"First in Wil mette" The*- Mod. em Means, isth Trulst Paný WJE MODERNS do nortbink of leaving estates or the adminis- Stration of bequests at the rnercy of circumstances. The:old idea of, a.simple. will ini the hands of executors, was kinidlv'in. spirit but bas been outmoded. Nowadays the Trust Plan copi'shes the purpose with' no loopholes: and :no deviation f rom the testator*s aim and intent. This Bank is also a Trust company, empowered unde-- legal authority to act as executor. crustee, or guardian under your w'ill. Wi.th our experience to guide vou in the design of a trust, you, wiIl be' ceraintht yurplans wl e rpry incorporated and,, when the timeis. cornes, carried out scrupulously. THE ADVISORy E. L. ESSLEY Presider2Ï4rt srr E. L. Essley Machiner y Co. Wm. N. JARNAGIN COMMITTEE H. E. POROINTo I rusic<, Central Mlanufacluriny DAVID E. SHANAHAP Dis irtci ,NK ofWILMETTE