Winnetka Community House, bas tbree classes underway at present, two of these in their second ternis, and one quite new class for children. Ail three are sponsored b3' the league and conducted by well known' artists'. Anyone.interested in joining one of the1 three may do so by calling its in- structor. Allen Phil1brick's p ortrait. class comtmenced its, second term -of -four- téeen weeks January, 26.. It, is held each Tuesdayand Wednesday rnorn- ing.1 With. the1 portra it wor.k Mr. Philbrick also .gives instruction in other types of painting and drawing. Ris note as painter and etcher quali- fies him well. as instructor. Hé is a inember of the Art institute facpltY*. Mr. Philbrick, Mrs. J. W. F. Davies of 652 Lincoln avenue, or Mrs. Lillian Tanner of 817 Chestnut court mùay be consuilted by prÉospective students. of that organization held. in Cleveland, recently. The Miraclean system is em-t ployed by Shore Line Cleaners, Inc., ex-1 clu sivelv ini this vicinity. Althoughi Mr. Ridley bas been active ini the cleaning1 business only a few years, he is already one of the larger cleaners.in1 the Uni ted S ltates and two, years ago headed the National Dry Cleaning Surey. wbicb was conducted in several of the..leading cities of the country. Hée %,il1 continue a s president 'of the Miraclean Institute, Mr. Rogers states. NAMED TO GOLF POSTS Men promninent. in north shore golf- ing circles recently have* been namd' to imâportant commnittee posts for 1932 in the Chicago Golf association. Dr. C. H. Searle of Skokie bas been named chairnian of., the caddy coni- A large1 group Of Youing People up mittee. Jack Westland Of Sunset Ridge to ý18 years of age was present Jan- will be chairman. of the handicap corn- uary 23, at the first class of the Sat- m ittee. A. C. Barnett of Kildeer is urday morning chilren's group. Mrs. a memnber of the club relations com- Elizabeth Kryscher Peyraud of High- mittee, while Ira Couclh of Glen View land Park instructs the higil school is on thie handicap commnittee. age departnient; Mirs. Edna May Stevenson johansen of Winnetka bas r.SmeH.Dst83Cnra the ýpupils of grade school age, and MvsnueanWilte aH.dars. 81 etral the primary department is iinder Mrs.. aenue, 51Wiet a vMs eorg,éW i. Hope Hawley Degenhardt of Hiîgh-Raie 6Wnetaa'u,\i- land Park. ~Portrait, still life, anid netka, attended a houseparty in flower study will be taught, as well Goodlaxid, hId., for several days last as appreciation and history of. art.. week. Mrs. Nancy Coonsman Hahn of 'Wininetka, who bas done outstanding group, which is now ini its second meiorial work iii various cities, in- terni. This ineets eaclh MondaY structs the third class, a sculpture miorning at Community House. Lower Prices. on BERNIE Photos Stili maintaining the: Supreme RNIESTUJD "Better Pictures--Betrer Values" 163Sherman'Ave., EvanstOn Tel. ýUNI. 8998 Mr.o their ch home ai a six % Fla. 'fl *R. Rosen and returned to their ood avenue frorn x -n in Hollywood,I lcwn and back. Uce Cream .(In Pint Packages) Y0u 7Wii start foIifay » TEN THOUSANI> ALUMNI ARE HIRING PRESENT GRADUATES cÔILEI 1 .