FEDR UAR Y5 to FEBR UAR Y l IA OU Fre'b ground beef l. 5 whlte b or ,POT ROAST. native etfILb.25C :-or OCRlb. 24c OXFrs TOGU tcld.p o LAMB PATTIES fae: hr:r. IL 25C SUGAR ~pure roue granalated li 9 SUGAR. la. IIwldte flotb sacks 06 9 ELLY ~Welch'a .pure orrape, -qulnee, JELLY ý25'C PEARS Plymnouth Rock atem med Cal.4fo95 COFFEE ulk l £. IwnsL.29C VINEGARhe ~2;c botti:. qt1c WAX BEANS Rreiu bIaI 2 for 45c Us Richelieu al-g$reenI. ýASPARAGU hieN.1tns 3 for 98C BUCKWHEAT fi Ried Zur .4lIbs. 25c RIPE OLIVES Siil, tl. 2 for 49c PEPPERMINTS elooltetens lb. 33c RICE KSPIES 1'ccat. 2 for 23c PErANUT BItITTLE speio pacioegea. IL 19C SHELLLED WALNUTS Bordeux.lb. 59C PRIE Dgrlng thlis anle *0 wiIJ glie ole rcon of "Kitehen Kien. E z'- frep %Ith P-ci 18 ounce carton of Fltzpatriekk's &utomaiàtjc Soitp làke% epelnlly priced at ,1;e the carton. SA TURDA Y ixg plg, ri) orlIoili. PHo. .yI GROCERY and MAURKET ýNE 510 PHONE 514 CENTRAL aiad TWEBLFTH . WILMETTE I .! rs. ClifI on L. Darling. of 1.538 Iliq7hlad avenuîe is generai chair- mon for 'flic Cluib inart, thec ankmal 4'.Ihibitl'oi of the W'oman' club- of Wtiliiiif te titis Year. Held under fii aufspices of tlhe club's wvays and neans caiit t onMardi 16. 17 and 18, iftsproc(ecds wiIl be turned int the chffb's bilding lfund. .A yen- endal mIctinog of the coinmittee was lield, ai the clb onda v, at which fimne flicnomnes and Personnel of the s:bcommi e cre annfOUnredd, a complete lust of zwhich zvill be pub- lished in WLiTELiFE ne.rf week. The, gî<t of good taste for Day On t1ke loyers' holiday, tel" her the sweetestý story, éver with a package of deliejous Artstyle Choco- lates. Central-Wiluoette, Avenue& -Phones: WiImotte 28-29 Commerce under a civic membersbip plan wvhîcb was inaugurated a year ago. Civic membership ini the Çhamber of Commerce is open to ail residents of Wilmette. Instead of paying the larger fee charged regular members, civic mcm- bers pay a nominal f ee of five dollars for a year's mcmbership. Thus, the busi- ness man wbose office is inthe city but whose home is ini Wilmette, can become actively interested in the civic affairs ofý bis borne c)mmunity by joiniing the local business men's organization. The civic. membersbip classification was, originated t o encourage more public inter 'est in the affairs. of the Village. It bas served that purpose in the past; and tbe Cbamber of Commerce is launching a drive for new civic members to.carry out the idea. more fulIly ini the future. Civic membership application blanks niay be obtain.ed througb any member ofthe Chamber of Commerce or f rom the Chamber office. 1137 Central avenue. The phone.nuinher is WIVilmette -63, Làke Shore Players Entertain. Veterans Charles Bruehauser. and Gene Pad- dock, members of theé Lake Shore players, together with a group of radio stars including the weIýl-knowln Clyde McCoy, AI and Pete, -and Law- rence Salerno, entertained the dis- able dveterans at the Great Lakes hospital Mlonday evening, February 1. As an aftermath of the first suc- cessful adveaiture in 'dramnatics, the Lake Shore players have been be- sieged with man\ applications for mnembership. For the benelit of thjose interested in a.ffiliating ,vith the or- gYanization it is announced thiat in- ftormation ivili be given ini reffly to written requests mnailed toitue studioý at 1177* Wifimette avenue. SaY it J- it h FRA GRANCIE St. Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14, is the idéal tirne to send or present this delig4t.. fui groupgft .Mary Lou de Detak perfm, and a heart-. shape vanity case equipt with powder, rouge and lipstick. -p'&CLU1,APUiLO Jetueler and Opticien i 166 WILMETTE AvIe. PHONE WILMETTE o 6