tering at the negiinning of the seconudence swl stevrasmtf semester next Monday, however, 15 ex- 1denc e svelash v coe ot iths pected ta be ahou t the saine'as the nuii-m- tche eeanrshe Innetoîi t ber. dropping out at the end of the first ofe lerto o hepto an semester. M r. Brown states, Sa that o oe there will be -slight change ini the total In keeping wmith the ald-fasianed enrollment. note Miss Marion Keeney o f Win- New Trier. studenits are enijoyiga netka will dance, the, orchestra will mnid-seme$ter vacation now. Meanwhile play some ald-fashioned: music and registration i.4 going on for the second there, will apiear sanie songful "Val- sémester and will continue ýthroughout entinles of'YesterYear.ý" Mrs. John C. the1 reniainder of this week. New stu- Marshall is ini charge of the'enter- dents who fait to register this 'Week wïi tainnient féatures. mniss som e of their class wvork, in dte lThe last da ce at Vista t ook the new semester, althoughi they may reg-. formi of a SpIaiish fiesta on January. ister as late as ne xt week. 2.3. At tlîis the rooins Were decorated j Sixteen students, ten -girls anid six withi dozeis of vivid Spanish shawlÉ ýoys. conîipleted their highi school, courses and Spaniisb < (lance.,,w ere given ,bv) at Newv Trier this semester. ThIese stu- Mfrs. Clarita Martin who hadl studied dents are,: theni-rrndetail -at their source t GirIs--An1nettý Iillian Baumigarten, Spain. Maxine Frances Choate, Dorothy Lau- ise Clavey, Frances Norma Coptiiorne, Give Up Hopes for jane Janma Nordstrom, Ada Ethiel Pan- coe, 1Mary Margaret Thfaleg, Marianl Annual Rink .Event Lois Tubh)s, Fay Luise vaînKries and Alhoe foligte13Ie Helen Esther MNehrenl. l oe 'fhdigtI 1M -c BoYs-Frank Locke Carrttthers, Donî- Carnival were abandoned at thé Rec- aI.d Gray Corniell, Robert Grenfell Gar- reatian office Tuesdayinîorning mwith don, Charles johin Eastmani, Jr., Henry~ the advent of thaw.ing weather. Had Washington Silk, Jr., and Charles AI- the colder wveather which continue&d> bert Whe tston. over Saturdav anîd Suniday kept upC ____________'thre m""ight have been sartie hope of Openings on Girls' hoLldinig the mneet, which lias been' Basketball SquadS M. Davis, director of recreation an- Girl haskethall players m-ho wish ta nounices. I-owever, "Iniýdefiîiitely Post- 6 affi1iate with sanie teani ini the Plav- p)onedl"lhas been i printed over.>,the ground and Recreation Board's league pIlacardýs announcing the nmeet origin- for girls imay. (la 50 by nepartiiîg il>_1chedied for JanuarNv. Ms joe Skidinore, recreation assist-' t ant. at the Stolp gynxniasiunîi froin 7 TEXACOES WIN TWO P; ta 9 o'clock Tuesday evening, Feb- Joe b *nxan's Texaco basketball squad ft ruai-v 9. There are a imiited nuinber gave the Hoffman Florists their finst P of vacancies on teains reported t(' defeat of the seasonIi ast Friday eve- hi -the Recreation. office and layers ýviî l ing ill a Wilmette Recreatioln league Y( lie assigned- ta teailis in the order of encounter. l"ihe Texacoes carried off th their 'appearance at theý gynuna>iumýhonaOrs b4 a score of 28 ta 10. Genden ta .Tuesdav' evcning.e. starred for tlie \inners with 13 points. s -- The Texacoes went iuto secoîîd place ini PRESENT RECITAL the Evening American Basketball tour- a Piano pupils of Berenice Viole hield nament, by lefeating the Hillîman Up7- ai] a class reci1tal at ber Lome, i114 Tlii:d towiu store 34 to:29. Iverson led the le, street, Sunday, JanuarY 31. The fol- scoring for the Wilniette' five with 16 lawing pupils participaied: Mary Jane' points. Qi-r, Betty Waugh, Mildred Thalmnan, Alice Berger, Louise Iliokman, Jane GOING TO TUCSON ulmier party i uesuay of iast week ini celebration of Mn, Burpee's birtb- day. Mrs. Richard Mo Burnis and lier daugbters, Ellen and Ruth, 1140 Isa- bella street, left, for Las Angeles last week ta spend > the rest of the wintcr. was1 ly bc received in' an accident short- Mr. Churchill*lias beeiu described as "tlic stormy petrel of British politics." His.subject Sunday milil be "The Path- way of -the Englisli Speakiiig Peoples.' MNrs. James J. Forstall of 199 Birch street. innetka, cluairinani of the: pro- gran, committee. for the series, lias ýa few tickets for the lecture. Thiese. may lie s>ecured bhy callinig lier before Sat-' urday noon. Train, Demnolishes Car at Oakwood'Crossing A car belonging.ta L. Il. Vogel. 1033 Greenlwood avenue, Wilinette. wvas demiolishied bv' a nortlihouid -Clhi- cago a*4XehW esterîî train at the Oakwood avenue c rôssinig Tuesda\v eveingiý at 5 :55 o'clock. Tlhe four p assengers inu the machine - Mrs. \Togel, wlio Wvas driving, -and lier tlirec clijîdren, J)onothy, 13, MIar\., 12, aiîd Robert, 15-leaped to safetv after the car stalled on thie track., in thîe path of thîe train., Mrs. N\Jogel.ý d riving east on Oakwood aveitue. was goiug ig talthe ilinette station to ineet her, husband wvho ivas due ta, arrive an .the traiw'hich hit is car. 'Randlev's' New Name for Dannemark Sto re .-\iîouniceinieiut as muade tlis wteek hat thîe Iannemark EFlectric crni - Jarn, .1151 \Vilmiette avenue, hience- rthi wIl be knaWn,,t as Randlev's. Paul Randlev bias been the active iead of the cancern t for about three car.s and hiad been associated with, ie business foriîuany' years-prior ta aking over the management. Tlîe aore wil! continue ta hiafidle wvas I- ng mlachines. vacu-uncleaîucrs, radios [Ild variaus otiier electrical. fixtures ild appliances; asý in tlie past. -Rand- .v's are uuorth shiore distributors for he Kelvinator. MOTHER PASSES AWAY: Mrs. Carnie S. *Mansfield, who bas-. iade' ber hom ît'ieéal-u Iîaw west fromn a stay ini New York. are students at the Americau oleg ý --0-of Physical Education, Chicago. Robent Saniple, jr., 741 Cumnmings _-o- avenue, Kenilwonth, Who, fan the past Ms Frank W. Hinze, 715 Asliland twal weeks bas becix at St. Luke's bas- avenue, anud ber brother, WilliamD. pital suffering with a severe nervaus Rivers, left last Mina y aa dsorden,' is now convalescing ai his for Flonida.', They Will spen.d the Win- home. . er with their parents îin Palt Beacl, anîd was attended by flot, anly the mein- bers af the club and their husbaiuds, but also hy thé officers and other represen- tatives of the mnore important village organizations. Those who gave. short talks on variaus suléjcts wvere Dr. Her- bert L. Willett«of the Kenilwvorth Unioni church, the Rev. Leland H. Danfortb of the Episcopal church., Herbert Tfay-, l(>r, secretary 0of the Kenilworth club, and 'F. T,. Streed,. who explained the distributionl of the Kepilworth tax dol-, Den hailer Matthews o)f duie -Uni- esivofý Chicago gave an ainusing talk, after tlîc Old ýTowi, ncmeting, onl the subject 'Cotelîîporarv MlNoraâ.aud Coutemporary' Fiction." Music forthe, evenling was furiîishied bY the..Chiicago Treble Clef. quartette. Refreshinenlts wvere served iii tliirary after the pro- grain Mrs. 1 . AM. Alleni, Mrs. George, V.Keelin, Mrs. Warreni Pease anîd Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., served às hast-, esses.- It is liuped thâai a large croý vd w~ill he p)resei,ýt at the ' meeting u" f thje (Crafts and Home l'ducation î dcpa;rtiîent '~h bill eld at the.chlh ncxt Tuesdav niorîunig, for the feature of tlîe day %vill, be an. exhibît of liaiid1 work. It js ex-. pecte(l that man>' iîiierecstin)g and valu-* able pièces wi e. on disl)la% at. tlîat' t ue'. HAVE, BENEFIT CARD -PARTY Mr.Berîîardj liens, 1415 Iaîple aventue, î%-Ill opcwn lier home tlIns" eve- nling for a bcnehit card l)arty for fic Roy'al Neiglib-ors. Assistjn1g lbostesses %vill lie , M rs. M. .lo. Mrs. Latîra MDclaiis, alnd Mrs. Lauir: Wilsoli. There w~ill, be prizes andI re- DISCU~SSOBEDIENCE"ý.. '1lu Pe-cholcircle wlîiclu nînets' Ttiés(la%- eein.F!21ruaÉ,%. 9 ,i i Hu~ardsclool will Continue its (lis- cussion on )l!"0O)edieice," started atthe. Jaur i ectiîî.g hy Nîrs. GilI, thîe state cluairnuai. Thîis ýcirclec is a. Ilowarci Parent-'feaclicr tss Lgan.. Mrs. Clyde T. Browni of 1710 Wal- nut avenue bas just returned ta lier home fram Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after a stay with lier aunt wha has been very ili. Mrs., Samu IH. Clark,.135 Ful ler'lane, Wîinnetka, was bostess ta ber lunch- con and bridge club on Tuesday t