNarh. [--et I g.--of the W01oMI Vs;oeietv liriks %N-111 )-wheld t1i.. week à> low Thursday, February :>5., Link F., Mrs. George-D. Allisoni,chaÉiap; M. Ai- thur Scott, hostess, .176 Fuller *lane, %Vinnetka ; Mrs. J. M. Daviq, as.sI.sting. 4)nQ o'clock luncheon., Link E-Mis. Z. A. Ptrkhuùrst, chairman; mrs. E. E. McDo, 165 Hihland avenue, hosteSs. O)ne o'clock- luncheon. Link. 1, I.D, Confre, cairn; »r.s. G.B. Wiliainis. hostess, 113î Lake. avenue. Mrs. . E. uyd s. sting, Oîîe ole Fridlay, February 2.Litîk E, r' Edw. 'Meit±r, chiait-niai; Mis. Hiler, h-oste.se, 808 Elinwo'od avenlue. M rs. John Segsivort h, assisting. One ço'Iouvk lunceon. Link N, Ms J. A. fleicht-It, olhairmnan; Mrs. W. A. MeKeiglhan andi Miss Cornielia Fost, hostes e.Onw ço*elock "luncheoni at théechurc'h,., LiiiK D.: r. red Borgfceldt, hostess 1911 (<riegory' avenue., Sew.!ng and tea et :45. 1rs. W. D. Millard, chairmnan. link S, Mis. flobt. Lasee1lles, charimn Mrs. H1arry Kex'r, hostes., 82î ElmN\woo(d a eue ewing ind tea, 1:4.5. At the Stiiday nolni ng orhFi- ruair v'21, Pvight Phelps Gîrven, , ac- cýted Christ in bîiptisni ut the Yut FIRE DESTRQYS HOME Sinnday pight. February 14, the home oi \Ir. and Mrs. Frank Kelemen onA Dunidee road- was completely destroyed 1wfr.The Keleniens are owners of tfie Dundee road Nursery and are wel k iown 0on1the .north -shore. For sev- eral vears M rs. Keheffen hasý partici- pate<Il in the WVilmette Garden mîarket and lias made mtany ,,f riends here. The1, Northbrook fire department wvas able to;c 'aethe greeni hous-'es fr( ni dainage. 1 In addition to the singles match be- tween Tilden and Nusslein there wil be a series of matches by other pro- fessional stars including Emmett Pare of Chicago, Albert Burke, Irish champion, and Roman Najuch, a vet- eran of European courts. Both Pare and Burke were'with Tilden when bc appeared in Evanston Ilast summer. TFilden has e ncountered in Nusslij his most stubborn opponent since he deserted'the amateur ranks'two years ago. Although but 20 years old, the Gernian star, has flashed sufficient ability to defeat Big, Bill in 'two out of. the five matches they bavéeap- peared in sînce starting their tour several mdnths ago. In their* first meeting in this couun- try at the Chicago stadium Tilden was extended to conquer the Gernian boy. In subsequent matches at Pat- terson, N. J., and at Palm Beach, Fia.* Nusslein upset Tilden. The Gernîan's speed and court tactics enables hini to cope alrnost on even terms with the véteran Tilden. iNus slein first '*attained promfinence iEurope Iast year w hen he won the Gernian prof essional tithe, beating Martin. Plaa,, the French champion and Roman Najuch, his teacher, who is: accom.paniying hlm on his American invasion., When Tilden visited Ger- mpany la*st faîl he met Nusslein on the. courts at Berlin and was extended tc five sets before overconîing thu, younfgster. . Najucb, a German born Czecho- Siovakian'is a tihnis veteran whose i career in Europe parallels that of't Trilden in this country. Along with $ Nusslein he holds the Europeani doubles titie. For Il years he he]dt the professional championship ]ui Germany, until bis own pupil, Nus- lein, came along to defeat 1dm. A special. linoleum court will beý placed over the basketball floor at Pattenm gym for the matc 1hes.1 This: court. cltsigned. by Tilden. lias a re silie ncy comparable to outdoor, courts aîîd baiýs been used successful-ly bv the trou)e .during its current tour M--lJl * . C quJ.SIàIICS. V 01 t V **! netka, and an enthusiastic group f rom Wilnuette. They are headed by Le Roy Harvey,. Wilmette champion; Bill Condy, the boy wonder, bis father, Louis Condy; Bob Robinson, who learned the. game at .Cambridge, England, and Her- man Freundlich. A large pumber, too, have. entered whopa at tbe Cottage. Out-of-towvn stars who wiIl be seen iii action are the champions of Detroit> C leveland, Louisille. and St. Louis. The tournament 15 sponsored' by the Interfraternity club, sanctioned, by the Amnerican Ping Pong association. A. ýA. Stagg wiIl be bonorary referee. Tickets are on sale at, Spalding's on State, Street. MOVIES FOR CHILDREN The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond foundation, will present the first of its. spring series of free mo-I tion picture entertainments.for chil- dren Saturday, February. 27, 'at Field Mu seum of Natural History. Satur-ý day's films will consist of scenes f rom thueplay, "The Vanishing Anerican,', a well-known epic picture of North AMerican Indian life. The film wi.l1 Dr. and Mrs.. George P. Magili, 1011 Lake avenue, spent the week- endt with the latter's mother and sis- ter ini Kankakee. I TA YLORI TRUNKS. For Southern Travel MODERNIZED WARDROBE CASES and HAT BOXESý MW lfl oIT aisUs o hICAO IWIEBQLDT'S-EVANSTOýN Da vis Street RANDOLPH AT LASALLE Nortk Shr. trains et our door-3 min. to,.C.& N. W. Station violets wkich urw I Miiiiney.Salon-Second Floor: WiImetfe 1100 Was Anything Ever More Coquettish? ~fd1b. /. i. tl