horse iivery at i13 West Raiiroad * avenue, now Main street, WVilnmette. Automobiles were a noveltv thein. .Mr. Herbon and his brother 1 a te r converted their horse lvr into an ' automobile iivery, the first autoiîv- * erv in Wilmette. For fortv-four vears Mr-. Herbon has been, a resident oi Wilmette. He bas been ini thegarage business. in that village' for ineteenl years. lorj the last, seventeen ye ars at bis pre- 1 moretniotor car manufacturers have adopted ncrn-shatter glass. And in body construction all-steel is gaining over composite wopd and steel con- struction. The ali-steel -eelded body has forged rapidiy ahead in recent .years and Some. striking ffects have been a chieved iii steel body design, due to the abiiity of the body makérs to initiate new. methods, of metai stamping. Steel bodies are, obv iou sly safe and sturdy and aiso- have ver- low centers of gravity. That. is sure to S-atisfy! When you Place your car in our hands, you KNOW it wall be in perfect con~dition when iwe are finished. Red Crown, Ethyl, Solite Ga-Polanine-lao-Vis-High Pressure Washing-lnterior Vacuum Cleanng-Atlas Tires- High Pressure Greassng TIfEOIL WELL. Bab 'n' Mac Main $t. et Linden Ave.- Phone Wilmette 3334 MOTrORS SjERVICE, litcorporatied Sales Service Georgeand Leo arethe boys who, tering the ae business in \Vil- operate, the 'Milier 'and Miller garage. mette. They are prepared to ,repair and, repair serviceshop at 732 Twelfth any make- of car.1 T h e i r service street. Wiimette. George the older of truck with power cérane, shiown in: the the two, setrved tvo yiears. as a accompanving'picture, îs a1iw a ys mechanic ini the United States air availabie, as Milier ai-id Mlir g forces in France during the Worid 24-hour service. -1 warThe, mechanics employed by thé. After the war the Milier,boys wr Miller brothers, have, been viith the in' business for. five .vear.s at Spring- fr rciai ic toee o ifield. later coining to Wilmette, where b)usiness in.Wilmette, and their \%ork tbey have been fovr the past seven is as reliabie as if it were done bv vea rs., creo o. Wh'en George and Leo open ed the;r Gog rLo business in WViimette they adopted. Both the Milier boys feel thet the: the firm inaine. "Miller and Milier,',' servicethey give is always satisfitc- because there was, aiready at that tory, -for many of their customners time a garàge using the name "Mifjlier have, been with thern since thev. en- Brothers." tered- business in Wilmiette. These * Miller and M\illler have feattured customers.,arealiNayýs -wiiiing to-sav uip-tn-dIate equipment ever since enj- a good word foi- the boys. ISales of Packard Set yearis show -%as 64 sales. This year's. record, therefore, exceeds the best Record In New' York,! p revious onie by nearly 100 percent. l'le Packard '-fotor Car company These sales did flot include retail' .sold more automobiles at the N_ ewj sales made. at the show by nianv York National Automobile shmv. last other eastern distributors and dealers. montfli than at any, other Ncwe\ York 1 The new impressive sales record aiso miotor car show in, the history of the dîd not take into accomit sales niade> at, the Newý, York branchof. the con- F)uring thé *we k of 'theshv ac-ipanv at BroadWav and 6lst ýstreet- or tua reailsals mde t te Gan at anv f the dealer sales room.s i .Ce itrai Palace display and atelthe spe- the New York district. Packard salon in the Rooseveit h;Iotel total-ed. 127. Packard. has ex-,,Sýixtv percent of ail farmIs in the hibited ini every National Automobile i 1 shiow held in New York since the fi-st Uie ttsrpr wes n show in. 1901. During this 31-year, automiobi les, whieonly 14' percen.t ~period the best record up to this, report trucks; Everything for the Automobile 721 MAIN ST. i CLOSE» . .Va iee I .Phone Wi. 2600-2601 SALES- SERVICE 435 Main Street Wilmetle 955 Wilmette 95s