I1 ef U4U U lvn frth as i Editor's note: A citizen of Glencoe. threatening, or its.' sorrows . however b -VI 1I~ir"Vp~ as been worked out whereby the class who, is worklng with the Glencoe heart-breaklng, make you unmindful of years. Fiscal ccmmttee ln ts effort to obtain1 the defense of tomorflow, of those dis-1 Mrs 'Saneswsbr tCni-wl ie nTedyronn te keep the grade. schools and New1 democracy is possible, thirough which the-ntiuoan hdsptretre week, making it possible for f athers as Trier Higb achool functloning despite1 institutions of civilization. can be per lifetime there, with the exception of well as mothers to attend. the present shortage of tunds due to1 petuated and strengthened. Conserve, en- the last few years, - when she lived Patclpolnsadudryn the taYiged tax situation, has submitted, dure t aaion and privation, suifer and wibbrduhe n'inet.Se Pricl pbs and phloobyoftert ofn wlth request for publication, the ap- sacrifice, to assure te those, whom you wt e agtri Wlet.-h rrcpe-n hlspyo h rto pended timiely editorlal froin the NewX have brought înto the world that It shahl was, a graduate of the old Weslevan living together will be presented by au- York.Sunday Times of Janiua.ry 17, last.1 be net only a safe but aiso a, happy college at Cincinnat i.Her.grea t grand- thorities in various flièlds, followed by It ts felt that evei'y parent of. a school 'place for them. chlld will want te read this editorial. Adi sa di father,Col. Robert Strong, was COIi- discussion periods. The, course opened Anditis spertinent adie today mander of ýFort Washington. at- Cii- wt h etr Wednesda y even ing. THE CHILDRN FIRST - to us, when communities under faJ* cinnati during. theRevolutionarv ,%ar. Fbur ,b r lryOesre THE HILREN IRS less stress, witb no peril at their doors Fb1ay3 yD. àrýOesre Soon after the United States enter.. or unusual bereavements. in their Fu er g r.Snes u-o e ok elkonato n ed the war in 1917 an' American homes, are closing. schools, shorteni- band,. the late Joseph, A. Sanders. lecturer, Who toxAk as bis topic, "uid ing termis or considering steps that passed 1away. He had been in the ing Minds for This Age."ý The lecture schoolman visited France to learn. will dePrive the childrenofta wholesale spice business inCinciiiniài. was given under the auspices -of the what advice the educational authori- which we, owe themn of our own herit- *Mrs. Sanders is survived by. nue Parents' council of the Children's school, ties of France had to give us. for th.-± age. 1 son, R .Sneso e okwbich is responsible also forp.resenting conduct of our schools in wartime. -City, and four datighters,, Mrs. Brow r adWto fteCide' Hemaea irut fth cutr.of Wlmtt .Mrs. E. w * Center, Detroit, later in the spring. Dr.* from. Amiens and St. Quentin at the T m Wan sTanî~ Kansas City, Mo., Mrs.LAdisoîn < Watson, will speak on the subject . o north tc> Toulouse andý Bordeaux at t rt fNwYr dio mental bygiene in relation to parent toSeek Olympie- Berth Pato e.Yr City and Mrs. the south -and from,,Brest on the west Tom Warne, former Northwestern William L. Brenn of Asbury Par',l é ducation. to Nancy 'and St. Dié and the blue pole vault star, has mapped out a heavy N. J. Six grndhlde ad v"~O; ther speakers on the evening pro- line of the Vosges, Seeing at first, winter program in his training prepara-! great grandchildren, also survv . grams, which begin at 8 o'clock, on the 1and'how the French were caring for tions for the Olympic team try-outs1 The fnri services weehl tirst and'third, Tuesdays of each morith, the education of their children in time next sufmmer. Although he has finished 'tifrdOi, b fCinclude Dr. Bert Beverle ,pyharist of greatest stress. He found that the hi s college com1rpetition Warne is work-; ifrOiasuubo ciat the Children's Memorial hospital. Minister of Public Instructionl, wIi ing out d4ily in Patten gym. nati, last -Friday niorning, and bulriail "fanishing Fears"; Miss Clara -Belle - was then M. Viviani, had- published The former Wildcat athlete wîîl com- took place at Green Lawn cemetcrv- Baker, direct.or of the Children's school, - an order that unless the mlitary thr.Al fMs adr'dul au- pete. in five eastern track meets1 during thr.Alo r.Snes gi "Evaluating Movies; Dr. Rachelle Yar- thoi-ie fobae thescoo s s h nnho eray h is ne ters and her' son were in, attendaîîce: ros of. the ýSocial Hygiene council, "Un- everywhere. be kept open." Thus the wilb heMlrs gmsa ew atthefu.eal.- drstanding Life"; President Edna Dieari "scholastic front"' followed .eyvery- York- February 6. Other meetsý in1 Baker, "Building Charatr'; Dr.-Aet wher'e the very line of the trenches. 1 whith he will compete.are:- the Boston, Gradaeo New Trier i Vail of the Bahai temple, "Foundations bengneermoe tante kloreters1 Athletic club games, Februarv 13; the li~o f Faith";- Viggo Bovbj erg,. "Finding distant, often less than two. New York A. -C.. games, February 17; 'ets tuv'ance.i Legree Friends and Hobbies."ý In Nancy the Amerîcan visitor., the Meadowbrook club at, Philadiphia. Max D. Engelbart, who was grad-m The, follo igprora1asbenar sengthe broken walls oi an ele- Fehrtuary,20, and the National A. A. U.ý uated from New Trier High school ranged for.the, niorning -classes,. wbich mentary school, inquired as to the ' chamrpionsbip at Nýew. York, February in 1919, received is degree of doctor meet at 10 o'clock on Z the second and fate of the cildren and was tol(l by 22. of philosophy in education f rom,-tîîe fourth Tuesdays, of. the month: the rector of the university that the'- In his workouts to date W\arne has:, raduate scboofte nirsv IFruy9-K png osd'D. master of the school. when thbe sheils- apparently reached tbe form wvich Mf liosls oth i o~~ ~arY Pope. began to faîl near the Séhool build- him the - Big Ten cbampionship l1a's-t hesis was on the subject, "The Prob-' February 23-"Creating Atmosphere i ng, timed the interval between the spring and wbicb enabled him totic 1s'fTcnqu ~ datoa throuigh Art," Mrs. .Marguerite Taylor. first shelîs, got hiss eblidren in lune, the- National collegiate championship i Research.", Mr. Eengelhart is w-cil 1M archi 8 - -Creating Atmosphere and in. a later interval mharched them along with _McDermont cf Illinois and rnw bruli theduaialvoî.through M.ýusic," Francis M. Arnold. to a cellar, with stout walls seventy Graher of thbe University of Southiern He ee edhsBcApi12"veongRppibl paces away and continued: the session. ICaliforniia - e-eMiieshs BchorofScinatric 2 eBloing spobliy ____________________degre f rom the. Universitvyof IllinoisMisBarcBiin. The extshei ptietate th scooî in 923andbisMastr o Scenc -~April 26-"Appreciating the Contri- building*'and wrecked. it conipletely. Townley to MakeCut23 fro, he samter fuSnivershv bution of Others," Miss Agnes Adamis. When, the visitor *remarked tbat thbe Ma- greeloin W teacher should bave had sorne recogni- in Boys' age Squads I1926. Froes127"o 191 b M auri-" ce . ngWorMndd tion the rector- replied tban. any Robert WV. Townley, athiletic direc-:asitat nth Breu fE duca,- nss"Mr. arie.H Lcr teacher in -France would bave done tor at tlhe Joseph Sears school. Ken-toa Rsac t h nvrst. My1-EoingNur"Jese- this. - iiworth, will mnake. the final cnt In , The course is open to ail parents inter- The Director of Education made f the boys' asetball squads tbis e '.Girls' Basketball Teametdinteubcs udrdsuso, like tribute in onie of bis memorable Hc plans to have about nime boys i --at Hi .a. y se T i and registration wil - be h eld at the wart mme statements: on eaclb squad. Tbey will compete iýIrs LOe i college at tbe time the classes open. - We admire, not wthout reaison, the' in the North Shore Graniar Scbool . The girls' basketbail1 team - o- the __________ serenity of the- farmèr who two _steps cgei orwib-isiiain-Hgces-sho lyd t is LBT AESPE from tne iattie iune is. sov-ing for th Iarn in fouts, ligh - ii aht - . of he sason lat meefirt. 'rC KnL OHAYEclub Pl aeRasp future his graiin on the bloody fuir- ini tl tweigbts, middlew ehs ganeFridayme- TeKnlot lbwl aeavp rowse~ Lecetrs w~ailenn the lie and beavywveights. - ing the Cleveland School. Cleveland per bridge on. Priday, February 5, at of -fireehohdrt who classe-s the sune MOwEonES4 to 0.Girls wh~o play on the r7:15 o'clock. -Tfere will be prores- of fre oldther elsse wihinsoun MOHERDIE Highcrest teamn, iricluding the' rè9sve contract. Hostesses for~ thezeve- ftnunrhe.ls reswig M M rs. John C. Eberhardt who bias uars -and Substituites, . are - Bianch iqig will be Mrs.- Jacques d La futu~re.- - - - - - -- been residing with ber daughter. Mr\ Krèusch, ooh Dtti-r vln hple ~s *ryd .lni that time France made ever ooh itaEey.CpleMsHrry J-. Williams; and- possible provision, in ber economv lJuliu§ A., Petersen, 222 Cu-mberland Borre, P.earl - Mouritain,- Christine Mrs. Arthur W., Wakeley. Friday eve- forthe present defense, but :sbe di( e~e êïiol, ti ite p, *i~wagner; Stella KoIIer, rang, February~ 12, the club will have a not for one momen~t forget the future passed away Tuesday, February 2 , Beatrice $ te«fens and- Helen . ngels. stag supper and bridge. Reservations 4efn~. Se venoprwdscoQl ~at the age of 74. Besides Mrs. Peter- Tii we kte1imée flsae.nay be muade witli Mrs. -Wilflat Tay'- - caves nd occasinalW - provided sen, Mrs. Rberhardt is survivyçd by a. sche<dut lNes Th -gh or. of el~worth. --- - tdacbei'sand ,pupilîtwitlï gas -mas , lam~Pes Eberhardit.,ofChicago. crest boys' basketball t-eaimlost 1t -red4s of children - fleeing-from the The rvcs are to be jeld in Dav 1Wie lst Turday 22 to 14. W~ed WILATED ANI terrdtory ,ccupied by the enenty er4,,ton, Ohio. todav ,Thutrsdlay'-). -- iêda4y iiht of this wek the bovs Miss Mary Rat veie Geasin, 910 -- being taught in barracks by the worn- were to play 1Northbroo2, at IN7%% l- hestnti stteet, andi Miss Sily Ross, - men teachers were called to the military at the homne of Mrs. William tiléranu Norh Shore residents- are being . Mrs. George E., Lettile, 510 Maple front by thousands their mothers, sisters o f Evanston. Assisting hostesses were urged t0 bring lost, 'stray or un- avenue, was -hostess a-t a luncheon or daughters came te assist on thbe scbol- M1rs. R. J. Mott and Mrs. Carl Wol- wanited pets te, Orphanls of the Stornm, last Friday in honor cf lier lieuse asi rn.Nwee-na h choigctt cf Evanston and Mrs. Hiramn Cody atDefed'-br ti promised guests, Mrs. E. H. Schaefer, cf Mil- discontitnîud. . 1fornierl3t cf Evaniston. Luncheon. which thev ýwill receive excellent care. waukee and ber sister Mrs. Earl Mit- The advice wbicbi came out of all ,as served at 1 o'clock, was f ollowedi chell, who is moving te the uorth titis to us (thougb it was - advice of by bridge. - - Mrs. Nellia A. Hanna and her nep- shore froim San Mateo, Cal. dee an nt o wrd)w4spu inobew, Billy Johnson, of Chicago, left --- deedaudno- - f wod) as ut nto Mrs. Miles Geringer, cf Wilmette, last week for Clfri br hy Ms .J hlan 33Lk these words: .Clfri weete r- .J hlan 33Lk IDo not làt, the needs ; of the hour, was the bostcss at a 'meeting and tea vi-l join Mr. flanna, wbo has been in 'avenue, was Ilostess Tuesday to the however demandlfng,. or Its burdeus on. Tuesday afternoon cf this week1the West ýon business. Mrs. Hanna ex- memberscf ber, bridge club. Two hoWever hea.vy, or Its perils however for the North Shore Musicians club. pected te be away about two weeks. tabe eei ly