WVell, what did happen to it? The saine thing that would happen to any undertaking that was nlot backed by the spirit and enthusiasm of those belonging to it. Oh -yes! the great majority 'of you read The. News. Notes. We -have plenty of readers (and of course, -the more the merrier"), but what we need now is a group of enterprising "star" reporter and columnists., There, are plenty of you prospective' jour-. nalists in: the school, we -know, who. woù Id be only too glad to have this. opportuniity of practising your fu- ture vocation or hobbyif the realiza- tio.n of its presence were only brought to:your attention. Sometime in the near future we e t start a paper oi our.own, independent of any other pu blication, but before its success .can be insured, we need to make a go of this, Our present job.* Now it'~s up to you stui- den ts to stand by your school in its hour of need and prove to the public, who have shown so much "school spirit" by mnakiig it possible for'u to continue with'our classes and extra curr.icular activities, that the students of New Trier ýare not unWorth- of their intereSt. Brothers of the Pan' (No relationl w Sisters of the Skillet) We, the autho rs of this column, in answering the questions, which we hope you will send in,,do not daim to possess any super-natural powers, but base our answers on the resuits of great. and extensive research. in the fields ofMusic, literature, love, philosophy, art, etc. We will answer:questions pertainin g to love, business, or any of ýyour dif- ficuit problems. These- questions* must flot,1 -involve anyobody 's naine, but fictitious'tities may lie used. you an e xample of )f the Pan: 'rrect a very bad slice -G. V. Said Quinlan to Stilling at the fi mal: "Stickç out your ears, vou sliding though vour collar." When to Latin class 1 go, A littie prayer 1 utter low: I say.ini accentS soft but deep. 1.Now I lay me down to sleep. Ëirtnv.:,"I smell painit." Renny: 'Sure. That's you're nose is on your face." becau sc 1 -stood on the bridge at inidnight. Ah,, with the tollsman's daughter; The tollman tookc the bridge away. And we both feuI in :the- water.ý Harry Kinne (t6 cont ributor to .the Echoes) . "This isn't, poetryv;. its merely an escape of gas."y Balloon Gordon: "Oh I see. Some- thing wrong with the meter." lit the. C Iasroom Ililde: What plant flourishes ini Cold?" G. Schilbach: "Ice plant." Mr. Shearer: "'What Greek Slogan is'used extenisively in this School ?" Ed Frankel: "They shallflot pass.", Bayne O'Brien: "Weil,I sure knocked them-cold in my examns." Tomn White: "Yeah, wihatja get." O'B: "Zero."-By special permis-. siofi of the copy-write owners. Mr. "Bill"' Reiley: "'Who buy.s the grub for the Whïte House?" Jack Kelley: "Why Mrs. White, of course." Chuck Leonard: I got zeroý in an Alg. test.", >Bill Holmies: '"That's nothing." Mr., Vankirk: "What is the sc-n- tific name for snoring?" "iDuez" Bartlett:* "Sheet music. Miss Ulrich: "What caused the railroad strikes of 1877?" Pat Lawrence: "Why, the nmen re- fi eon in the Girl's Club room on Mon- day has a great deal of.difficulity in finding their way about ini the sein;- darkness. Girls come out of the baif lighted dressing roon oddly ar- rayed in.each other's socks and gymi suits. Pupils appear 'ii. lasses,,with the wrong books because of the dim»_ ly lighted halls. It is a seriou s in- convenie nce. May we.-make,a plea that, the book store order a supply ofi caps with litie lamps.on the front such as ,the miners' wear1 as they carry > on their work' in the unider-. ground? TrackMenMake 57 Points tg* Win Triangular Clash The track men of New Trier made it, a clean sweep of the week-end sporting events by-winning a trian- gular mieet from Evanston and Pro- viso. at the fieldhousç .last Saturday. The score was New Trier, 57; . Ev-, anston, 51; Proviso, Il. Capt. George Quinlan, for the sec- ond time in as many meets, equalel the world record for the 50-yard dash by winning f rom Pierce of Evanstôn in the time of :05.4. Pierce, competing in bis last meet, was again high scorer with 16&%/ points. He won both the hurdle events, placed second in~ the. 50-yard dash and the hroad jump, and ran on the relay teami which placed second. The meet wasn't decided until the last event, the broad jump inl which Wanger beat out Pierce by onie-haif inch. Jimmy Kingsley of New Trier pulled a surprise by winninig the pole vauît with a jump of 10 feet. Kings- lIey cleared it,,on *his first try and probably could, have gone, higher if pressed.. Eng-ela le uIrom Man" Engels of Evanston performed an, iron-man feat by winning the mile and placing second in the haîf -mile. fle finished smiling in both of thern the first half with tle score 11-5 against'New Trier basketeers, who lidn't seem to work their attack, be- cause Morton intercepted about every pass anid had control of the ba11 most of the time. The start of. the third quarter was Iitte better, Mort 1on running the score up te 16-5.' Then things began te pop. A basket by.Josliti and then one by Gordon brought; the crowd te its feet. Then joslin -put. in, three more in quick succession, 'alonig îit.h a free ýthrow that tied the score .at ,16-16 as the quarter ended.. The' last ,quarter saw the Morton team demo- ralized. Joslin put inanother.baskcet and a free- toss while Finlayson added.- a basket and Sinding, a char- ity toss teo complete New Trier's scoring. The best Morton could -dcp was, to sink, two free throws. Co-Ceptala Churelb I. 1DU New Trier played without the Serv- ices of Co-Captain. Church who, is out of school with a bad cold, but Wil- liamns performed ably in his place. Joslin kept his hold on first place in the .scoring race by dropping in six ' askets. and three f ree throws for 15 points. He bas.,made eight out of eight free tosses in the, last two games. New Trie'r's ponies took it on the chin again, this time by the score of 30-19. -Morton displayed a smooth- passing quintet that had possession of the bail most of the time. Zah- robsky of Morton collected 10 points, while Kelly garnered t-wo baskets and two free throws for 6 points for New Trier. In a preliminary gamne, the Morton !Frosh-Soph team. inflicted the- first defeat on the New Trier, boys, by a. score of 38-23.. Summaries: Reavyweig#t New Trier (22) Williams' f.............. 0 3 Josiu, f.............. .6 3 0 Sinding, c......... ........O0 2 3 Plnlayson, g...............i1O0 2 Gordon, g ................i1 O 8 Morton (18) Kopecky, f.............. a i Ceçff, f. ..ý........... ......*AO0 1Voplcka, e............ ....i1 1 O Y'endryck, c. ............O O 0 i 1 Kokes, 9...g......... 1 1 2 flear Anxi ous One: GIRLS Go to a school for the deaf and The swimrr dumb and pick yourself a girl. This f or the girls, may Sound ftunny, but it is the wisest systemn of fiv, 19 thing to do. -of practice,i -Brothers of the. Pan. anxious tQ Ic - forge how. 5 If yuhave any problems see of the ýnew 1 either Willard Meier.of Bob Long. .reminded. With the new point points for every week iny girls ought to) be i the fun. And don't «fy"' you'll look in one nk suits, the girls are, raut-onbyKingsley (N. T.) ; -- "--*--- kefield (E. ) second; third was te Shot put-Wonl by Schumannt (N. T.> veen Shumway (E.), Tra.bert (B.) Waters (P.> second; Hllpert (N. T.) i Smth (P.) and Don Smith (P). third; ]NoNdberg (N. T.> tourth, DIS- ght-1O ft ,tance.-43 ft. 1ilnh. Jump-Won byRunge, (E.); sec- Relay-Won by New Trier _(Quilan. was tie betwe en Robing> (P.) and îKirby, .Hainilton, Newton)NVa1SOne rsera (N. T.); fourth was tie be- ýsecond; Proviso, third.'Tlnie-1 :14.4 .ý: 1