FOUR DELIVERIES EVRYDAY THUIS. FJ.,SAT. aci moN. spECIALS Sflon teN atieeef lb. 290 4MIliiFed lb. 40 Ywylng .3.1b. Average dw RIb ]ROaNative Beef l.27 pot Roaut Sholder Cub _ l. Pork Roast -or Lojin lb. Se Gwouud .Boof so'lectedmIeat 2IL 290 Daeoo V.aref ully selectedI 3 i.69e *Meadow Gold Coiâtry Roll lb. 217e Ol, lb. 35e 3-lb. cmn $1609 or GoId Dust ... pkg. 230 ... ............. 2 doz.450 Idowa Cake Flour ... pkg. 23e <led WVheat. 2 pkgs. 190 rAie (moi-aie,ïs) ... . $100 Plus depoMit of, 2iir. Beau$ ZratL ýiie Ib. 'bag 190 >lives (Old Monk)....... .4 pints 980 iary of the Peter J. H-uerter Amer- The luncheon for the national pres;- ican Legion post. At the same finie ident will be held at the Cry9tal rooni the Huerter post presented two trees of the Great Northern hotel next Sat- to the school. The exercises Nver c urday noon, February 27, at 12:30 held outdoors in front of the school ü'clock. Mrs. Gertrude Johnson. and building. Mrs. Nan Cochran expect to attend Miss Beatrice H1illinger, chaplailn from Our: unit. o h ure post auxiliary, opee Mrs M Mckestneisfobe the, programn with a prayer fo the Mr$ M. Muklstoe i tobethe colors. The Highcrest pupils then. speaker at the National Defense, pro- sang "America." This was folloveti gram, scheduled. for next Tuesdav ,by the. presentation of the flag. bx eveninj, March. 8, at 8 o'clock, in thé,rs Hln ils ihy, rsid1*1 "Hut," Central street and. the *e!2-i of the auxiliary. vated tracks, Evanston.. Mrs. Muck-i Phyllis Scherer, ei ghf grade pupi!. letoewiIspa o "aioa D-made the speech of- acceptance on fense." The meeting is planned for!i behaif of the school. She also than,-ý the evening, so that the m en may. a t- tend.1 ed the Legion. post for giving thec two frees to.fthe school. These frees.. both . red miaples, havé. been set ont Cars Crash at Prairie. on either side of the sidewalk whic;i a ,nd Washington ýien e Iads from the street f0 the nuifi Avenuesentrance of the school. Cars driven by Clarence Carlson, Sounda T*pà 926 Oak street,. Winnetka, and Mrs., Taps were blown by Ted Kroschi.i G. E.. McKana, 1053 Linden avenue, and the school, then sang "The Star- Wilmette, collided at the intersection, Spýangled "Banner." Several recita-ý of Prairie anid W-ashinigton avenues., tions foIiowed. The priniary gradl, Wihmette, Sunday niglit about 7:15 peefd"h u lgFot o'clock. Carlson wvas going souf h on adteifreia rdsgv Prairie and Mrs. McKana easf ond the i trei gae ae Washington,, according f0 the Wil-gGosB.Tenhrew. mette police report.1 A comhplaàint. two recitations by indîvidual pupil.. charging Mrs. McKana wif h failurel Dorofhy Dittmar giving '.'Tis Splin- f0 stop for a stop -sign, was signed by (lid to Live So Grandly" and Fvelyri CarIson. The case will come up be-Bore"Or Ia: fore justice of thec Peace D. M. The entire school gave fthe pe.<!gý Mickey Fridav~ affernoon, Februaryj of allegiance to fthe flag, affer which 26, af 4 o'clock-. . Thotnas J. Lynch, Democrafic Càai- (lidate for Congress from the Teilih ATTENDS CARNIVAL QUEEN district, spoke briefly. The prograin Miss Mary Louise Hays. dauglifer closed .with the recitation of Joycu of Mr. and _Mrs. Clyde T. H ays, 51') Kilnier's poemn "Trees" bv Williamýj Laurel avenîue, wois attending 1-illinger. Connecticut college. Na;s chosen onje' No classes were held at tue Higli- of flec maids to the iiecu at the cresf school on Monday because ùf Dartmnouth ,\\'ifter carnival held Washington's birthday,' but the Ippils recenflv ini.Nûw. Hlaveun. Mliss -Rut h attended the flag, pre'sentfation cr, ,Seanor of Evanstoni as also choseîi. monles. 011e of thle niaids.. Mrs. S. Jolhn Duncan-Clark, W\'ood'.couirt. spenit severalý days w~eek visifiing her 1on. Carlyle, is. a student at Clic Uni\-ersifv of n015. Girl S out Workers in 221House to House. Drive 'Nh 'lie coniniittee on fléc Wilmnette 1mi- Girl Scout drive. hast week> launched a1 liotîse-fo-hlotis.e Onie Dollar caîn- paign to raise the stualf rerniaining p roportion of its 1932 budget fund- Thé large-r portion of thé fund hiaF been raised by . a special gift drive. Thù Girl Scout organizaf ion expresses; ifs appréciat ion of. the loyal support ecd 'i AI., Cars.n Buildine Pharmnap, tv.66ir !......L QNÉ ....wm...... É' 221Z ISIX TELEPHONESI WIL. *---- GROCERIES 2 qts. 2 buches Rot Bouse large Reads t-Imarca at., m'vans te, tire. jilb