Branson De Cou and bis dreani )Icttires of 'Romantic Germianv'-," with musical accompaniment, w111 present thfle prograin at the XVilmette $unday Evening club,. February 7. -Romantic Gernîaniy," it k saiâd. represents the final result of Mr. De Cott's three trips there ini searcli ot theuusa in pictorial1 beauty, the *deIliglitful mnedieval towns, the dreain castles, the scenîc vonders whicli are so lavishly scattered thro1L1hoUt the land. The climax of this lecture will, lie his visit to the 1930 "Passion Pla>r" culnxiinating in a "D r e a ni Picture." with t .he musical setting as usual, zontaining thirty actual sceîues 1aifted liv Miss A. 'A. H e y d e r, the first Anieric*au showing of, liese, officiai î»ictures. Following is.the prograni as it W'ill lie presented: Frankfurt, anenit and moidern. Thel R.o me r Square. A rernarkable City. ý Freiburg. Through the- famous Scliwarz-. ivald. Baden-B3aden. Old Ileide1berg.. *in the.Black. Forest" Music-Landler (Tyrolese 11eIody) ......................yanbti * 'Fxploring Nurembergand Rotlîenburg-_ musc-Djie mistersinger v'on Nuremi- berg-ýPrize Song............. iagiler Lovely Konlgsee. -The Royal Casies, of Beavaria" (Herrenchieee, Neuschwanstein, Ho- hepnseh-wangau and Linderhof)' Msic-Siegfrled. Forest iMurniurs ......................... 1agpîer M 4) r e quaint old Germnan town- Aîisbaclîi, Wurtzburg, 'Augsburg and, Nî rdlingen. ~Adorable Dinkelslbuehl" Nlus- Eeria ............ rer Munich. The marvelous Deutsches mluseum. The Hofbrau. The Ratliauis atnd falnons cock.' Into the Bavarlan. AI1 1)s. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 7The Zugspitze and amiazing aerial rallways. High Spots of the Bavarlan Alps" Yusic-ý na, a Nocturne... Boehm?, O rammergau. Wbere al thewrl gathered in 1930. Maliny views, of the town and its surroundings,. The, Pas- ~intheater. Before and ater a, per- i'ornianee. Village types. Trhe actors Of1,fl -The Passion Play of 19307 (A seriesqof '.thirty- officiai picturee made at, the present presentation of tihe play for photographie records, exqui-1 sitely l)ainted by Miss Augus..ta A. Hey- der.)1 Music-Benediction 0of God in Solitude .........................Lfatt ists, who to Mlost. people have been----- nierely voices on the air, will. appear o11 that occasion to offer a unique progranu F of melody and mirth. Plans are rapid- Sub Ivl going forward to niake this mie of the m-ost unusual and interesting - RADN iigs ever enjoyed by the association- and its friends. Open Dailv (excepi EXHIBITS IN TWO SHOWSWees M iss Helen Taylor.' formerly ofISau Kenilworth. bhas a picture in: the An- nual1 Exhibit of Chicago Artists cur- r he Bible and Works of ret at- the. Art institute. Chicago. ICI Chita Cie iea is the portrait of "An.Old Lady-" Shp [- RaigRoi also bas a picture called *'.Nid-DaN" at. the .Amierican Artists show, at tiîe THE PUBLIC IS C Pen iisylvaniïa Academy of Fine Arts1 CHURCH, SERVICE ini Philadelphia. * MIrs. jacques de LaChappélle %% - hiostess on last Friday to eight friends; for luncheon and bridge- at 1.llir oe. P A TR ON IZ E 112Abiîugdoiî road. Keilworth. WINNEIKA- 718 El., Street Winnetka 51 WILMETTE 402 Lindon'Avenue Wilmett. 151. EBRUARY 7, 1932 bject: "SPIRIT" ROOM-1 148 Central Avenue - pting Wednésday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. iay ' A. M. tO. 7:45 P-. M. rday9 A. M. t0 9, P. M. fMary Baker 'Eddy and aIl otber authorized re mhay beread, borrowed:or purchased at the. :ORDIALLYINVITED TO ATITEND THE ES AND VISIT THE, READING ROOM OUR ADVERTI.SERS A. a A A A.A. ~ A ~ À À A A¶.1-- A. . À A A, LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway Buckinghiami 2M ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvîs Avenue. Rogers Park 0118. PRICES, CON TINUE LOW . AL THIS WE Thiak of it 1 You don't have to lesve your home to Cet these woaderf ni food bargains. Just check yu needs on the lhst below, thon teleplmone us and give your order-C. O. D. or charge Evorything will b. Heinz Cataup doIivoredI t. your door. Or, if you are shopping any- Cemte Hemnz atsuapway, corne and lbave your order at the. store. YourCeaute Large size-The bepst dollar buy. more and better food here. Serve thenil l soups t.. r__________________ or use for ail types cýondiiuexV. for' b)aked 2 39c )eans.. foir Colossal Ripe Olives P-iit Tins - contalîl- ing about 23 large, pe 1fec t deliclous olives. 9 Golden Bantam Corn' t MUATS9 F1511 AND POULTRY RED SNAPPER, bro~i or fry, and serve 27e with new boots, lb......... . LARGE SCALLOPS, $0 delicioUswh fried and served with tartarsauce or colé slaw, qt . ...... . ... .. . . . . . . 5 FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN, bread and fry-and serve with apple joelly, lb..... I 3 for 19C Lenît i.'q Contng- Lay in a Su.pplyg of Tiiese Delicacies Noic mprteâ Boed Sardines Large 8 OZ. 22c TINS 5 for $1.00 %zar. eWt - ' lllwo . . . . . -9 Junior Life.............. 18 Music Page ............. 32 New Trier News .... 38-39 Public JForum .......50 Recreation Page ..... Society PagsU"43 icarrying to do-we deli ver to you FROM THE LOOP, TO GLENCOE V V V V V V V ~~~~ V V V'lu 'V 7,'V 'V V ' V V V- 1 v v ' v SCHL0ESSER.als àý- - No