the ioession in commercial rela- w k.The num~ber of old case aie Yo U. rk 1.y............................ . .... tions as illustrators for miagazines andi was Iess in the last week. >1hren 0~mte~d vntn clildren's books, as advertising layout cases of whooping cough, two of Mrs. Frank Cherry entertained the artists, as fashion artists, cartoonists, chicken pox and one each of scarlet Monday Sewing club at the home of G. W. Vaught, 511 Brier street, as dlesigners of Christnmas cards, wvood- f ever, meauies and znumps were re- Iher daughter, Mrs. Marshall Branch, Kenilworth is in New York on a cuts, andi steel engravings. as expert ported. The Health department rec- this week. ften-day business tnip.. illumninators, andi as clever students of!- ______ ___________ ___________________________ interior decoration andi .of architectural design' Lt %vould. be quite impossible ýto re-' mar ou' the merits àof ail o f the de-: signs presenteti in the interesting ar:-; rangement on the clubhouAe walls.! SuùtËce 4t io sythat each is an ex- cellent example. of réent wor i t owtîù lie. .and furthe comments are l D E O U I made only to. show a, portion of thé 1A E SYU plea, -re to be gainti f romseigalN or the dravings. The niost effective'Fv T oeN ~ r M N a (I ecôrative:work is*in the illustra-;> ïf E V I1.N : trationis. altheugh that is to be ex- * pecte(I because by. nature they lend themiselves, to more esthetic approacl tlîan do somte other types of commercial! design. The wood-cuts byFred Lar- E. O ND g~dthe .>teel cuts andi etchings by \\iliiati Mark Young are excellent, aid, the niôre colorful and romantic. thoughi flot less careful, déc~orationîs lv -Maryc 00 Martiin are outstandi ng even anon9 thlis fin(- group, others, of \vhich are Williami -'chmedtgen's peu andi ink sketch es %vhich were reproduced_ iii- > Ut sounds'eas to heat a hous. durin a mild wlinter -Outdloor Anierica," Nellie Farnami's illustration: for clîildren's storie,, aslketeoew 'eb nhvig Ifsud ay b tf welas thiose .by Gertrude S. Kinder. drawings isnBo TaV ilsta 8't. Furnaces and bolers without auvtomatic control do tiins ï)\ 1abe Bush M\ack. C, . scharte. D)on P. Crane, and Stark Davis. and also several skillful and . fot operate satisfactorily in ý"second- geai". When the sprtdcanvases by I.awrence Brink- * inan. C. . Chambers, Normant Hall, weather is i1d, they furnish more wo.mth thon is latil I.elhanni., and. F. E. Nord. Iii a more commercial vein conm& needed. liçuses are ov.rheated ... a*nd th. fuel svpply fa1if urniture atis. andi posters byv jaite Currie. -Martha Orr. and Rocco hik lof sfs sdrngacl itr .1.Navigato., respectivelv. a, veil as hik lota fste dun acdwner tîte.,cartojons andi trawîings hy John i-lu1iîpki. andi thé diesign,, for interiors M Not sa, however, when you ,heat with gos. Gas - s lw I)orcas TFuttle. T~he rendcring ofD ad1egou for a wagterfall and founitaini sutd f ny ofn by Nfabel L.ouise Wheeiock -lentis van-ieal kn D rn etv to, the collection. Artistic judgment an sil ak hefnehndletrigweather or during cold weather, just *nouùgh, fuel is, 1 M. Vaughn -Will ims. the verv clever andl effective Christinas card atià usd 0 ee th hos ata omotbetm mtr. the, iprogranm cover hy Jaune Wray, and lastly, thte exquisitely perfect and adi- Automafically. There is no fuel waste. inirable iiiuninating hy Mary- Franice. Mnrrî~ . . ...3 Remember,,it's not too, lote to begin heating your AsnianN oi the artists exhbitîng are pcople livi 'ng among us here on the h m i gus thswne.Cagn over to gua nd noî ti s.hore it is an inspiration for usho ewt hs itr.~ ugI gad te seu their \vorks so near at luand. *hoving this outomatic control slmply requires instlIln '11heii too, the Wornan's club is. Iot _ 0111Y doing artists a favor and an honor s ni Inaking it possible fo6r their wo:rk tiovrinsn to he shoý,ri, bu to al of us (andti oo ow so,"bm rI o o #rpem dûes n1ot'), who tloy seeing, the antis- lheciting plnt or on- oct,.w. estlwte, of wbot tIhis * tic expressions of our own tîmes these .p;t * ex hibits fiI1 a. definite coi-uTuifit3', peed. co e vrwiJ os a wbtylu u* iAswI * I TE . n' 0-p , v.,i' o s end0 h at urful ils i *Ms 'M r F Pease, fiQothtr o~f * Warren Pease Of 320> Leicester roacà.]M nl reu egs hoe hectto. at~wes Kenîlworth; passed away at her home .~ Mfr.* andi Mrs. James C. Liebnjail have moved from their former res- SERVICE COMPANY STORE. NO Ob 11 $;U ion. idence, 720 Maclean avenue, Keuni- worth to 1037 Cherry street, W \in-1 . netka. Il rs. Robert La.w, 321, Kenilworth avenue, left Kenilworth on Saturday for H-erder b2aii, Sebring, Fia