in ialing Debut One of the most fascinating of the excellent double f eature programs of- iered this week at the Teatro del Lago Will be provided by two films, "The Guardsrnan" and *Corsair," on Sun,-, day, Modyand Tuesday, February 7-9. Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne, two othe greatest stars of the current'INeý_v York.stage., make thieir talking picture deblut in 'The Guardsman,' Coritin-1 ental comedy by Fercnc 1,o6liar>. Shar- ing honors with the tWvo princip)als: in the cast are Roland. Young, Zasu Pitts, ,\aude Eburne and Herman Bing. ,The plot of -Trhe Guardsman' centers about the situation of an actor %vho disuises himself as.a rornantic Russian guards- mani in order to 'test bis wvife's fidelit v. Che ter Morris stars ini -Corsair" which is give the real *low- down" on the rum fleets, which: ply hetween .the Novia Scotia, coast and the Bahamas. The reason \vhy Morris, AII-American football star in college, turns pirate after his graduation and 1)reys on rum fleets, Nvill be sen ini the action-filled picture, ý*Côirsatir." Beau- tiful Alison [.oyd plavs opposite the star. ig Pictures 'Ultered at. Varsity Theater This Wcek Brilliant lines. hilarious situations and rollicking satire Nvill spice a thoroughly delightful. progranm at the Varsity tbea- ter on Thliursday,, Friday and. Saturday of this week. wvhen the attraction.; will be '*The, Guardsmnan" and "Beau Hunks." Twvo ôf the greatest stars of the cur- reïit New,' York. stage, Alfred Lunt and LynI IýFontannïe. niake their talking pic- turc dehut in -The: Guardsman- Ferenc MNýolnars sopbisticated Continental com- edy. Zasu Pitts.. Maude Eburne and lHernman Bing. German cotnedy player, round out. the cast.. The story tells amnusingly of an actor w~ho is insanely 1jealouis, of his wife. He. resolves to test bier affection. for imn by making love to ber. disguised as a ,Cossack cavalrv officer. >\Výhat bappens.provides a good eveings entertainnient. "Youve i ever seen anything goofier than Laurel and Hardy, as niembers of ft1he French Foreign M Beau Hunks. one of their best comnedies,"~ Pbotoplay magazine interrupts, uniable toý res train iitsenthusiasrw aii3 loniger. *1It's better thailn nost features . . . s rare stuiff. ýDont' miss ii. > Chllkesti 'Che Trli's I Extra Chance to Se. "R1intypp "Frakentei," he orl's.nio t Aother pfleasing new\s tidhit is that fanions' shoctker.,will share the prografli I each week iio\\ providesl two chanices to %vith. "HusbaldsHolidav'4 on Wcdncsie- seRnTnTi.glatcaie h dayandThusda. Fhrury 0 ad i.,serial. "The Lightniiing \arrior." The "Fraiikeinsteiin." which far out-Draculas film vl esov o rdy fe ~Drcul~" vas* (iretc( b3 J ieschool is onlt, anid also at the Saturday. Whale. Colin Clive. Mlae Clarke. Iî atuine s Boles. Boris Karloif aud Frederick Kecr On11 Monidav. Tuesday anid \Wedniesdla\- are featured players. The storvý is l abot mai vh mae mnst 1 ha Februarv 8-10, the Var sity Nvill pre- preyed uponi terrified biumani beiings. setoraSaerad obtMot -ÉHusbands f{oliday." 'starring Clive, gonerv in Private Lv~"atid Talltdlah Brook, Cha:rlie Ruggl es. Jiliette1 Comp- Banikbead as star of "'fli Cheat.- tol anid vivienné ,Oshornle... presents A,ýIl the smart linies of the Noel Cow- tamul fe-its joys ýanid disappoitardplaNy bave been kcpt for ,the talk- me ts. huinali drama. its ýlailýilging picturc. 'Private Lives.-' As for rsAnd it chcs al hivitl iacie h eat.- Tallulah. Bàiilea(l is (llrectorial touches anid skill fui artistîcspciel yaic andl dramiatie. stegth. On F ri daY anid SatunrdaY of tbis vek! .i , -drel Lago offers "Sur renider"'i ain in meac "Secret Scnvict-.'. i Paat Community flouse Ralph Bellamy inPa Ralph Bellamy of WVilmette is cast i PersonIs vbo said William Haines- as the stem 'rnrnniaiidcr of. the prisoil was slippinig will revise their opioils Quiet on the Western Front" and manv famnous pictures. handled the cameras on weird '"Frankenstein" which thrills at the Teatro del Lago on \Vedneý;Aay and. Thursday, Feb- ruary 10 and.11. Colin Clive, Mac * Ciarkc. 'John Boles, Dwight Frye, Boris Karloif, Edward Van Sloan and Frterick,.Kerr are featuired in the picture. "Which Jam es.Whale directed. 112.Z0 central. Ave. Phone Wil. 4 9 4 Doors open weelc days at 6:30 p.m. Show* at .7 p, m. Dooýrà ome Sat., Sun. andI Hoi<day8 at, .:80 p. m. Show at 2 v. m. Cont. Box Offie Closes, at este Pa.1à I TAKE ADVANTAGE.%0F LOW PRICES-ALýL TIMES ADULTS .. 5. CHiILDRKN 100b Thurs., Fr!., Feb. 4-6 George Bancrot-Robert Actes "11RICH bMAU'S VOLLY'" Laurel and Hardy Comedy Sat. Only, Feb. ô TEflN~A iAY <OLIVER a% Start'snn-:15 :0.80,10:40ý Starts [n.85 Tues., W ed...Feb. 9-10 C.ari Cooper-Claudette Colbert "R11IS WOMAN" Tlhurs.. Fr1., Sat.4 Feb. 11.12-13 WILL ROGERS as NEW"ÀDVENTlURES 0F GET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD By George Randolph Cheuter -Added- ST1JBBY KRUGER "ELMER TAKES THE AI1R" TYEWRITERS î1.-MCORONA Portable (3-batik kuiybodard) 1-1. C. SMITH i-UNDERWOOD No. 5 l-UNDERWOOD No. 5 4-Standard 4-batk Tfpe-, escli $ 17 5 1-ROYAL No. 10 .0 fiered Subject to Prier Sale. AQ M&arines Fully Guaraiteed TYPEWRITERS. Rented-Sold-Repaired FREE P e-p n Typ.wwiter Acceusories HAS IMPORTANT ROLE Vivienne Osborne, stage favorite Nvho made bier debut in the taîkies as the more mature. of Paul Lukas' sweetbearts in "The Beloved Bach- elor."ý plays, a rôle of nuuch greater imnportance- in ber 'second picture, "Husband's Holiday,",' to be shown at the Teatro del Lago on, Wednesday, and Thursday. February 10 and IL. HIERES A FUNNY SIGHT I Add to funny sights of Hollywood, Wil Rogers, .dresscd in unaccustomed cutaway and boiled shirt, tNwirling bis accustornid rope between thé scenes of*"Ambassador Bill,!'his new pic- turc, which is s-howing- at thé, Wil- me tte theater,Thursday, Friday and Saturday. February Ili 12 and 13. 0 1 Photographs of Char !racter 122Central A ve. Phone Wil. ý2526