Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1932, p. 14

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Modern Christianti Believe About His- St. John>s Lutizeran tory anid Civilizatio--n." He wilI prese-ntý in this message the Christian point of ailmette and Park avernues, Wilmette view on the present world situatiojn.ý Herrnan W. Mey'er M. A. pastor Following is the musical program: 41)e, Prairie avenue. Telephone l39.3 Prelude: "Andante Churcli telephone 3111 Anthem:. "The Heaenm Are- SE.RVýICES Tlig................... HayNd(-n Thlird Sunday In Lent, Oculi. Offertory: "Allegretto"...... Gulmant ":5,A. M.-Firstý servie andsem. Quaret~ 'He hah om' '<.w 9:2 A. .-.Sunday, school, andB.h Like Pain"............ Dudley Buck. classes. Postlude: "FPinale from First il.11 A. M.-Second service and ,sermfon. Sonata".........Jae ogers!Ser1mon: The. Christian:, In Charactér, Sinrier Yet Saint. - cago on Friciay, M~ar The. preýacher at nit Weýdresday eve- Lunche-or wiIl be sei ning'.s çervice wil1 be thte Rev. W%. P. the. Board of Fore Crossman (if St. Anne's, Chicago. It is bring a timely and li one of a series that a numiborr of Clhi- Re-servations for lunc cagr, chérgy are preaching, during Le-nt with -Mrs. J. R. Bar o.n the theme, 'The Holy Eucharlst."' nsday morning7. TeWilmoette Sunda' Eenng 'club speaker next Sunda>- wlll be Dr. C. 0. Schneider whc, will. present a travc-iog on Zion National Park and the (--rand Canyon. s4howing slide-s frmn natural co'rpb(tcography. Missions 4esting mes n may be ýomev* on made wcd- Is. Quayie's Bible, ciass will1 be pn- t ertained bv' Mrs. Campbell andIr-., Moody, 12.1 Ashlandý avenue, for tea frOm, 3 to 5 o'clocék Firiday,. Fébruaryý 2r, AIl the womnen of the church who are inte-rested in the class- are lnvited. ti im There in a place .In our Churcli school. The f uneral As being held today. for boys and igirls -of ail ageft: LENTE'-%SERI(E ,' i rst PThursra day,Feray2,o 4efrtp- Beg.inniers departni.-nt t(agses 4 aifl >. Wdedyeeigat 8 Ocl(,ck. >trro hscué,teRv r isn 10:46 to 12. sermon: "The Ptlsns of Sin and Wojman' Club rroon cr0 hs hrh h ev r isn 7 an S> Evi." ent. sreetat reelea ainue who organized the church and served Prlmary department (ages and-- Jam" es eeT V'-n.ekfle, avnie .uring the build ing cf the first church -9 30to12 .building. H-is late home has been -in. Junior department <ages. 9, 10 and Il1) St. Jo.hn?' extend.4 t(.#i e~ry,,n(, but, CCuad o f >a(alifirnia. Mrs. Wilson survives hinm. -9 :30 to, 10 :40.i esPoecIally toj those wýho- have no chùrch Our Crs.d .t f t Inte-rmediate department <age.s 12 and, affiliation at ail, very cordial invitation fine stArt last.Sunday. The ohurch at- 13)-9 :30 to, 10:40. to its services. t 1.4 ready. and willingtndnenrasd.25erntorte 1 1,g holdepartmnt-I2 :15 te1. t sev yuWith whatever it lias te pei.saeae h udyshd M tzo itu u c Hîgh Sehool s~i ts services. it- Sunday. 5(1)001r, im swalreadto naIdprtments.. The. followlflg divisions of the Il yun pepeothhihsol eka s. or children.. Thoe Men's ciass had 2S.8 percent of Its man's Aid society will meet toedax- department willi mtet next Sunday eve goal.at Its flrst meeting. The Christian Thursday, Februa'iy 25. ning at 5 :30 at the heome of Priscilla Thle Bible plinlydcarsta alEdavor society reached 5-6.8 percenti First-Dinner at,1 3-r.I ' Wheelock, Sb Ronart road, Kenilworth, are sinners.. Whlen of, its goal, having. an, attendance of onle (rews, 1219 Ashland avenue. for a social and dimcus.4ion heur. ir speaks of saints under' its goal. No smiall credit for ,this Second-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. B. F. L*- it mnay refer eithèr fn tr is det h Oflf ft Jr-610 Washington avenue., 'leathvtis uring the, week for to the faithful who 'congrirgatiron who visited the homes 9) fout-03.a .Ms .I & boys and girls are etnte. inéluded have died, or to thé. th-e church (yrnsitueni-v in thct week pret- inn 515 Washington avenue. Ini 6ur pro grarn, and each group receives Chri.etians stili liv- %vin-u, and securpil Pledges frc-111tht it-O3 a .M'.C.A h 1 guidance f rom .4priaued ledrs. The' 11. But how canrn embers to -attend durine he fth -1ntir a.- , 2-MiW-s.dC.uA- week-day sche-dule folows:- a sinner be justyLoat Cuad."he -'ut Farm!', a thtee-act c,.d Truesda>s 3:15 P. m.-Bluebirds%. cafld a saint? us iàv John C. Browneli, wvill bicpresente<l Tuesdavs-4 :94) I. rm.-';Irl Scouts and it not a contradic- Next - Sunday is N'Mghbors FiSunndSauday 'evnnso h tio i isel(:ore when' the neighiors and frî.-ndls of the FiaadStudyevnn fti' Camp' inre Girlsl week. February26 and 27, by a grcil]: Tu-say--7 ?. p r.-ooevltTroop ' and hear next Sun-, Members will be invited trp attend% th.-t> ro wn yunpep.Tecst No. 2, Boy Scirouits. day morning's ser* srvces Tîsis 1no attempt to draw: as folloiws: Thuîisdays-4 :00l p. ni.-.-Junior C-hoi r mon on this 'point. away niemnbers-froni the rother churches,- Mîrs. Ba'rton........ 'Margaret W.iN-n. rehearsa I. - wth whom we are wvirkîng in co7mplete' Thur.days-7 :A4P. 111.- 1Senior Choir re- The mixed. cho Ir harnir.ny c.f purpr. .-btt simply .to WC WilieBaro:James Law-:. hear.sal. .9 snin nm cr e pc iythose hoarc- strang'ýrs Er iicm:Tdhel- Thusdys7 30 ' m-Ar,>No ,ber that shouI1ld b.in Wi lrnette andattend no chureh. .HlnBn.......Mr rw oyscouts.,'of unusual interest Mý,Bo'y to the membeýrs and ' h i- Ijastrr.. the .-.1lamnies T. Venek- .gatha Sliscomb %rMariari Nettlf-tap.; The fourth cf t h Lenten C hurch f r i en ds f St. las,.-.wii .reach thi- second se-rmnon 1,n Hmlo .Rlad'o e Nigfit dinners whi.beheld Nvedranesday-, .~ns ic~eit ila a compoSition 't th,- e 'e. T4ie- M-aring (,f ('hiri 'tian- J- . CI-iren-e Biddeford... loyd Onionr MIarch 9 î îdeywl pa n Ms iet Asi-3moo~rîtiy"at thicshr sr c-at Il orc,*,(k Harold VanHçorten ..Hcwvard Broýwvn "The <,oden ltule-" as one, of th~ great rl hoir ,îe t t this huh.-'f. The subject for i-tis: Sundayý will tH ilda.........LouiseKori- Possessions of our religion. 1>1 talk title o(f thiê îanthe-m is ~Lord <f NI "hri 'antvA bne'weivieo ickta eseueî,te chur, wl efloe yqetosai- and i-i xviii*,,t(1-,,arthte (ntire strie. fce-. t i-s exPected that there ili 1,i: viii~~~~~~ befloedb ustosSlvto, ldSn he its fi: r a 've-,- large attendance both nights. 'o--rmal discussion. Theýre will also lie h(earijnz.,T ui:ysl.iwl rnee t Mmes0 h il collau ýt speclal 'entertalnmient feature. The Th.o ocl ((k. and .-v.-rvrsofth HghSuoo ittendance and spirit at these rneetings~ When Judas had betraytd Jesus" 1irc' . miienibi-r is urgil- ill be the guests of the YoungPtîl- has been a 'surprise and a .de-light to conscience awakened and lie tried O v"itr.,rE-venndtob ing a net 5 :3. meigt Wë hpý-fo r icroýas;yin fltrestsav it by returning the traitor's. fe-ýT( (,iàcaio op and urge -ail .our memibers to bfring c--f thirty pi-ce-s, cf silver. H is consci- T],C --(ý>ialmeevip - heir family and fritnds;. The -ser vicé ence aiso sought 'the symnpathy of (our mr,- n "t i z 4l M1 en Bible 'Mas 'iii hol t ac oilmeig sa Round Table anld dismiss-esý early. Lord's .enemies. He succeeded ' t.ýý :4(!àrrl'mltIy.ý and] continiies the *Wilen. home, 422 Fift.eenth "'. jut-nhour. We invite- the men of Tuesday evenfing at S .o'cloec. neither. 'Nothing man can dp can atonetecmuiyt td h il ~tî Tefrto u etx elwh1 ibrs. J. N. Macalister- of f#18 Ash.- for a sin. againat. God. As for thoeu Weaetdin atD.RbrSpeswshedatWdedyngt ýand ave-ýnue, wilentertaIn thé members whoencouraged'hlmt snan ere his. , Speer cie tdy"Pie gratest. Bokben:as.eiatedd rnte e pf the East End'Circle at lunéheorft on associates so long as lie.played i nte ThtSperBiblle Th Gose of John. ad at io eiceartee rned romptyIS %!Ônday,, February. 29. Théi asFi§tlng their> hands-as soon. as they, had at- 'hBil,:Té,GseofJhn, ,tPner»rc aeevdpcmtj- tafnd tefr ndsthe shoed héir juj, cat 6 1:30, selfý-se.'ve st. -'Plie family- osese wlb Mrs. E. J. Mciralthtedthfreir nd. -hysoe ter Jno hurch will care for the, littît devotional hour begins at 7 :15 and c(.n mi Mrs. Witman . onternptfor hlm.They wanted noth- folks during the niorning wor.rhipa 1 cludes y8:0 h teefrnx _______________ing te do with the traitor. There is ocok so that parents may be free to Wednesday night wil libe "Je.susq at only One Whe Is aiways sympathetie. attend Wedding.". There wiii bie ainging o 'f il-. Kenilworth UTnion wlien.the sin - cis for pardon. Hlmlutadhyn omheatensrt. that cHeebertit. m I WiiiiniDOswere Tht Christian Endeavojr scietv. wi*hMake Your reservations as eariy as poss- crae tsr Ltiie t oji te u t. 'r he n e x t le n te n s e rm o n w l 1 i r w ,n t h h o e I n b c t m e s I l . Sdadeai. wlth thls question and we want r wl et t5:0 h omesiiiwih ItMaet-; bTheWmnsAl o Dr~. Willltt's -ufj(-(t for next t ço ltyuaewlen tth T ns,'\ieta 3 'ckwt ary '1'egul ont Aiysmeeti Wlli lid ýebruary 2s, wilI be "ýTho Sen service, alwa.ys. Corne. , un Ue,1063 Slxth stteet. Dorist t eua ~éihynetugWdi-dy - <oodi, wili iead the nmeeting. The sub - Marcli 2, instead of~ Thttrsday, Them-, The St Johnect wiii be "Tht. Qualities of a Cliris- wiil be General Aid Sewing at 2 o'clock The St. Jehn's players are now busv , t!1LtUL ru- - i .3. r i '-t enur", 1ws...L13 I tn caeior*Irr- pan A21. iBudget Beglrîhing next Sunday Dr. M'iliett Cliencoe. against Mrs. Lotta Spendthrift. This wll onduct a Lenten ciass in prepa- Th will lie another Bible study cf an In- Theih Lenten wee'k-day services wili be terestlng and appropriate subject. Dmn- ration for the tervices cf Baptism and Hely Communionl Wednesday at 7 a. nM. nerI' es erved at 6 :30 o'clock. Reserva- the reception of mernbers Into memiber- and Friday at 10 :30 a., m. LitanY and tiens ma.,, be phoned te Mr. Gordon ,.hip on' master Suuiday, 'March 27. 'Pils address Wednesday at 8 p. m. Hannah 1120 Elmwood avenue. clasis wiUllie held at the Sunday, sehool- hcour and will include the Bille, Who Some of tbe men and Young men cf Sewing for Erie Chapel. Institute *111 and Wthere Is God?, The Life and the St. Augustine's atended the Waslng-i be done. et the Worman's, club.mteeti'ng ng %vorships Pschooi atlil deliver a 'Serrm Thle request fc one cf the m tien. On Wed there wil a topi. The Young1 T.'at Cares" arY' 28, at thtemm- of the church and ýk the pastor will "The Holy Spirit.-, sermon came front s3 of thoý congrega - y evening, Mardi 2, >sion cf this sanie Pe -essociety wiil nitet.

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