Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 55

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in private, residence. *Near station. Ph. Winn 5A FOR RENT-LT. HO 5ILTN40-1t.. PG. RMS. FOR . RENT -FLJRNISH ' D LO houe-,keétiig. roomns,, desirable eàast location. Ph. Wilmette .965-R. 55A-LT4O-1 te coupLE TO, SHARE HOME. l'HlONE Wilinette 44i6; S-4-t REAL ESTATEý THE N or t.hS ho ré l'a d REALIORS Ail NORTHWSHORELAND - f ro . EývanstoTi to Lake Bluff-.answers our 1932 broadcast! CFI-CAGOANS :ilso tuned in -on puir Chicago pro- grani-and what resuits! Itental calls for both li imedia tt and, spring ocecupancy ,ai-e'itnre.ts- ing. The demend i S. (1n foi. NORTH-SHORELAD NI) oies a t * Priees that makeý attractive BUVY'. Experience plus Capital c-lothed ln 1932 OUTLOOK is already building our repuit-atioýn for AC_ TION. .Are you the ne ivlii) îîeeds CASH- more than ilA E 'TATE? Don't %vat-?ct Now: R. -B. WIIITAKER CG. 84. li Street se FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 5 ROO.M APT., $90 MO.; FURN. 1 RM. and bath apartments, maid seirvic,, $'35 Spanish Court Properties, 9210 Spanish Court, Wiixnette 4.32. 56LTN-39-2tP bedni. clse to transI). and faing 1)Irk. rentai veryV reas. CâîllWi. SP. 56LT4iJ-1W, FOR RENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN- ette apartmieft - nai' transportation. steam he.at, electrical refrigeration. Cali Wllmette 1800.. 56L.TN3l-tfc- O NE 3-11M. -KITCHENETTE -APT. Humphrey Building. Winnetka 98 or 3'328. i6LTN0tt 4 ROO'M APARTMENT, CENTRALT.Y sounth atnd,,easlt front. Ph. 2 AND 3 RM. .HEATED APTS. CALL at 191.7 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 4978. 56L40-ltp, ,APARTMENT..F011 RENT, $e24 PER nîonth. Ca1liWinnietka 690. 56LTX;40-ltt, 57 FOR RENT-"FUReNISHED ApTrs. FURINISH-ED 1 AND 2 FIOOM& APTS., converientiy located. ÈPh. Wilmett± 239 or Wilmette 2427. ýý57LTM30-tfc 2 R'M.,FURNISHED .APARTIMENT, liot water heat, running hot water. gas inicluded. $10. per -week. Ph. Wii- t'ette 3082. ý57LTN40-ltp :l.M. KITCHENETTE APT., BEAUTI- *fu.ly, furn., elec. Ice box, gas, light and heat furn. $65. 109-1 Central Ave. *Pli. Wilmnette 27M-. 57LTN40-Ilt 2 111. FLURS. APT. FOR RENT 'al innetka 690. . 57LTN40-l tc. 59 WANIED TroREN T-FURN. APtS. WVANTEL) TO RENT--SM2%ALL FUR-N. apartnent-or light housekeeping ris. Phi. wilir.etie867. ,. 91bTN4-1te 80 FOR RENT-HOUSES DrSIRABLE HOME NEAR MH -Woods school, 3 bnn. l.îocsull rnf $9Q a mo. .-ttracti%,;e colonial home, 6 bdiinis., slp. porch, 3 baths, lar-ge sunrim., oit hr., lovely wooded yard in desirable ,ec- tion. $150 a mn. Frances J., WinslcOtt 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 7 rins., illiteat Ige. l9t. east . $00 G vins., 2bathiselec. retrîg., oitl'$12 2batIh% Il. WV. lit. $121- S rnis... 2 athÈsIge. porcheus $i- 9 rus, woderfl)(-., -4. bathis $2,1ý FRANK A.REU1I 94Linden Avve -hi uhhard W..' ds WVinnutka 1300J or 1689 OXNE R 01FFE RS Evastnl-,ris., t ilt, 1.. :;car gar. $125 \Viliiette-7 rnîîs.. 2 Iatths poss. îîow $1 f>9t I nvursity S' 3. Itsienu. illette 51721 f AVE SE NERAP,1 N HW 1' 1' w'iiit5~ it1i 6 or 7 ri'Is.. tilt- hatils., i eat at very rt.vasonable -re11tal.. l>ossschtil May lst. ('al Winti. 10 - . - 601TN-10-1 b to choose f rom you can Wlth- confidence miake an early seiee& tion. WE HAVE CHOICE LISTS .BOTH 1FOR SAL4E.A N»DFOR RENT FROM EV- ANSTON TO HIGH- -LA NDPPA RK. F. M. ORNDORF UNIversity .0531 Wilnmette 162t1 No tbU chargt froni Winnetka 6OLTN4-tp 3 hiedrrns., 2-car gar.. S. E. sec.._ $125 4 lbedrms.,2 b.., Eng. brk. Plav yd. $50 6 bedrms., 3 b., oil lit, wooded lo(t. $150O 1 bedrms., 3 b.,, oh hlt, fine loc. $200 5 bedryns., 3 b_,. ear le....$00- Studio 1. r., 4 bedrnris.,2 b., lav., ou .hlt. 2-car grge..........$200 .5 bedrms., 4 b., nr. lake, very unusuai......... ....... $300 SMITH & GOSS, INC.1 725 Elm St. Winnietka 142, 60LTN40-lte ATTRLACTIVE; ENGLISI-1HOUSE R the east boundary of Skok-ie, con- venient to uchools and transportatio.n. , bedrmns., 4 bathis, enclosed pot-eh on second flôor, open porch on firste lin- teresting grotinds, rock gar-den and pool1. Available at once. $22.5. .lany other interesting houises front $75 to $,500. 66: Orn9OTHY K.ROSS o S 6QLTNý4-tp $6.5 per month. Well iocated old homle. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, oil hurer, 2-ear. garage. t'ompiete list of homtes at higher pie. .,41 Lincoin Ave~ Winnetka 1,11.12 6.0LTN4071 tC I"lOR RE NT. - MODERN BUNGALOW type bouse, 6 bedrms., 2 baths, hot-. -wat4,r heat, 2 kýar garage. Rental $85, inmmediate possession. Robert Slayback & Co. 8 S. FstSt.}jgliand Park WOL)IIUL HOME. 6 .BEDRMS.- slpg. pchi., 4 baths, extra lav., Brkfst. iim., ecreat ion rin. 011 heat. Frigid- aire. 2-car attached garage. $300. uther houses from $75 to $700. - r.Latig, Winnetka .1194. 663 Vernon Glencoe 305 .and 986l 61LTN40-ltp sa WANTED 7O RENTr-HOUSES Your Home for Rent? 1If so, please lnformn us immredi- ately.' as we have nurnero-us calls' for homs--furnlshed or uinfurnished - ranging- froni $85 to $300. Baird & Warner 1071l SKOKIE RIDGE DRIVE Glenicoe 1554 Briagrateý 1855 62LTN40O4tc WANT IMMEDIATE. POSSESSION 0OF a homne with 5 bedrms.. and 3 baths In Kenlilworth or Winnetka. Rentai flot to exceed $200. Write A-ilS. Box 40, Wiim'ette,. Ill. 62LT4Ô-ltc HAVE CALL 'FOR FIRS. HOUSE May i to Sept. 15. 1150 month. Also many .Inquiries for. unfurnished4 houses. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 62LTN40-itp WANTED TrO RENT-SMALL HOUSE on _North Shore.: Best, references. Write A-113. Box 40, Wilmette..Il-i. 62LTN40-ltp LARGE 4ÂND SMALL HOUSES FOR May first rentai. . Cafl orsthy X' Ross. e63 Vernont Ave., Glencoe 305 or *986. 62LTN40-itp WANT ,%EFriu.N SIZE HOUSE FOR~ s1ring rentai. Phone Winnetka 3633. 62LTN40O4tp 72 FOR SALE-HOUBES XINNETKA CENTRAL WINNETKA -WE OFFER a home wlth interestlng interlor. Very large liv-ing roorn, a* pretty dining ronitwo( steps up. There is a break- -fast roonu,. too. Four- good slzed bed- roomns and two baths, second floor. 011 bumler .,with the good hot water heatlng. systemi-tiie yard Is 80x180, *and there is a two-car garage. For the purehaser with $3,000 cash, this c-an. b had-for $16,150. We offer-ad it last year at $24,000. Let us show you this s-weet houle. MRP\S. FULLER-HOMES: 161$S Chicago Avenue. Greenleaf 7220 * 72LTN40-ltc WHTFWASHED, BRICK H O U S E, perfect iidetail, Ige. sunrmi., livi-ng rn.. dining rn. and kitchen. 4 bed- ri., 2 baths, - il, heat. attached ga rage. in inost beautiftul neigrhbor- lîood in 4Glencoe. $25,000. For appoint- inen alu * e DOROTHY K. ROSS 62 Vernon Ave. Glleneoe, 305 or 986: 72LTNr404hIt WILMEZTTE LIFE * fr orethn 2 >ear the HOMVE PAPER of the copmmunity>" 'PHONE. WILMETTE 4300

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